Variety (Jun 1930)

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4J5 V A R IE TY Wednesday, June 11, 1930 Variety Oills NEXT WEEK (JUNE 14) THIS WEEK (JUNE 7) Nurperals in connection with bills below indicate opening day of — show, whether full or split week NEW YORK CITY C'lieoter Isl halt (11-17) Mills & .Shea Eddie Dale & Co Olive Olsen (Two to nil) 2nd half (13-20) 2 Daveys Totes & I^awley Powers & Jarrett ■Bremz, Ftz-Murphy B De Wolfe & Co 2nd half (11-J3) Manning & Klaiss Furm'n Sh')c"y & L J.Janis & Co Irvin O'Dunn Dance Fables OoliHctini iBt halt (14-17) JunRleland Clifford & Marlon (Three to fill) 2nd halt (18-20) I.ynn Canter J & K Spaneler Bill Robinson (One to nil) 2nd halt (11-13) CllfTord Wyne S Jack I.avler B Kelly & Co Jans & Whalen Slst St. iBt halt (H-17) Scott .Sanders Veroello Sis & Co 2nd half (18-20) H Jerome' & Grey Kavana Orch (Three to fill) 2nd halt (11-13) T McAulirte D & H Blossom C Howard & Co Flo Ijewls 80th St. Ist halt (H-17) Bin Tin Tin (Three to HID 2nd half (18-20) Larimer & Hudson , Haymond Baird ol'our Diamonds Johnny Burke . 2nd Jialf (11-13) Russian Art Circus Derlckson & Drown M Berle & Co Hooper & (inlrhet Kelovia Brems, I'-tz-Miirpliy Helen? Denlson Co iTelTerAon 1st half (14-17) Futuristic Fantasy 2 Daveys B Kelly & Co Forsvthe & Kelly M Berle & C:o 2nd halt (18-20) D & H Blosaoin Wm Sully & Co P HiBKins V Harris & Co 6 Crackerjacks 2nd halt (11-13) G Dormonde & Co Badger & Muessler W J Kennedy Dengon & Cannetax ,T Osterman "Eyes ot Youth" Faluc« (14) Rub Art Circus F Sylvester & Co Will Mahoney J Ostern'on (Others to nil). (7) 4 Karreys Gordon & King Princess Slavlnsky H Jerome & Grey W & E Howard Frances Williams Williams - Howard Van & Schenck Willie Mauss : Jay C Flippen 125tli St. 2nd half (11-13) 4 P610S Ryan & McConnell 3 Upstarts Ix>ca1 Girls Hazel Romaine Royal 1st halt (14-17) Russell & Morgan P Callahan '& Co Carroll & Gorman "Eyes of Youth" 2na half (18-20) Dorothy Barber 5 Vale & Stewart Lydell & Macy 2nd halt (11-13) Gilbert Bros AMERICA Presents Its ' SYNCOPATED SON JACK POWELL to liOndon via. C. n. Cochran** Revuo Dir.: LEDDY & SMITH Johnny Burke a8th St. Ist halt (H-17) M Schilling M & A Skelly Bob Roblson (Two to fill) 2nd halt (18-20) Rels & Dunn E Dale & Co H J Kelly R & R Lite Co 2nd half (11-13) Falls Reading & B F Craig Jr C Armstrong & Co 'Whitehead-Alvarez J Elliott & Peaches Made & Stanton -Fordlinni Ist halt (14-17) I.nmont 4 Hooper & Gatchett Deno & Roohelle (Two to nil) 2iid halt (18-20) Canslnos Savoy & Mann Joe Darcy (Two to fill) 2nd halt (U-13) Carr Bros & Betty R BaIrd Ada Gordon Hcaly & Cross Frnnklln lat half (14-17) The Reals Harvey Wilson Mack & Stanton Carr Bros & Betty 3 Little Sarha 2nd half (18-20) Mnxford & Gobs Madeline A & Sonny I.aniont Morton & HIggins Snyder & Coolev 2nd . halt (11-13) Al &.Ann Slryker Sherman & Ryan Rich & Adairo Ida Ma^ Sparrow Corinne Tilton Emigrant Gypsy Or Hnmillon 1st halt (14-17) Dugan & Parke Maker & Bedford Forsythe & Kelly Ruth Mane Bruner nROOKT.YN Albee (14) Allen & Tiller Girls Healy & Cross C Howard Jans & Whalen (One to nil) (7) Impromptu- Rev R'ddell & Dunnlg'n Wilton & Weber Rln Tin Tin V & Ernie Stanton Btlwards & Armlda Flushing 1st halt (14-17) O'CHnnor Sis 4 Diamonds H Jerome & Grey (Two to nil) 2nd h.alt (18-20) 3 I.ordens Scolt Sanders M & A Skelly Chamberlain & II 2nd half (11-13) Bobbins 3 Yates & Ijawley T & R Romaine .1 Browning The De Marcos Mlilclte-Fitzgerald Kenmore 1st halt (14-17) Renkal & Okinn Raymond Baird Wm Sully & Co P HIggins Ida M Sparrow 2nd halt (18-20) D Costa Revue D & H Blossom Rln Tin Tin (Two to fill) 2nd half (11-13) Ijarimer & Hudson M Langford J Young & Co F Dcvoe Vercelle Sis MndUnn Ist half (14-17) B De Wolfe Co Adams & Rash W J Kennedy i Co OOWARD SLOAT BONDS FOR INVESTMENT a B. Leach & Co , Inc. b7 iVilhjm St N V C Armstrong & Co Deagon & Cannetaic 2nd lialt (18-20) Tenkay & Oklnal Carroll & Gorman B Kelly & Co Jock McKay 2nd half (11-13) Futuristic Fantasy £> Moore & Pal B Ue Wolfe & Co Angpr it Dunbar llfppo<Ir6mt! (14) f'randall's Circus Fails Heading & B Rfxn^rs & Donnelly Joyner & Foster 'Carrie * Edille i . JliirpoUromo (7) Zelda |Uros 'McKlunri .Sia (Two to nil) 2nd half (18-200 Evans & Wolfe Margrtret Shilling Bobby Hcnshaw Milton Boric * Co 2nd halt (11-13) 3 I.ordcns Rogers & Donnelly .1 Regan Llbby Dancers AKRON K4>lth's (1-t) Don l..ce I.ouIko P ICirkland I,op Morse Solly Ward & Co (7) . Arlhur J'etley J Downs Al K Hall & Co ATLANTA Kei(h-H (II) Howard's Ponies .Meiino & Davia .M » \Vlilli> K Mnrkejl Dancers BIR.MIMiHA.U Keith's (14) M.'irsliall Sim King's Steppers Voice of liie RIvO Any l'':iniily Bert Walton nosTO.v KrMli-s (II) .Vileen & Miirjorie l-'urm'n Sh'r'y & L Crfrce Nile & Co V & E Stanton Tne Demarcos (7) Max & Gang Margaret Schilling .Morris & Campbell Freda & Palace The Digitanos IHil'FALO Ifi|>po<lrome (14) Bliz Morgan Co Leslie Strange C Freed & Orch Blocks & Sully Fclovis (7) P Oukralnsky Bal CIrace Doro- Wm & .1 Mandell Oyien McGlveney The Wager CHARl,Oin'E ' Orplieum 2niT halt (18-20) Nathal Everett Sanderson Franklyn D'Amore Eddie Pardo OKtCAfiO r.ilitce (14) L & F Berkoff Naughton & Gold Gloria Foy & Co. I.ou Holtz (Others to nil) (7) M Colleano & Co' Scooter I-owry lAunt Jemima J Marks .