Variety (Jun 1930)

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Wc^esday, Jvne 18, 1930 V A R I E T Y 87 THE DUPLEX HOUSEKEEPING F'URNiSHED APARTMENTS 330 West 43rd Street, New Yorlic ' t«nKRcre 7132 . ' Three and tour rooms with bathr- complete kitohen. . Kodern In every particular. Will accommodate four or more adulte. f 18.00 CP' WteBKl.Y . LETTERS When Seadlai tor Mall to . TABIBTT. Addrew IfaU Ctorfc MBTCABOSi ' AOVBRTISiNO .€«' OUODI^AB LBTTEaiS WIU, MOV ' BB ADVEIITI8BD l.grTKHg ADVUtnSIED GN ONE I88DB ONLY Armatrong Etta Benedict W J Burkerblle J W Burns' Paul Clark Patsy Ruth Cooke O Ernest D'elzare Ed le Kennedy Cecil R I>ane Richard XIalle Tommy Uurpby B 'ir Norma'a SI D Mrs Phillip* Perclval J. Reed Oeeree Saxon, Reed & K Schrleber Irene- Slmonds Bobby Valentine DiMrs Weir Ivor Wlnnlman H (8) Wlnstrom K Urs 7ounK Harry H CHICAGO OFFICE Balnsfnir Frank B Blatherwlck Malla Burkley Vivian dtklns Jack Cortez J Evans A A Gerbart Reba Gilbert Bert Lamar Jack lilghtfoot Peggy Raymond & Geneva Reynolds Vera Robertson L B Saxton Teddy Smith Rex Sweeney Fred White Bob Worth & Marks R Green ^ Monte Plume H A Pettit PITTSBURGH By HAROLD W. COHEN put—"All Quiet" (3d week). Stanley — "Devil's Holiday"; •how. Penn—"So This Is London"; •how. • Aldln«—"The Social Lion." Warner—"Courage." Harris—"What a Man"; stage show, Enrlsht—"Captain of the Guard. Sheridan 84.—"Midnight Mystery." stage staga H. M. AddlBon, formerly at Loew's Rochester, now manager of Penn- here. Livingston Lannlng resigned. Red Nichols' band, late of "Strike Up the Band," at Bddle Klein's yilla, roadhouse, Indef. Soph Tucker filled only three days of her week's night club engajgement here at Dells. Management s^tld *!iRed Hot Mama" was called home by illness Jn family; although' there were reports' Soph walked: ' * l^oi) shfiall-seat dO.Wntown house, Has finally succumbed to sound and is showing double feature at 20 cjents, daily change. OMAHA, NEB. By ARCHIE BALEY World (Fublix) building |26,000 canopy to replace ope cut down sev- eral years ago after court fight with rival theatres. Both Rial to and Km- presB, on either side of World at that time, have gone west. Popular Amusement Co. acquires Hamilton, fourth neighborhood. Company also has reopened Muse as semi-dowhtown talker. August Herman, former Publlx manager, opens Grand as talker on own. Prank Hensler, M-G-M branch manager, transferred to Kansas City, H. J. Shumow, Milwaukee, re- placing him. MILWAUKEE By FRANK J. MILLER Alhambra—"Fu Manchu." Davidson—"Western Front." Garden—"Mammy." payety—Burlesque; Alms. Majestic—"Notorious Affair." Merrill—"Three Sisters." . Palace-Orpheum—"Safety In Num- liers." ' - Riverside—'"French Gertie": vaude. Strand—"Movietone Follies." Wisconsin—"This Is London"; stage show. Opposite V. A. Clul: 99 and Vv 8lngl( ' $14 and Up Doable Shower 'Baths, Hoi . and Cold Water and Telephone ^lectrlc Fans 264-268 West 46th Street New York City . 137-139 Weit 45th St. NEW YORK ^ CITY Completely remodeled— I'everytblOB of the best — Blmmona furniture (Ueauty- rest mattresses), hot ind cold water, tele phones, ebowers, $12 for Single Rdora $I6.50-$I7.SO for Double RMm 9I8.00-)I9.00.