Variety (Jun 1930)

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Wednesday^ June. 25/1930 FILM REVIEWS VARIETY 115 MOVIETONE FOLLIES • (Continued from' page 109) Mrvant, Ifl one ot the few bright «^hta. In the Sterling household all Jhe males, including the hired help, sicked on the girls In the one show. Palming himself off as a millionaire friend of his boss, Brendel gets In a lot ot funny cracks and manner- lams. Including two' of the song aumbers with the hottest lines. Marjorle White, another bpopoo «lrl, does some animated'work as Vera Fontaine, the chorine who falls for Svenson. Waly. Dangerous Nan McGrew (All Dialog) Fanunount Publlx production and release. D^eoted by Malcolm St. GUIr from atory Ctaarle* BeaUan and Qarrett Fort. A^aDted by Paul Gerard Smith and Pierre Collnln. Camera, George Poloey. reatutea Helen HSne. Buns 71 mInuteK.. At Par- ' wnount. New York, -week ^une. 20. SanKefouB Naa McGrew........ Helen Kane .^¥SSter:.?r.............. .^Victor Mopre Bob Dftwea.....; ..Jamea Hall anataco Macy ;Btuart Erwln Muldoon .FranK Morgan GlaTA BenBon Roberta Robinson If re. Benson Louise. Cloaaer Hale gjdfrey Grofton >' Allen Forrest rant.,, .,,..,John Hpmllton BherlS. ....Bob Mllash As title Indicates, a none too seri- ous screen subject, sufficient for the laugh purposes - Iherof,. and should be treatj^d wholly as such;ln the. ex- plpltation, Helen Kane as the origi- nal bob-roop-a:-dy -al, with the strong cOmedy support in Victor Moore and the sut^rlse- comic, Stuart Erwln, are suscetiflble to ex- hibitor b&llyhoo. James Hell Is al^o the lead,, arid 'oke for the straight flapper appeal. ; . Helen Kane Is one-half of a, stone- broke medlclne> show which Doc GEORGE FtetDred In F. * U. 'Oyp. OyPi Gypsy' Idea AINSLXY LAMBERT DANOEBS X«w at PabUx-pBalaban * Kats . Theatres OBIBMTAJLi—OBANADA-rUABBBO CHIOAaO,.|]:,Iri Foster (Victor Moore) has been heading Into the poorhouae. Acci- dentally they run into a $10,COD ror ward for the capture of a murderer, and, with James Hall as the always- gets-hls-man N. W. copper, they manage to do It after a sequence of consistently laughable burlesk situations. Moore's comedy diction and style are enhanced, if anything, under sound-truck treatment. Miss Kane tops herself in the comedy depart- ment, and 3tuart Erwln as a saxo- phone addict Is quite a click on his own In the sap role. Ho and Miss Kane fade out in the final clinch, with Hall and Roberta Robertson the secondary romance interest. Obvious attempts for laugh-timing were made, but again the customers outguessed the production depart- ment by clogging up laughs. Paul Gersu-d Smith's vaude expe- rience Is apparent throughongt with' the "laughing gas" scene In the den- tist's chair and the stooge scene be-^ tween Moore and the-murderer, bo^ concurrlng .lt would be fa good idea to give th^mi^elves up to €he cops and' split their own reward, but soibehow, deispite all the tbWn blazr ening, they can't find 'a cop- who would take them seriously. ' Miss Kane doe9 three fijimbers, the last two quite good, especially the "I. O. U." song, selling everything. The lalfs and the Arctic atmos- phere may: make this okay summer fare. Abtl. FAMOUS ME3GI-4IN NKW HOBIE ttn TenlcA Blvd., Jam AbkbIm TRIGGER TRICKS (All Oialos) , . IXnlversal production and release. Writ- ten and directed by Reaves Bason. Harry Neumann, photographer. Featuring Hoot Otbson, Sally EUers, Bob Thomas and Jack Rlchardspp. At the .New York, New York, one day, June '6, as baU double bill. Running time,- 60 minutes. This western . has