& Co The Ingenues Stnle I.nke (14) C Galenoa Milo Bullcr-Sanlos Co Al Trahane May WIrth & Co Harlman Swan & L A Reubens & Co Bob Hope Webb's Co OlNClNNATt Keith's (14) La Belle Pola F & J Hubert A Rubens McLellan & Sarah U Lubow & Rice (7) Don Lee * Ixiuisa li Fabor & Co ^ Franklin Buster Jolin West Havania CI,KVEI.AN1> Palace (14) Speedy T'ect Vox & Walters ' Aunt Jemima Joe Marks The Ingenues M Lubow & Rice Brady & Wells J Burke (TlH-ee to fill) 105(h St. (14) W H Groh &. Co Cook Sis C 311m Tlmblin Lovejoy Dancers (7) Great RoUo Brltt Wood 5 Pctlcys (Others to fill) l>AI,t,AS Keith's (14) Rolsman's Alabmns Use Marvenga Ell Borden 4 Phillips FORT -IVORTH Mnjestic (14) Hungaria Tr J B Stanley Ernest Hlalt D Carroll-M'Cnrthy lIAMn,lX)N, CAN Keith's (14) Dezo Reller Charm 4 N Phillips Jr & Co McKay & Arrtlne Gray -Family IlOt'.STON Kellh'H (14) Murnnd & Girl on Sid Marion Odds & Ends (Two to nil) LONG UKACH . Keith's (10) The Dakotas Ryan & Noble! to ' H Sanlrcy & Co - (Two to nil) (9) ZaStro-White Rav Joe Termini Faber & Wales Bob Albright Rov McKlnney J,OR .\N(iKr,B3 IllllHlroot (14) KnoH Frazere Boyd Seiiler & Co Tiny Town Rov Conlln .t (Slass (7) The Dakolas Ryan .t Noblelle H San trey «- Co MONTRKAIi Imperial (14) J Thomas 6 l)on Cummings T vSi R R'omulnc Harry & Whilledgo (7) Luster Bros liallon * Craig 4 I'cachi'S * SiL'lcr Roy Scdloy it- (Jo NKWARK Puliice (U) R'lliloll .V: Dunnig'n Suite Ifi . li'riMla ti ralnoe Improiiiplu Itov (7) Bcdiee Sr Uuliyotle Ada Hrown ('lian\l>iMl.iln Tlinics Harry Holmes Lop Twins i- Co KKW ORLKANS Orpheum (14) S Allison Sis (lalla RinI & Sis The Lockford.i Chain & Conroy (Two 10 nil) OAKLAND - Orpheum (14) De Toregos Lylell & Fant Kitty Doner Frank Gaby (7) Enos Frazcro Hoyd Senior Tiny "I'own Rev Conlin & Glass HPOKANK Orphram (14> I.oma Worth Pressler & Klalsa .Sylvia Clark Lights &- Shadows (7) L Osbonre & Chico Roy Rogers Viola I>ana Kramer & Boyla ST. IX>UIB Keith's (14) Kltnyamas Al Se Ann Stryker R & M Brewer Heyday of Youth- Jack McKay Assorted Nuts 2nd halt (18-20) Adama & Rash Joe Young & Co Bob Roblson 2nd half (11-13) A Wycolt & Co Marie Decoma H Nolan r.eary M'rriss'y & Murray Interstate Now in R-K-O List Sol Gould Olsen & Johnson (Two to fill) (7) 6 Galenos Chesleigh & Gibbs TInova Balkorc Co Al Trahane May Wlrch & Co .ST. PAUL Orpheum (14) W Higgle & Girls Roth & Shay W Walters & Co Roxy's CJnng (7) VANCOUVER Keith's (14) L Osborne & ChIco Roy Rogers Viola Dana Kramer & Boyle (7.) Kanazawa Japs H Foster Welch Maxine IjCwIs H Carroll Revuette WHITE PLAINS Keith's Ist halt (14-17) A Kaufman Girls J Regan & Co Picture Theatres NEW YORK CITY Cnpitol (C) "Steel Blues" Dave Schooler June Carr Les Gellis Chester Hale Girls "In Gay Madrid" Paramount (6) "Lanterns" Chinese Whoopee B Joe Wong Jones & Wilson PIckard's Syncptra Paul Ash "Shadow of Law" Rosy (0) "Star of North" Beatrice Belkin Patricia Bowman Hilda Eckler Toscha Samarov T.eonlde Massine M McKee &■ V