Variety (Jun 1930)

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We(Jnesday, June 11, 1930 VARIETY ASTOUNDING SUPER 'TheLOTTERV BRIDE' Arthur Hammerstein's operetta with Jeanette MacDonalJ, John Garrick. Joseph Macaulay, Robert Chishohn. Joe £. Brown. Music by Rudolf Frimf, Piresented by Joseph M. Schenck; EDDIE CANTOR in "WHOOPEE" Greatest spectacle of beauty, speed, music and exciting fiin. All-Technicolor. Directed by Thornton Freeland. Presented by Florenz Zie'gfeld and Samuel Gotdwyn. D.W. GRIFFITH'S "ABRAHAM LINCOLN" Script and dialogue by Stephen Vincent Benet. Cast includes Walter Huston. Una Merkel, Hobart Bosworth. Presented by Joseph M. Schendc HENRY KING'S "EYES OF THE WORLD" Adapted from Harold Bell Wright's popular novel.. Cast includes John Holland and Una Merkel. Presented by Inspiration Pictures, Inc. ' and Sol Lesser. NORMA in "DU BARRY' Woman of Passion.'*' The "Sarah Bernhardt of the Screen" in the great' est role of her career.'A Sam .Taylor Production^ with Conrad Nagel ana. William Farnum} .Joseph M. SchencV 'presents*^-' RONALD COLMAN m An original story by Frederick Lonsdale, . iuthor of "The Last of An. Cheney" and other' well-known plays. )v1r. Goldwyn is plannin9 fhat this^picture shaH ber the most astounding success Ronald Colman ever made. Presented by Samuel Goldwyn«i EVELYN LAYE in ''MOON MADNESS" Popular star of Ziegfeld's "Bitter Sweet" in her first talking picture, on original story ' by Louis Bromfield.. Music by Nacio Herb Brown and Bruno Cranichstaedten' . . Pres. by Samuel CoWwyn, Irving Berlin's "REACHING FOR. THE MOON" with BEBE DANIELS A modern story with in-j ferpretive musical scor« by Mr. Berlin. Adaptation and dialogue! by Wm- Anthony McGuire,^. Directed by Thornton Freeland Presented by Joseph M. Schenclu DOLORES DEL RIO and WALTER HUSTON in a stupendous stoiy' pfithe great south- west by Willard Mack. Jwo great stars in, one picture,^ *l _^resented by Joseph M. SchencL, GLORIA SWANSON^S .Second, picture following "What a Widow^'' will be an intensely, dra* matic story, an original,, especially written for heri Title, director, cast, to bdi ■ ■ y 'announced later. Presented by Joseph P. .Kennedy^ CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "CITY LIGHTS" A story full of pathost tenderness and laughter, the world loves, and^ done as only Chaplin_can do it. The screen's su^ preme comedy achiev^ •nent,' the. master, com^ edy of the age. Greater, than "The\Gold, Rush*; and "The Circus.*-* "HELL'S; ANGELS' The most stupendous and^ spectacular air romance^ ever filmed. In produc-^ tion three years and cost- ing K000,000. Jtjwill make screen history. Ben Lyon^and James Halljn IheJeading^roleti^supJ ported by Jean Harlow, Presented by^ Howard Hughefa AL JOLSON in ^'SOKS O'GUNS The first United Artistij picture; of, this .interna^ tional favorite is adapted^ from New York's^ most^ successful stage hit, and- promises to be the^out- 'standing^ P'c*"'»^f t''^' career.* Presented^bV Joseph M. S^encL. -^== - - ^ ^ The book of the year —Ever/ wise showman's Index to. the bJBSest. monex-maker^'