$2I.OO f«r Double Room (with Private Bath>- This la the Ideal hotel for the PrO' fcsslon—In the htort of the -.theatvlcalseotloQ/ 1 Phones. Bryant 0573-4-5 days. Shows run continuously with pictures. Secret marriage of Otto L. Mels- ter, manager of Whltehouse the- atre, and Marie Pershal, cashier of the house, revealed last week. Now honeymooning in California. Mels ter was a widower. George Maurice, 40, of Utlca, N. Y., employe of the Beckman and Gerety .Carnival, Instantly killed, and Carl Kyle Dye, of Salem, Wis., suffered a crushed leg during the unloading of the show at Richards and Capitol drive. The two men, together with Hugh Jones, were asleep under one of the snow's wagons and were not seen by the unloading crew. "Western Front" reopened the Davidson Sunday. Nat Stone, of the Boston Store, owner of the building, Is now in control. B. F. Klein, mgr. at present, although Henry Goldenberg .may be the house manager when "house opens for regular season. INDIANAPOLIS By EDWIN V. O'NEEL Apollo—"The Golden Calf.V I<yrlc—"Born Reckless." Indiana—"The Devil's Holiday." Palace—"In Gay Madrid." Circle—"Journey's End." Ohio—"Around the Corner"; Puttin' on the RItz." L. ' Slack, former mayor, rep- resent J R-K-O in legal matters In this section. Solon J. Carter, former Superior Judge and Indianapolis -lawyer, named legal representative; of Har- ley -Ii. Clark, utility and film mag- nate. Carter will be Clark's per- sonal representative and be close-in on the reorganization of the movie industry. He will halve 'office's iii New York, Chicago and Indianapolis. Apollo trying . Thursday openings with other houses changing Alms on Friday. Simmons University band of Abi- lene, Texas, stopped oft en route to board the U. S. Lievlathan for Lon- don, where it will play this season. Dick Trotter's Pirate Serenaders and a floor show opening at "The Pirates Den," new east side - night club. B. B. Fisher, who formerly operated In Chicago, is proprietor. Cover $1. Shubert-Erlanger interests re- ported to be mo'vlng into Murat the- atre to allow Stuart Walker stock to open at English's. Walker known to be Interested in opening com- pany here, although no announce- ment made. SARANAC LAKE By "HAPPY" BENWAY Harry E. English, 64 Park avenue, back to bed with setback that cklled for special nurse for week. Resting much better. Irving Bloom has excellent report on last X-ray. Will leave soon. Jack Nicoll, Jr., now at Faxton hospital, Utlca, N. Y., iip and around soon. Beat appendicitis operation. Fred Ruth gets the okay for "porch" curing, first time in six months. X-ray report shows gen- eral improvement. Ben way, "Pride of the North- woods (?)," gets nice X-ray report: Very little "cork" left, allowed one talker a week, but no exercise. That hurts. Nellie Quealy. after three months of the bed, now allowed to up-lt for short periods. Setback didn't worry our Nell. Queens Garden Apartment Hotel 3755 79th Street JACKSON HEIGHTS . PHONE HAVEMEYER 75S9 Come out to gardensi sunshine^ Afresh air, comfort and iquiet. Two and -three room complete housekeeping elevator apart- ments. Linens, dishes, gas, electric sup- Ftlied. $21.00 WEEKLY REASONABLE MONTHLY . RATES 22 minutes from Times Square on B.