Variety (Jun 1930)

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^^dnesday, June 11, 193C FILM REVIEWS VARIETY 31 Hollywood Bulletin (Continued from page 15) •TJeave It to Smith" la on with P. J. •VVodehouse already writing on the lot. George Berthelon and Edward Cronjager left for Puget Sound to line up "Silver Horde" locations for Badio. Lew Cody goes Into "Beyond Victory" (Pathe) Instead of Robert Armstrong. Latter still on location In "Railroad Man" (Radio). Christies will talkerize "Meet the Wife," Lynn Starling's play, follow- ing "Charley's Aunt." Warners take over four Santa Barbara screens for operation about June 16. Victor Rosen to manage. With resignation of Robert Harris from head of the scenario depart- ment at Metro, that title has been abolished. Sam Marx, New York, and Lou Edelman, formerly of the sales department, go in on a two- way proposition to fill the berth vacated l?y Harris. As an offshoot of the Macloon's recent production here of "Desert Song." Ned Holmes, business man- ager of the show, filed a wage claim witi> the Labor Bureau for $880. After flni.shing "War Babie.s" for M-G. Buster Keaton will leave with his family for Europe. On a quest to gather authentic data for his next picture, "This Modern World," Alexander Korda, Fox director. Is leaving for Biaritz. AI>'SLEY LAMBERT DANCEKS Now at Fublix-Balaban Sc Kate Tlieotres ORIfiNTAL—GRANADA—MAKBRO CmCAGO, ILI.. GEORGE And Hl8 Famous 'PUNCH and JDDT' Featar«d In F. * M, 'Oyp. OrP> Gypsy' Idea Thi.«i Is the adaptation of "Bas- querle." Fox IS testing Phil Neely, vocalist m Abe Lyman's band, for "Just Imagine." Van C. Newkirk has been elevated from traffic manager to studio di- rection at radio .station KHJ. Ray Winters has been added as an- nouncer.' William Hamilton, film editor at Radio, is recovering from an ap- pendicitis operation at the Angelus hospital. William Darling is in New Tork for a conference with Joseph Urban. Latter is due here July 1 for Fox: Megaphone on Paramount's "Tom Sawyer" and "Huckelberry Finn" will be handled by John Cromwell. Zion Meyers and Jules White's next dog talker for M-G will be ' All Quiet on the Canine Front." Charging that he was unwarA rantedly cancelled on a two-day booking at Santa Barbara, Bob Petticord, vaude, filed wage claims for $95 against Jean Moikeljohn. Grace Hayes set for the next "Little Show" by Charley Foy, her agent-husband. has been taken by Paramount on a five-yeac contract with options. First is opposite Jeanette McDonald in "Honeymoon Hate." Following this, Chisholm will do a stage show for Arthur Hanimerstein in the east, then return here for more pictures. Talk around about Davey Lee re- turning to pictures. Paramount is .said to be after the tot for "Skippy," while Columbia is also interested. . George MacFarland has been bor- rowed from Fox for "Half Shot At Sunrise," Radio. • Welford Beaton, editor oC. a .Hol- lywood trade paper, is directing independent shorts. Jack McLaughlin, reported to be backed by the Mexican government, is making musical shorts for Span- ish speaking countries. Ground has been broken at Radio for another new building. Struc- ture is to be a two-story camera and "still" department, Carol Miller, ' doing a specialty with Ben Bernie's band, singled out by Metro for a test. Superior Court has approved Loretta Young's new contract with First National. It calls for $875 a week with, yearly options for $1,250 next yeaii and three succeeding boosts of $500 each. Although mar- ried. Miss.Young is a minor, there- fore the court's jurisdiction applies in this state. Warners, joining the railroad story cycle, will make "Romance of the Rails," by Maude Fulton. Wil- \ia,m Wellman' will direct, with Marion Nixon, James Hall and Grant Withers in cast. Upholding the theory that stage players don't mind playing extras in films, Claudia Dell and Marie Wells appeared as nameless models in "Life of the Party" at Warners. Sid Silvers, released by Warners, goes with Paramount in the east as a writer-actor. Six months' con- tract. Busby Berkeley goes with Para- mount as a director on a year's con- tract with options. He will move to the Par lot after finishing work on "Whoopee" for Goldwyn. Robert Chisholm, British baritone. Lester Cohen, novelist, has b.oen brought here to write originals for Columbia. Henry Ladd engaged by Radio to assist Pearl Eaton in handling dance numbers on "Leatherneck ing," Sam Shipman and John B. Hymer left Metro after completing "Never the Twain Shall Meet." Both have been here for seven months. Hymer is returning to New York. Ship- man wants to stick here a few weeks longer. The same day that Sono-Art re leased James Ashcraft as p. a. he was engaged by U. A.'" He returns to New Y£rk to