Duze Vasillerf & R "Born Reckless" CHICAGO, ILL. Chicago (0) "Puttin' On Dog" U Bub Nolan Bd Sa.mmy Cohen George AH LONDON! LONDON!! LONDON!!! We Are Sole Bookers for Six London Super Cinemas, and No Act Is Too Big or Too Small for Us ARE YOU COMING OVER? WRITE OR CABLE MYERS' VAUDEVILLE AGENCY 1, LITCHFIELD STREET, LONDON, ENGLAND . OKLAHOMA CITY Orpheum (14) Lime 3 Wilson Keppla & B H Fox & Co Tracey & Hay 0.nAHA Orpheum (14) Cherry Blossom & J D Duncan & Co Nan Halperin Burns & Allen (7) Loinas Tr Tylof Mdson .Sully & Thomas Nalacha Nattova PORTLAND Keith's (14) Flo Mayo & Co Grade Barry Cirace & M Eline Egan & Redheads PROVIDENCE Albee (14) The Digitanos Carr Lynn Morris & Campbell Derlckson & Brown Max & Gang (7) Dugan & Parker Lorlng Smith Co Peter HIggins Farnell & Florence Lantont 4 ROCHESTER Keith's (14) Johnny Downs Teck Murdock Co Frank Devoe Peplto (7) Nash & Falely L Benstead & Co W Dare Wahl C Withers & Co SALEM, ORE. Salem (14) Ann Pritchard . Zelda Santley Eddie Kelson St Clair Sis & O'D (7) Reynolds & White Lcdova Fred Llghtner R Huling & Charlie SALT LAKE CITY Orpheum (14) Heraa & Wallace Orvllle Stamm Grls Weaver Bros Home Folks (7) Frabell's Frolics Manny King & Co Nan Halperin Burns & Allen SAN ANTONIO Keith's (14) Mascagno 4 Paxton Stuart & Lash The Cavaliers SAN DIE(40 Orpheum (13) The Dakotas Ryan & Noblette H Sahtrcy Co (iS) Zastro-Whilo Rev iloe Termini Fnber & Wales Dob Albright Roy McKinnoy SAN FIlANCISCO Golden Gate (14) Reynolds & White Ledova Fred Llghtner Maxine Se Bobby Wheeler & Morton Wu & Chin Showb't SYRACUSE] Keith's (14) Nash & Fately L Benstead & Co W Dare Wahl C Withers & Co ' (7) Pcpito Ewirjg Eaton M & A Skelly Block & Sully Manllus Bd TACOMA Keith's (14) G Andre & Co Sybil Vane Lander Bros Palm Beach Nights <7) Flo Mayo & Co Grade Barry G & M Eline Egan & Redheads TORONTO Imporlal (14) Alexander Tr Chas Me'son . (Two to nil) 2nd halt (18-20) A Kaufman Girls O'Connor Sis Chas Mclson (Two to fill) 2nd halt (11-13) A Kaufman Girls Chas Melson .Mavin Sis Ergatte & Herman South &■ West WINNIPEG Capitol (14) Maxine & Bobby Wheeler ' & Morton *Wu & Chin Showb't (7) • Bob Rlpa Kerr & Weston B'ob Murphy J Daly & Rka Co YONKERS Keith's 1st half (14-17) Past & Present Alexander & Sant's J Granese & Co EXCLUSIVELY DESIGNED GARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN BEN ROCKE 1632 B'way. at SOth St.. N. V. Cit> Jerome & Ryan K Christy & Co Davlto & Denny Co Mltzl Royal D'nc'rs (7) Grace Wylio Two Davles E Dale & Co Bob Roblson TRENTON Capitol (7) Cliltord Wayne S E Grimth & Co Ada Gordon & Co Davlto Denny & Co TROY Proctor's (11-18) Step, by Step Al Belasco Esther Ralston Romas Tr UNIOJJ CITY Capitol 1st half (14-17) Rajah Rabotd 2nd halt (18-20) Eyes