-^M..T. or I. R. T. subway to Jackson Heights Station or Fifth Ave. Bus No; IS to corner 79th Street. summer stock season to capacity. Regultu* Broadway cast. Including Rosalind Russell, Eleanor Andrus, Anna May. June Sanford, Allen Mathes, Edward Cas^y, Ian Emery, Allen Moore, Raymond Barrett, Phil 'Van Zandt. Richard Bartell. Troupe under the management of Edward Casey and Richard Bartell, Welcome sign out for all show patients here. SYRACUSE* N. Y. By CHESTER B. BAHN Wietlnr—Dark. ° Ix>ew'8—"A LAdy of Scandal"; vande. ..Kelth?a—"Safety in Nanil>ers"; vaude. Strand—"Bride of the Reslments." Faramonnt — "The Shadow ot the Law." ' Echel—"Joumey^a End." Empire—Pictures. Syracnse—^Vandfllm.. ■ Steve Bolsclalr back at Warners Strand as'guest organist. He' alfio broadcasts from WGT^ Gladys Elser. who went to her home,, Esterville, la., says she Is doing extra well after a slight breakdown. Jack Hubb, Hillcrest San, Albuquerque, N. Mex., holding his own, but not so well. Patricia Balrd, Duesenbury San, Mt. Vernon, Mo., last reported okay, ready for home soon. Dorothy Maxwell Rochester, N. Y., okay after recent operation, worklnpr. Write to them Write to all ill and injured. Gayety is experimenting wlWi burlesque on Saturdays and Sun- ATI.ANTA. GA. Fox (30) "Hot DomlnoeB" Les Kllchs Paul Mall Llbonatl Hart W & Polly Terry Green BRIDOEFOBT, OT. Palac« <28) Adirondack Players opened their | "Manila Bound" Ford Raymond left the colony for the French hospital, N. Y. C, where he will undergo a minor operation. Rudolph Frlml will summer at Lake Placid. "Journeys End"'drew a fair house at midnight premiere Friday at the Fox-Eckel. Attitude of Fox district headquarters on <the Tiffany: special is puzzling. The advertising appro- priation for the picture has been a minimum figure; display space used In the-papers has been under that for.. "Bom Reckless" and other Fox programers. . .Explanation may be picture is in on. percentage. Con^ sensus that if .''Journey's End" does any business It will be because of the rave reviews and local interest built by the stage play^ last faU. Lower boxes being , ripped out at Keith's and replaced by regulation orchestra seats. Upper boxes will remain for the present. New cool- ing plant has finally been Installed. BmSNEnWEEK (Continued From Page 66) HODSTOn roew'a (14) Dancing Around XT' (Others to All) JEB8ET CITY . Loew'a (14) Leavltt-Lock Rev (Others to fill) KANSAS CITS lAtew'B (14) Hoiner Romalne Carlton & Ballew Ralph Olson & Co Runaway 4 (One to fill) MEMPHIS Btat« (14) Kafha-Stan & Mae Fulmer & Wayne R Cummlngs & Co lineal Kiddle Show MOMTKEAI., CAN. JLoew's (14) Paul Nolan & Co Keith Wilbur Ardlne & Tyrell Watson . Sis Amerlque, Nov Co NEWABK lioew'a (14) Van Horn ft Inez Nancy Decker B Hanley Co Zelaya R Mayon Co NEW JERSET Palisades Fork (14) D'Lorna Marietta 8 Flying Harpers Burns Bros NEW ORL.EAN8 SUte (14) Harrison's Circus nils Brice & Co Cole A Snyder . Betty Cdoper Rev NORFOLK State (14) Jack Hanley A Ball Co Ray Shannon Co Roye & Maye Rev FITTSBimGH lioew'a (14) Wesley Eddy Amaut Bros (Others to All) BOCHESTER lioew'a (14) Eton Days l^nlt (Others to fill) STBACVSE I«ew'B (14) The Stenards F & B Seamen Jules Bledsoe (Two to fill) TORONTO Loew's (14) Blue Garden Unit Allan Rogers Dodd ft Rush Winnie Shaw WASHINGTON lioew'a (14) H Bergman-Black S WOODHAVEN WUIard 1st half (14-17) Jimmy Evans Co Pulton & Parker Harris & RadcllfT Porcelain Fantasy 2nd half (18-20) Dixie 4 Ross & Edwards Marguerite & Gill (One to All) YOUR NEW YORK HOME REASONABPf PfaldgP IN THE HBART OP THECTE hPND PRACTICAL-ECONQMiaMT ^ JtaHstJUpyaurTfai Ben DOR 'court i v.: Mm .