Variety (Jun 1930)

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120 VARIETY VAUDEVILLE Wednesday, June'25,1830 New York City Can't Be Cramped as Vaude Center by AD Unit-BiUs other tl^an for half a dozen the- atres, Intact unit vaude btljs are Im- practical for R-K-O's New York theatres, according to Charlie Free- man. He declares there la small likelihood of New Tork City becom- ing 100% unitized along with the west and the balance of the east. In July the western four-act road shows will commence to play the Madison, Chester, Jefferson and Hamilton, New Tork, at the begin- ning of the westward route. Out- side of this group of four, and pos- sibly one or two others to be added, no further New Tork time will be available to the unit bills. Freeman asserted. Reasons advanced are that, due to the varied tastes in different New Tork neighborhoods, the same bills would not be equally strong focally, as against a comparative sameness In attitude in cities away from New Tork; that New Tork is peculiarly George ANDRE & Co. ADAGIO FOURSOME BO0W> SOUD B-KtO suited to spot-booking in view of ltfl< position \of proving grounds and vaude entrance for all acts; that since all but of the few of the coun- try's acts congregate in New Tork for bookings,' the advantages to bookers under the spot system are greater. Leeway Several of the New Tork R-K-O theatres can support acts of high salaried stamp that caniiot be play- ed out of toWn. To frequently book these, acts, it would be necessary to break up. the smooth unit booking routine and route. With the unit9 100% in Ne.r Tork as elsewhere, the number of acts played ' would be reduced and the chances to uncover new material through "showing" and "breaklns" woul;d be materially, sllmmen Free- man's opinion Is that the New Tork time must bet kept open as a try- out territory for acts, besides.for the greater leeway allowed bookerS; .under the non-unit system. N.¥,'$ DneOpen^Air Open air yaudfllm places in New Tork are few be«»,use of the ex- pense Incurred In installing talkers. In other years, when sllents were on the screen, vaude and pictures were offered In many airdromes and theatreroofs. Aa far a^ could be learned, only onia^ al fresco place is operated In tipper New Tork City. That's the Jewel, Manhattan Playhouses. It's on. 116th street, near 6th avenue. W«aM n QMd .LMklil CbwM filrlt trh<i«« that can elng and dance, eea- uoa of 40 weeks or more; want -me- dlam Blsfld fflria; no drinker^ need 'answer. i . ^Hutnal GIroult). tba Orpheum The« atre, Pateraon. .Send .your home ad- dreai^ also'phon» nnmfier. AddraM'BUly WatMS, WatMB BIdf., / EN08 FHAZERE *'Aeme of Fineit^' LEI p. CTEIM^^TlCWIS H08LIT CHI REINSTATEMENTS Burehill apd Perkins Back Ait'n Agents Chicago, June 21. Disenfranchised about three months ago, Tom BurchlU and Ouy Perkins have been restored to all floor privileges by R-K-Q. Both Jiad remained active during dlsenfranchisement; Perkins with Greenwald and Weston, producers, and Burehill as associate In the Max Richard agency. 7 BOOKERS FOR 7 INDIE HOUSES Only seven Indepelidently booked houses for what's left of the Indie bookers to scramble for over sum- j . .. — |v,e Worst ""-nmer "st for the bookers. With seven booking' offices also functloninfT, It makes the average a house apiece but doesn't work that way, since some bave not a single house. STAGEHANDS WITHOUT VAUDI DEMANDS NOV There win nO new demands on vaude at this time by tbe L A. which at its recent convention In Iios Angeles decided to continue vaude relations as formerly. Depot for Units Detroit, June 21. Repair stations are being set up. by Fanchon & Marco to overhaul and tighten up units here before hitting the east. Fox Academy Cots Scale New Mcy Goes In Cut rate policy at the second Fox de luxer in New Tork territory Is slated to take e^ect today (25) at the Fox Academy, 14th street house. Scale will be same as at Fox Brook- klyn, 60-60. Changing of the policy of the Academy is In line with the-plan of Fox theatres to cut down the ad- missions aild ante the stage, shows In the de lUxe houses which started with t^e Fox Brooklyn month ^ago. Stage policy at the Academy shifts to regular house fianA of 20 pieces under Jack Roth taking to the stage, with John Irving Fisher as m. c. Fisher will festivate a six- act stage policy. ^ Ettelson's New Post Chicago, June 21. Emory Ettelson has been appoint- ed assistant booker to Richard Hoffman and WllUe .Burger for the R-K-O western booking office ap- pointment made by Charles Free- man on his trip west. SFIELUAir BACK Loufs Spleltnan ^as been, restored to the good gracei^ of B-K-p< Splelmah hais been a foreign act. sletith. Buster West iii -Shorts Hollywood, June 21. Buster West' will do sfa<»rts for Universal. MimjAL STOPS TRAINING GIRLS FOR LEGIT Mutual's training school for chor- isters has been called oft this sum- mer with circuit figuring with lack of activity in legit musical comedy division there will be plenty of ex- perienced choristers available for their stocks when the new season ushers in on -Liabor Day. Another reason may be on ac- count of the school proving a bust last season. Quite a number of novices enrolled In the school tak-. Ing advantage of the free Instruc- tion but Instead of sticking for the Mutual ,shows hopped out and grab- bed Jobs Jn legit musicals. An additional, drawback was oharges of favoritism In itssigning the pupils that stuck, unjustified In some cases through producers not bothering to engage their own chor- isters, but figuring the school would ' tuirn out. 100 per cent chprus brig- ades for all- whlcb, it didn't. Mutual has again set |30 weekly for the choHsters with some with suihclent ability to lead numbers or spot a specialty gettliig $36. With the circuit now claiming 36 houses tor next season, and using 16 choristers in eiach tlie circuit will employ over 1,100 brigade gals. ^ATES and CLAIRE "ODD STEPS AND TUNES*' NEW ROVTINES-^NBW WE AS Now Playing All R-K-0 Junior Orphenm Theatres Direction ED MORSE Stk Ave^ Indie Grind Proctor's 6th Avenue,. lone house not Included In the sale to R-K-O, will reopen June 24 as a film grind, operated by N. SchmukMr, an Indle, who has leased It. Colored Split Week Colored vatide supplants musical «tock at the Criterion, Brooklyn, next week. Five acts on a spilt week. Nashville Joins F & MT ZiOs Angeles, June 21. Fanchon Marco Ideas will be routed into the Princess theatre, Nashville, for a full week, opening there June 28. Nashville will fol- low Atlanta on the booking. Taklma, Wash., has also been added to the F. & M. time. Ideas playing at the Capitol for two days following Seattle. First Idea will -hit Taklma July 6. General SxecUtive Offices lOEWBUIUHNG ANN E X li60 WEST 4^6^ ST' BRYANT 780 0 NEW YORK CITY J. H. LUBIN MARVIN a SCHENCK BOO KIWO MAWA GKB CBIbAOO OFFICB 600 WOODS THEATBE BXD'O JOHNNY JONES IN CHABOK THE TYPICAL AMERICAN BOY RAYMOND BAIRD Personal Manager H. N. AZINE V E (Formerly known a* "Little Sousa") WEEK (June 21) RKO PALACE, NEW YORK BOOKED SOLID RKO UNTIL JUNE, 1931 Personal Representative PADDY, 3C.HWARTZ (M. S. Bentham OtFice) Return engagement within two months at R-K-O PALACE, NEW YORK R C E IL. SIS T* E] R S andClompany Late features of EARL CARROLL'S 'VANITIES** Now Playing (June 21) R-K-O PALACE, NEW YORK Thanks to IRVING YATES ' y >.-^,... ..