join that exploita tion department. Joint Zoning Meeting in Chicago Circuits, Indies-and Pettijohn Chicago. June 3. For the purpose of re-zonitig this cily in reijard to exhibitor prolec- tion on pictures sold out of Chicago exchanged, a meeting between Charles Pettijohn of th« Hays of- fice and distributor anvd 'exhibitor representatives was lield at the Congress Hotel Monday. A committee of IS, representing n\ajor circuits and independents, including three exchange »nen, Harry Lorch (Pathe), liCroy Alex- ander (Columbia), Jack Miller (Chi- cago Kxliib. Assn.), Aaron Saper- stein (.VIlliHl .group), also four down- Detroit Fox Cuts Phyllis Haver is here, her first visit, since marrying, to stay two weeks. Helen Cohan, second daughter of George M. Cohan, made her stage debut here In "June Moon" Slipped into the show without extra pub- licity. After a.sking $100,000 to direct "East Is West," Universal discov- ered Edwin Carewe would not be available until completion of "Resurrection." U Is now looking for someone else. Detroit, June 10. The Fox de luxe house here, un- der the manaement ofg Bill Uay- nor, l)as cut price.-v to the bone in an effort to bring the house out ot the-red. Willi prices of 25e till five and 50c evenings, Salm-day and Sunday, with 13c for children at all times, new .'scale has caused a furore in local show circles. House has capacity of 5,100 .seats and has played to hunger almost since its opening almost two years ago. With a nut.of between $30,000 and $35,000, it took an unusual pic- ture to pull the house out of the red. Other do luxe houses play to a 7Gc top, as has the Fox till this cut. The effect on the situation here remains to be seen. Other houses contemplate no action. town exhibitors. Stove Bonn Is. Prod Andor.^on, Alox Manta, Kdward Alger. The zoniii.g i)lan atloinptod In l^os Angeles and Detroit is not proving satisfactory, but I'eltljohn states that he will remain In town until a settlement is effected,! The present zoning and protec- tion plan establSslied by Paramount for Chicago covers 30 to WO days' release protection with .a radius ot 100 miles. Pettijohn refused to touch on the competitive advertising situation wliich h,as been a. sore point among Publi.x, G and IC, and R-Kl-O. Pettijohn's Plan The zonin.g and protection plan Charles Pettijohn Is fostering In Chicago is the same which the Hays olTlce says is now in effect In Los Angeles and Detroit. It look nearly three years to get the machinery Installed on the West Coast where indie interests fought . it. The new draft went through six weeks ago and that, Is now re- vealed here, was the principal rea- son for Pettijohn's trip to Holly- wood. Pettijohn lias overstayed his leave in Chicago, originally having been expected back yesterday (10). Haysltes are confident that he will put the plan through. DICK HAELAN AT FOX Hollywood, June 10. Richard Harlan, associated with Henry King on several productions, goes with Fox to direct Spanish versions. His debut as a director will be a Spanish version of the Fox dramatic short, "Friendship." Harlan's father Is American con< sul at Havana. TON See page 37 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 1 1 1 1 1 1 f have just been signed by the Warner Brothers to play the lead in their' forthcoming picture-operetta, ^'Children of Dreams.*' I want to thank Sigmund Romberg, who has written probably his greatest score, for believing I can sing it. Also, Oscar Ham- merstein, 2nd, for writing such an original and beautiful story and feeling I can do it. I want to thank R.-K.-O. for exploiting me as the R.-K.-O. Radio Girl and featuring me in their theatres. I am grateful for Mr. Hiram S. Brown's high, personal opinion of me, and to Mr. Joseph Plunkett (he who kept me so long at his good, old Strand Theatre) for his endorsement. And to Miss Rosalie Stewart for her coroperatton on the Radio Hour. I thank them all most sincerely. To the music publishers, for always being so kind; to Lee David, for his interesting arrangements of my popular songs. To the trade papers: "Variety," for its constantly encouraging reviews of my work ever since I started, especially at times when it meant so much; also the "Billboard" for the same, and its recent glowing criticisms; "Zit's" for its flattering mention of my radio work. And last, to Benjamin David, my manager, who has guided and directed me step by step through everything, and made it all possible; for his undiminishing faith and his persistent, cease- less efforts. " / leave for the Coast in a couple of weeks, so these friends may not be disappointed. I hope I will do well, I will try. Exclusive Management BENJAMIN DAVID Hammerstein Theatre Buildinc 1697 Broadway New York City MARGARET SCHILLING