ot Youth Rajah Rabold (Three to fill) 2nd half (11-13) Jungleland H Justa & Charlie Q Niblo & Co Br'dl'y & Tlern'y R Bob Nelson YOUNGSTOWN Kelth'8 (14) I.aSalle & Mack Ewlng Baton Al K Hall & Co Brady & Wells Duncan's Collies (7) Gay Gordons Paul Kirkland Lee Morse Vox & Walters Ellz Morgan & Co Western R-K-0 lA. CEDAR RPDS Iowa 1st half (16-17) De Lisle Dell O'Dell Coscia & Verdi ({racella-Theodor 2nd halt (18-21) Froslnl's Mel Charlie Wilson Frabell's Frolics . (One to nil) CHICAGO, ILL. Knglewood 1st half (16-17) Foster & Peggy Bernard & Henrle .Saxlon & Farrell S De Vrles Rev PT. WAYNE, IND. Palace 2nd halt (20-22) Klutlng's Co Dora Early & Co Rhea & Santoro (One to nil)- INDIANP'LIS. IND Lyrlo (14) Dauntless Sid Lewis Doris Roche Bobby Baldwin Barbarlna & Pal Fred Evans Girls Brady's Mongrels "Devirs Holiday" Marbro (0) Marbro Galtles" Benny MerolT Bd Joe Bcsser iMelvl.n Bros Anita Laplcrra High Society Bis" Oriental (G) Lef* Go," U ' Masters Bd Ann Pennington Ted & Al Waldman Chevalier Bros Bambert Ballet "Gay Madrid" Paradise (0) 'Rivers ot Rom' U M Fisher Bd Allen & Canneld Worthy & Thompsn Ben Dova C. Peterson Virginia Bacon F Evans Girls "X.iadles Love Brts" Tivoll (G) "Sunny Days" U Harry Rose 3 Gobs The Andresons F Evans Ballet "Ladles Love Brts" Vpto>vn (G) "Tin Type Rev" Al Kvale Bd Frank Wilson Chas Hill & Co r^assltcr Bros Llora Hoffman 3 White FiftShea D Berka Ballet "Ladles Love Brts" BOSTON Metropolitan (7) Will Rogers Eddie Lambert Dorothea Berka Leon Barte Ashley Page "Devil's Holiday" BROOKLYN Fox (7) ^ "Dominoes" Al Lyons W Osborne & Bd Bob West "What a Man" Paramount (6) "Carnival Revels" Rudy Vallee Barl Abel "Shadow of Law" IIIIPFALO Buffalo (7) "Dude Ranch" Charlie Davis Burns & Klssen Joseph Allen "Safety in Nmbrs" Hippodrome (7) P Oukralnsky Bal W & J Mandel Owen McGiveney The Wagor Grace Doro Edrls Mllar 'Those Who Dance' CLEVELAND State (7) "Ruasiantics" Dave ' Apolion Danzl Goodell Royal FllIi)lno Bd Hetsy Reese Byrnes & Swanson .Spltalny "Lady of Scandal" DETROIT Fisher (7) "Garden Gambols" Eduard Werner Arthur Gutow Del Syncopators "Iiady of Scandal" Fox (7) "Kyes" Greene & Clifford G Candreva Bros Don Carroll The Burroffs Paul Olsen Keo Tokl & Tokl Follies ot 1930" Michigan (7) Magic- Mel" K Lewis & Bd William iSL- Delaney S Benavie .'shadow ot . Law" .MIN'POUS, MINN. Minnesota (14) Rvrs ot Rmnce" U Allen & Canneld Worthy & Thompsn Ben Dova Carlos Pelerson Virginia Bacon F Evnna Girls NEWARK Bmnford (7) "Blue Mill" Benny Ross Ray Bolger Brox Sis Gabriel Hinos Harold RIeder •1 Romantic Night' NEW HAVEN F»x-PoH (7) "Desert" Don Gill "Fin D'Orsny" PUILADELPin.A . Kurle (7) "Pleasure Bound" Jay Mills Vanessl Lewis & Dody 4 Carlton Bros Llttleficld Dancers "Only the