Buspense. Though minus many others, that suspense .carries It .along at an even' tempo. Some action is. expected at times, but both gunplay and fist fights ■ are lacking. HoWever, it should not prove a disappointment to the western fans. Gibson in this case is the tough speaking, albeit mild looking and acting, cowpuhcher who hooks up with it sheep ranch to avenge the death of his brother, foreman on the ranch. A' girl, Sally Eilers, runs the sheep ranch. Gibson hires out as a stool to the cattlemen who are attempting , to put the screws on the sheep ranch. Bulldozes the cattle- men into believing the sheep men are waiting In ambush, and when the cattlemen rush to shacks to attack by surprise the sheep men, Gibson corrals them all. This flicker Is brought up tO date by making use of a play back gram- ophone to capture the cow punchers. Then speak into It and then play it back when the punchers are In the room. They believe the voices to be coming from men lying in hiding In the room. Gibson looks good In this. Miss Eilers makes one sweet looking cow girl. Two men, playing Dutch and Mick dialecticians, lend the comedy /oouch. Left-Over Short Hollywood, June 21. Paramount will release a short featuring Rosita Moreno and Nina Martina. It was originally an Item for "Paramount on Parade." EXHIBITORS ATTENTION! EISENSTEIN'S MASTERPIECES! •TEN DAYS TNAT 8H00K THE WORLD." Four SUr Picture. Pour weeks' run in ■ Chicaoo theatre. Mae Tinee. 'OLD and NEW." >6ur Star Ricture. Mae Tinee. "Onis of the greateiit productions of all times." Rob Reel. ' AliSO •VILLAGE OF 8IN* -HER WAY OF LOVE" AkA ather snent elaciua 'saeeeMes and box elD«e atfeiMitlons available; far ..>--•: immediate booldnc. INTERNATIONAL CINEMA 64 W: l^ndolpli St., Chicago, 111. DANCERS Featured in F. A M. -Brunette" Idea School Address, 545 Sutter St., San Franpisco FANCHON St MABCO PRESENT JONES and HUH .TWO NUTS" la •VOX O' CANDY" IDEA BERNARDO DE PACE A Riot with 'TOP O* THE WORLD" Unit Now at Chicago Theatre, Chicago, E Direction WM. MORRIS OFFICE Women Eveiywhere (DialoBTSongs)- Fox producttQB and nlUM,' ' Dlrect«d Vy Alexander Korda . from . itonr by Harlan Thompsoh and IaJob Biro. Sodrb by Wil- liam Kemell. - At Hippodrome, New. Torjr, week June 21. Running time, 82 minutes. Charles. Jackson J. Harold Murray Iilll La Fleur ...........Flft Dorsay Arlstlde Brown.... .George Qrossmltb. Sam Jones Clyde' Cook Zephyrlne Rose DIpne Michael Kopuloa Kalph Kellard "Women Everywhere" Is • one of those gems occasionally found in the herd of program pictures. Despite Its length and the frequency with which It Introduces soners, this' Fox film is excellent In all departments. It Is a first run of big hou&e attrac- tion, and way ahead of many of the talkeris ballyhooed on Broadway. For all other classes of house it's a find. J. Harold Murray and Fill Dorsay do splendid work- In the leading roles. .Murreiy'has a baritone voice that recprds Nothing short; 6f,j$0r- geousiy In tills pic^ujre; Mlq^-Dorsay does more to establish herself as the female Chevaliier any other work. ■ •■ •:; .' "Vl^illiam Kemell, credited for all' of the vocal compositions, hits tbo beU •each time. ^. li la the-music In one w the Isrrlo In another.