Variety (Jun 1930)

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.I'll; v.'i. I ' '.-V Wednesday, JuAe 26/1930 VARIETY 97 WARNER BROS. IVERSARY r 'ERTI5IN PERTINENT POINTS CONCERNING ! NATIONAL RADIO ADVERTISING ^ I* I?; w Produced the first electrically transcribed programs on the air, known as So-A-Tone broadcast. Originated and perfected by Raymond Soat President National Radio Advertising, Inc. Notional Radio Advertising, Inc. hod several notional advertising campaigns in the C9urse of broadcasting for seven months before any other company entered the field. And has now been operating for a period of fifteen months. National Radio Advertising/lnc. has at its service till the important broadcasting stations in the United States as well as several stations in Canada and one in Honolulu. Electrically: transcribed broadcast—broadcasting from records instead of from the living voice—is identical with chain or telephone wire broadcast save that records are used instead of living persons. The artists work before the microphones exactly as they do in the studio where a chain program is being broadcast, but instead of releasing the program immediately, it is mode into a record and held for deferred broadcasting at any station and at any time the advertiser may select. There is no detectable difference between the electrically transcribed program and the hook-up in which the voice and music are instantly released. The Use of records permits the elimination of errors in music and diction. The advantage to the radio advertiser is that he may select stations that suit his distribution requirements and thus reach a wider marketing area. This method eliminates all differences in time. His program can be released sim- ultaneously, at the choicest evening hour in any time zone, and can be heard at the same hour in New York as on the Pacific slope.