Variety (Jun 1930)

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VTcdnesday, June 25, 1930 VARIETY ALL MEN Ten men and a gH caught in a Mississippi floods forget social standing, love ' and all else« until rescue sends them back into the fight of life. And what a fightl Frank Lloyd« judged the industry's best director has mode it his masterpiece. With Douglas Fairbanks^ Jr.« Noah Beery and Dorothy Revier.> Truth First, real* true-to-life story of our younger generation. At ploy ,and in love. A theme as strong as its Htle. With a cost of youth- ful players, to _ enact its stirring story. Loretto Young« Dou^'. Fairbanks, Jr., David Manners, Myrno Loy, Conway Teorle and J. Forrell McDonald. IKDED with JAMES RENNIE and FRED KOHLER Two Roaming Romeos with a girl in every port. Deans of oil lovers until they meet an untamed cutie, and learn about women from her. What a life they leadl What a picture it mokes. A supporting cast of big names to moke it doubly dynamic.