- Summed-up there, la not a Btngle"writing^,th'at hasn't borne tatc)iy or pieaajng fea- ture. ., ' H,- The set . construction aiid lighting effects ar<e! al^. meritorious. ■ Street and cabaret scenes In. Morocco, a Foreign Liegton post, and action aboard ship all contribute to the vividness. ,' The picture opens With Murraly as Charles Jackson, romantic rover, singing aboard - ship ther' hit song, titled "Beware'«f Liove and .Ijaugh- ter." ^Apprefilatlpn for it, Increases when,parts of 11,are later repeated by Murray. ' ~.. \ .A double-cro^slnCr .quartermaster. turning the crew over to the Mo- rocco offlcials immediately gets tbe theme off on Its land quest for love and revenge. Murray does this In the conventional Hollywood way by meeting Fifl In her cabaret dressing rOom^while evadlng the police. And Fill, shortly before bavins sung "Everybody's Good to Fifl," gives Murray another opportunity by let- ting' him masquerade and baritone "liove Is a Story." But the action thickens and Mur- ray dons a dead Leglnnaire's uni- form to elude the police and Michel, the quartermaster, who pursues him with the tenacity of Valjean's J&vfirt. : Battles with the Arabs brings In sbn.e beautitui aesert shots. Plenty of melodrama here. Convincingly, MUrrav gets back to the cabaret and tbe evil Michael runs a Liegiitnoalre gauntlet instead of marrying' the coveted Fifl. Walv. MEPiqiNE 'MAN • (All pialoO) ■ Tiffany tirodudion'and release. -'Directed by Scott Pembroke .from the-play by Elliott tiester. Adapted by Bva Unsell. Max Du> pont and Art Reaves photographers, Fea- turinir Jack ,9enny..and Betty Bronsom At. LOCK'S Ne^ York ,«ne day, June 12, halt double bill'.' 'ItunninK tfme, OS minutes. - \ ^ Old-fashioned tneller 'With a dab of comedy; Everything- over- stressed. .Father Is.made to be too severe, gir^ entirely too s\yeet and. the boy. entirely uiibelteviable. Betty Bronson and Jack Benny, leads, do, sOme good work with weak material. Sjpotty production on the^whole. Benny plays the flip medicine man with a medicine show. Is supposedly calloused as to 'women, taking , them as he finds them, and deserting them, fer the next town. 'When he bits the town where the action Is laid, he falls for the sweet little daughter of a tough grocery store proprietor, and after a one-nlgbt courtship weds her. As a medicine man, Benny looks x and plays it capably, Spieler's chat> ter put over in a natural' manner. The story makes hi'm appear as a sap. Miss Bronson Is Just a poor, down- trodden, father-beaten child, who parades around in cotton skirts. A few shots of the medi^jlne show contains bits of comedy and exposes some of the gypping. Story kills everything. WARNERS Wni TAKE ON 38 COSTON HOUSES Chicago, June 24. 'Intensive 'Warner operation be- gins July 1, with Increases In the number of bouses in the circuit un- Ul by Sept 1 all 3^ theatres In the Warner-Coston deal will, be under the Warner wing. , .' Shore theatre, souUl side deluxer, . and five- nearby. Indiana bouses formally go Warner July 1. Aug. 1, the Federal. theatres, eight south side houses, Join this list. Thereafter, as rapidly as details can' be Concluded, the remaining indie houses, scattered. In Chicago and Indijana, will be added. It Is set that James Ei CostOn re- mains as operator of this new dlvl- sioin. Costbn's assisttmt will be Al- Sobler, publicity director for the 'Federal theatres and other houses included In Costoh's allied booking circuit • . ■ Strange but seems almost mcrediible that somid and color^ a combination us- ually associated i/nth high cost in motion pictures, can be obtained without paying a premium price. Yet, Eastman Sonochrome Tinted Positive Films give faithful sound, 9tmdsphe^ at a cost no higher than that of ordinary black and white. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ROCHESTER, NEW YORK J. E. Bnilatoiii*, Inc., Distributors New York Chicago Hollywood 1 i