-'\:cj(^r/7 y sto. •■■>;.■■.■,- ■ y-WW "J?. -"^ ROOiV, SUITES ^ i. j,fi|'' FROM ^'M30."" u^, MONTHLY /. ;}| CHARLESTENENBAUM ^-^r- \v -' ^- ^ Ftaonat LONOACBB^OO QlflO. P. SCHMKIDEB.' Pra». FURNISHED T^XIl? Tn?T?TnU A FURNISHED JL rl£i DCjlxLtlA APARTMENTS ' COMPLETE FOR HUCSEKEEPINO. CLEAN AND AIBT. 325 West 43rd Street NEW YORK CITY FrWata Bath. 8-4 Booma. Catering to the comfort and eooTenlenea at the profession. STEAH HEAT AND ELECTRIC LIGHT. 916.00 CP iSn. Jackson now la ebarsa Uoyd BrIce Romero Fam Stella Royal Samuel Pedraza BROOKLYN, N. T. Fox (27) "Desert" D & M Beck Muriel Btryher Cropley & Violet Cb'I E^le Feather Caria Tormey Girls BVTTE, MONT. Fox (20-20) "Milky Way" Vernon Stiles Noree Stone & I^e Bert Faye Steve Moroni .CHICAGO. ILL. Avalon (27) "Gyp Gyp Gypsy" Chaz Chase F Evers ft Greta Jeanne Alexandrea Jack Vlaskln Ruth X<eavltt COLORADO Pasadena (26) Victor Herbert (Others to fill) DENVER, COLO. Grand (26) "Bells & Belles" Eddie Hin BVa' ThoVnton D'nb'r Bell RIng'rs Tommy Harris Frances Ted & B lioretta' DETROIT, MICH. Fox (27) . "Skirts" McDonald & Dean Julia Curtlss Ruth Silver. . Up in the Air Otrls FRESNO, CAL. Wilson (26-28) ^Seelnf^ Double" Stroud : 2 St John BIca Clute Kane Falla Maltby Holly & Electric Q'T FIXS, MONT. Grand (26-29). 'Good Fellows" t,ucllle Page Bud Averlll Harrison & Elmo Helen Burke HARTFORD, CT. Capitol (26) "Coral" Maurice ft .Vincent Royal Samoans La Petit Marie Oscar Taylor HOLLYWOOD Bc^ptlan (26) "Country Club" Leonora Corl Masters & Grayce Ray Samuels I.'0 BEACH. CAL. West Coast (26) "Romance" Castleton & Mack Jerome Mann Robert Cloy LOS ANGELES State (26) "Lovers' Lane" (Others to flll) HILW'KEE, WIS. Wisconsin (27-81) "Changes" Doc Baker Muriel Gardner Art Hadley (Others to flll) NEW HAVEN. CT. Palace (2«) "Peasant" June Worth JohTiEon & Ducker Delhi Sis General Levin Belcher Dancers NIAGARA FALLS Strand (28) "Marble" Roy Smoot Francla AI & Jack Rand Hector Co Harris 3 Georgenc ft Henry OAKLAND, CAL. Oakland (27-31) "Brunettes" Chlrot & Mercado Seymour ft Corncob Hassan's Co HIrsch-ArnoId Girls OKLA city', ok. . Orpbenm (27) •Uniforms" Hunter ft Perclval Armand ft Perez Ruth Hamiltpn Joy Bros , • Shore ft Moore FHILADBLPHIA Fox (27-31) 'Tnternatlonal" Markill & Faun Federlco Florea Mlgnon Laird Billy Carr Osaka Boys PORTLAND. ORE, Broadway (26) "City Service" Shapiro & C/MaHey Seb Meza Laddie La Monte George Jage - Frank Sterling BALEH, ORE. Elsinore (28-20) "Smiles" Lambertl Slate Bros Dorothy 'Neville Walter Bradbury SAN DIEGO. CAL. Fox (26) "Mllltaire" (Others to flll) BAN FBANCISCO Fox (27) . "Rose Garden" Red Donahue & Pal Harold Stanton Helene Hughes Hall & Essley Fearless 4 3 Jacks ft 2 Qu'ns Earl Wallace 6 Helen Fetch Aerial Girls Siinklst Beauties SAN JOSE, CAL. California (29-2) "Seeing Double" Stroud 2 St John ft' BIca Kane ft Falla Maltby - Holly & Electric SEATTLE, WASH. Sth Ave. (26) "Box o' Candy" Jones & Hull Frank Hamilton Reeves & Leu Marie Lucy .