Brave" Fox (7) "Uniforms" Hunter & Percival Armand & Perez Sylvia Shore Helen Mooro .Toy Bros "On Level" PITTSBVIUiH Penn (7) Wesley Eddy Benny Davis ' Bemis & Brown J Heller Addie Seamon .May .Toyce Dorothy Jones flallf Crooners Alfred Brower "The Bad One" PROVIDENCE Fnys (7) "Young America" fJoogan & Casey J Manlcy & Co Villa &, Strigo Jordun & Grace 3 Scovell Sis "Around Corner" WASH'GTON, D. C. Fox (13) "Uniforms" 5 Jack Kaufman Hunter & Percival Armand & Perez Ruth Hamilton .Shore & Moore Joy Bros Leon Brusiloff Meyer Davis Sym 'So This Is London' (0) "Carnival Russe" Countess Sonia Alex Sherer Bekefi Sam I>lnneld Co Tmperial Russloa 3 SunUist Girls Leon BrusllofT Meyer Davis Sym "Movietone Follies" Pnlare (14) "Step Lively" Collins & Peterson "Devil's Holiday" s (7) "Japamles" Ted CMaire Nell Kelly "Texan" George Lyons Melrose & D Val (One to All) NA.SHVILLE, TEN. Princess (14) Phlps, Clnbn.SlelTen Smith & Barker R Fielder & Harriet J Burchill Co JACK L. UPSHUTZ TUESDAYS HOTEL ^^r^w"vi,V^* TAILOR, 908 Walnut St., Phila. R Kuling fi Chas (7) De Toregos I,ylell & Fant Kitty Doner Frank Gaby SCHENECT.ADY Keith's Ist halt (14-17) Lady Tsen Mel M'rriss'y * Murray (Three to nil) 2nd halt (18-20). H Justa & Charlie Dalton & Craig (Three to nil) 2nd half (11-13) .Alexander Sis 4 Lifebuoys Morion & HIggins lliirkn * Durkin Horb't G'ldina & V SEATTLE Keith's (14) Kanazawa Hoys 11 Foster Welch Carroll & Lewis 11 Carroll Hcvuolte i7) G A nil roc & Co Sybil Vane l,:inil>'r Kros Palm Iti-iK'h Nights Anger & Pair The Subdebs (Three to nil) 2nd half (18-21) Gwynne & Co 4 Bits ot Harmony (Three to fill) D.VVKNPOKT, lA. Cnpitol 1st half (16-17) Cadet Saxtette TInova & BaikofI (One to .nil) 2nd half (18-21) Dot Myers Rev Coscia & Verdi Anger & I-'air DI':S MOINES, lA. Orpheum 1st half (16-17) Dot Myers' Rov Cliariio Wilson Raynnr T.chr & Co 2nd half (18-21) Hiinpy Family Wndistr & Ross (One to nil) DETROIT, MICn. llullywooil 1st half (16-18) Le.i Ghezzis ri)llii-rn lo All) EVNSVILLE, IND. Lonw's 2nd halt (19-21) Stcpanoft Co (One to fill) JOLIEl'. ILL. Rialto 1st halt (16-18) Don Galvin (One to fill) 2nd h^lir (19-21) 4 Uessems (One to fill) LINCOLN. NEB. Stuart (16) Kirk ' Lawrence Frank Meiino (;o Billy Maino & Co MADISON, . WIS. Orpliciim 1st half (15-17) M Wilkens Co Morrcll-Beckwlth (One to fill) 2nd half (18-21) 5 Janesleys . Lydia Hnrrii Pasline Rev MEMPHIS. TRNN. Orpheum (14) Eltinge & Vernon Packard A Dodge Kraft & I/smont .loft Rea's & Bd MILWAUKE', WIS. lUvcrsido (14) The Auroras ■' Primrose Svinun PEORIA, ILL. Palace 2nd half (20-22) Kelcoy & Francis Bachelor's Romnce (One to fill) ROOKFORD, ITX. Palace 1st half (16-17) Earl Fabor & Co Paper Creations (Two lo nil) 2nd halt (18-21) Dell O'Dell G racella-Theodor (Two to All) SIOl=X CITY, lA. Orpheum Ist half (14-lG) Foroslni's Melodns Winchester & Ross Honey Family (Two to nil) SO. BEND, IND. Palnce lat halt (16-17) Klutlng's Co saxlon & Farrell Rhea & Santoro (One to fill) 2nd halt (18-21) Paper Creations Raynor Lehr & Co 4 Ortons (One to nil) Helen MorettI Chas Red Marshall Bob Hall Wheeler Twins Co Lincoln Sq. iHt halt (7-10) Lenze-Zellg 3 Buddy Doyle Bomby & Rad Gnd (Two to fill) 2nd half (11-13) Cigi Co Llla & Strain Willle-West-.M'Gnty (Two to fill) National 1st half (7-10) La w ton Tlie Warners Powers & Jarrett Bob Hall Hayes-.Mrsh-Haves 2nd half (11-13) Margaret Morel D Wright Co Lubin-Larry-Andre Trudlna Co (One lo nil) Orpheum 1st halt (7-10) 3 liordens Billy Bcurd .Snapshots B Henshaw *• Rel Tommy Atkins Six 2nd halt (11-13) Boyd & Wallln Sonny O'Brien Fulton & Parker Ross & Edwards A Ward-A Ross Bd Paradise (7) Dave Schooler Les Qellls June Carr (Two to nil) State (7) P Rae & Octette Sha^v 4: Lee (Three to HII) Victoria 1st hall (7-10) Trovato Moss <& iFrye Rhyme & Reason (Two to fill) 2nd halt (11-13) France & I<a Pell Billy Beard 'I'lie W.arners Bayes & Speck TrInI Varllla & Bd BROOKLYN Gates Ave. 1st halt (7-10) Harum & Scarum Russell & Marconi Cliase - La Tour Co Senator Murphy 2nd half (11-13) Vain Horn & Inez Ardcll Co Seed & Austin Tommy Atkins 6 (One to nil) I.oew's 4Gth St. 1st half (7-10) Van Horn & Inei: D Wright Co Ross & Edwards Pllcer-Dgls-McKna 2nd halt (11-13) A mac Russell & Marconi .Snapshots Claudia Coleman Loew NEW YORK CITY Boulevard iHl half (7-10) Jimmy Evans Co (One iif nil) .lack Usher Co Uulh Ford Swan it Lawls Rev Ind half (U-13) Sorgo Flash cigl Co ^ I'll OS Rod Martha 11 .li).<ici)hlrvc Harmon Marguorilo C.IU Delnncey .St. iBt halt (7-10) Oiiera v.-f. ilazz Llla it: Strain H & Frank Seamon Ruth Mayon Co (One to nil) 2nd half (11-13) Stanley Bros-Altroe Marjorle Burton Wilson * Dob.<!On .Senator Murphy Bomby & Rail Gng Fairinount 1st halt (7-10) Lewis-Wntrp-Whte J OP * Nil a Willio-Wosl-M'Gnly UayM & Speck V Halhburn Co 2nd half (II-IJ) Osaici A TakI 2d half (11-13, Serge FlBsh Joe & Nita ('hsHe & La 'iVur Boyle Sc J>dlii Marsh & Hayes BOSTON Orphwunt (7) Ed Sheriff * (.;, Hall & Syinonils Bedinl-Howard Ca Jue Fong Ruloff-liUon Rev CANTON Loew's (7) Fred & Daisy Rial Doyle & .Schrinpi- Sidney's Frniickers CAPITOL Loew's (7) Molly Picon Ivan Triesault (Others to nil) CLEVELAND Granndn (7) Benny Davis Tnit (Others to nili COLV .Mill's Loew'.s (7) D Apolion & Co Danzl Goodell Burns * Swan.son Belsy Rpoa EVANSVII.I.E I.oow's (7) Joe Mandls a'rio J R Walsh K- Co Mc.Manus it Hiokey- Alex Hyde .1- Bd IIOri^TON I^w's O) ■ Homer Romaine Carlton & Ballew Ralph Olson & Co Run.iwnv 4 JERSEY CITY lyOew's (7) H Bergman-nik Sh (Others lo nil) • KANS.