Variety (Jun 1930)

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V A ft 11: T t WcdiMtda^ Jun« 18, lti8 JOE AND CELEBRATED THEIR ISlh ANNIVERSARY ^ While at the R-K-O SGUSVANEiJDESCHiNDf- NEW YORK Last Week (June 7) Tlie above celebration also gees for EDWARD S. KELLER R-K-O reptesentatiye JOE AND "The Pennant Winning Battery of Song Land" (The Above Title by Jack Lait) "THEY LEARNED AB OUT WOMEN " A Smashing Talking Picture Hit Our First Picture and Latest Success Chicago Critics That Chose April's Six Best Photoplays Tell Their Story on the Right CHICAGO 'TRIBUNE" "They Learned Abdut Women"—full of sure-fire entertainment values, meaningr songs, baseball games, snappy dialogue, love interest, laughs—featuring Van and Schenck." Mae Tinee. CHICAGO 'TIMES" **Van and Schenck *Leani About Women' and make you like it. There, is enough of Van and Schenck at the State Lake this week for their most avid fan—after seeing their 14 reel film and their vaudeville act 'ia person* you still don't.tire of the boys." Doris Ardtn. BOSTON "POST»' Widi 10 new song hits, Van and Schenck make a tunefully triumphant debut as motion picture stars in *'They Learned About WomMf* n PHILADELPHIA "INQUIRER "A wealth of tuneful melodies—humor—a tear drop or two leave little doubt that their scrfcen career need by no bit be less successful than they enjoy behind the foodi^ts." CLEVELAND "NEWS" "Real entertainment value—worthy of the^ winner's floral horseshoe. There's never been a more enjoyable baseball story and maybe there's never been another as good." Ed. Jacobs,