& Irene SPRINOli^UD. ILL. Pnlaca (28) "Trees" Terrell & Henley Naynon's Birds Relcard & Levlne Mavis & Ted Fawcett ft Thurst'n Esther Campbell ST. LOVI8. HO. Fox (27) "Miniature" Singer's Midgets (Others to flll) UTICA. N. Y. Avon (28) "Sunshine" VInce Silk Barton & Young Lankan ft Selby Mary Lou Richard Wally W'SHINGT'N. D. C. Fox (28) "Ivory" Will Aubrey 4 High Hatters Hy Meyer Betty Lou Webb Goetz & Duffy Peggy Cnree W'RC'ST'B, MASS. Palace (28) "Eyes" 6 Catidreva Bros Don Carroll Paul Olnen 'R & E Burroff Keo Yokl & Tokl PROVINCIAL DIBMINGIIAM Empire Balllol & Mcrton Grand "Golden Arrows" Royal "Sym In 2 Flats" BLACKPOOL Grand "Warm Corner" Opera Houxe "French Leave" BRADFORD Alhatnbra "Non-stops" CARDIFF Empire Ht. Roy's Lyrlcale Chris Charlton Harry Gunn Rego Twins Dudley Dale Bdythe Hyland Louise Maxin Norman & Arnold EDINBURGH Empire "Gipsy Vagabond" GLASGOW Alhambra "Traffic" Empire Larry Kumble Houston Sis Gerardo & Adair Mareskl . SkeetB Martin Andy & Irving The Jovera HANLEY Grand "Fools In Paradise" HULL Palace There's No Argmnt liEEDS Empire "Splendour" - Royal 'Abie's Irish Rose" LIVERPOOL Empire Sons O' OunB . MANCHESTER Palace Funny Boy NEWCASTLE Empire Billy Meraon Wade ft Barle Clsele Hughes Bert Westoii Northe Sis Bryn Gwyn Power & Page NEWPORT . Empire "Crack-A-Jacks" NOTTINGHAM 'Empire All Right on W F Royal Ham Deane & Co PORTSMOUTH . floyal Alf DenvlUe ft Co SHEFFIELD ' ISmpln ■ "Making Good*' . SOUTHAMPTON Empire Dear Ix>ve BOUTHSEA KIns'a Daphne LONDON Week of June 16 FINSBUBY PARK Empire '.'Journey's End" - HIppodroine "The Co-Optimlsts" NEW ClBO£|8 Empire Making Whoopee btratfokd Empire Tune In VICTORIA Palace De La Folle Pur* Radio Gir! Shdwdien (Continued from page 1") ot them. . He also stages partle^ rolls back the carpet and hoofs to the hour hjs company sponsors.-' '-. '-l • There are Instances galore bt thd; interference of commercial iheni' or.' their advertl^liiig agenta with'the' actual radio program director, not to mention the talent, and how they must yes them more than .an 'ks-' sistant director in Hollywood. Carnival Shat-Dot (Continued from page 1) close 75% of the remaining carnys. By ofCering -length protection It means that one or, at the best, three, outfits will be able to use certain roads during a season. The balance of the shows will have to seek other methods to get into towns. Up until now most carnivals have been following each other into the good spots. Aurora, 111.; St. Louis, Wlncliester, Va., and a host of other towns haVe had a carnival* every week since the season opened. "With tl.i new< railroad policy these gravy spots would get only one show, or a show for each competitive R. R that runs into the town. Roads Not Friendly The railroads have never been friendly to the week-stand outfits, as tho many complaints from the trimmed towns have reached the heaa^ oRlce. In addition, the carnys are always first in line to collect the rebate on milage, another sore point with the road execs. Roads such as N. T. C, 111. Cen- tral, C. M. & St. Paul and the Soo line have started the new protection Idea. Other roads are taking over tho plan rapidly, as they figure It will take business from competitors. Whatever way It works, it will cut a deep hole In the carny biz, the like of which has never been experienced. If this idea is a thoughttiillisr worked-out scheme to limit the traveling carnival, it looks as though it might accomplish something in the outdoor field local civic bodies, often state departments-and picture theatres have been striving for for. years, with but sure although slowly moderate success.