\.S CITY Loew's (7) Slerak's Mrcis ' Seymour-Ptni-Mbrn 3 Swifts F Masters & Co (One to fill) MEMPHIS State (7) Mann-Brdfd-V Alst Gordon .& Walker Trixic Frlganza Paul Remns Co"" MONTREAL Ix>eAv'8 (7) 3 Blue Stoppers Haynes & Beckl A Loyal's Dogp Emile Boreo J F(i.1er & Bd NEWARK. Loew's (7) Wilfred Du Bois Doyle & Donnelly Casa-Lehn &- Co Watts & Day Gone Dennis NEW JFJRSEY Palisades Park (7) Red-Wh & Bl Trio Bloomberg's Alskns (Two to nil) NEW ORLEANS State (7) , Doncing Around tl (Others .to nil) OPENING FOR "PUBLIX" JULY 17, 1930 EDDIE STANLEY & "GINGER" / Dir.: LEDDY & SMITH (One to nil) Metropolitan (7) Kitchen Pirates Ruhy Norton Co Al Herman Art Landry & Bd (One to fill) Pitkin 1st halt (7-10) . 3 McCann Sis Nat C Haines Co Ross Wyse Jr Co O Stang & Orch (One to nil) 2nd half (11-13) Bellclalre Bros Marguerite - Acll Harris & Radclllf (Two to nil) Valencia (7) Leavitt-I^ckwd Rev (Others to nil) AKRON Tioew's (7) Revel Bros & Red (.' Emmy's Pels Little Jack Little F Dobson & Co ATI>ANTA Loew's (7) Kaflia-Stan ley-Mae- Tom Fulmer Roy Cummings W Sharpies & Co BALTIMORE Ix>ew'8 (7) Ted Claire Kikulas Japs .N'ell Kelly 3 Rhythm Dancers BAY RIDGE liOew's Ist half (7-10) 3 Jolly Tars Smith & Hart Harry Hines Bobby Joyce & Co (One to nil) NORFOLK State (7) Oriental Sketches Flynn & Mack CorcUl & JeannCe (One to nil) I'lTTSBUBC.H Loew's (7) MIchon Bros Rich Craig Jr SIdell Sis Wesley Eddy ■ ROOIiE.STER Loew's (7) Hedder & Emily Nancy Decker R Shannon Co. J Pepper & Boys Porcelain Romance .SYRACUSE I/0«W'B (7) Eton Days Unit (Others to HID TORONTO iMOW'H (7) Paul Nolan & Co ■ Kellh Wilbur Co Ai-dine ft Tyrell Watson Sis Amerloue * Neville WASHINGTON Loew's (7) Collins & Pelerson Goorgle Tapps Louise Bave 3 Samuels Bros WOODHAVEN AVilinrd Lst half (7-10) Bellclair Bros Corty & Lee Wilson & Dobson Seed* & Austin Trudina & Co 2nd halt (II-U) Don Julian T Haywood Co Nat C Hnlnes * Co Morris & Shaw Bobby Joyce C:o Fanchon & Marco ATLANTA. GA. Fox (23) "Uniforms" I Hunter & Percival Armand & Perez Federico Flores Mignon Laird Billy Carr Osaka Boys BUTTE, .MONT. OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THE H. *< DR. JULIAN SIEGEL 1B60 BROADWAY Tills Week: Mudnliiio Hodge. Viildn. Ruth Hamilton Joy Bros Shore & Moors BRIDGKP'HT. CT. Pnluco (21) "Overtures" 1 EUison ft Gregory 'I'oots Novelle .lack Gohlie nurr * iiure Hi'lon Hllln Louise Manning BROOKLYN (Fox <'iO) ■"Inl ernal ion"l" MarUi'll it I'aun (CotUinucil on pnirt Fox (10) , Bells &. Belles Eddie Hill Eva Thonilon Dunbar H.'ll tl g ra Tommy Tfarris li'rances Ted & '* Lorctta _ CHICAGO, II'T" .Vvnlon CiO) "ChanKcs" 1 , Ho-kor in.di-y Muri.'I Ganlni'i- DENVER, COIO. Griind (110 '•.MIni.iliiio' I Sinner s .MnU-la i>;<) .