Variety (Jun 1930)

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CAPITOL . New Yorl^ June 20. FBM HOUSE REVIEWS i2% Aladdlp descends.,to the «ave .with the Genjie. sane exceptionally ^elL • . The Rojiy choifUB, balleHuffd Roxy- ettes worked throughout with niore | I than tliet^' uisuhl elK0iptlv<)tiesa. PAI^AMOUNT ("Ginser Snape"—Unit) New-TOrk, June JO; Ck>od laff show at the Par this week I on stage and screen. "Dangerous { New Acts tbe M-G-M ^a*l^t;.,^^*'J?^a^ Btelje ground with Ruth Purrell and Henry the qomedy end, with be^n? to Mil S«Bal duetlng In a canoe horrowed \ touch of sentiment, too. with .bow. **S*i*^ <^«^nletSra^d t'^^^^^ Wanamaker's. Patricia Bow- organlng Crawfords publicly •em In ""^J^^ **'«J*i<*l*^^taM ente^^ teonlde Masalne did one Ljeieb^ating their seventh wedding ghow 'em how good a, swge enier i ^ ^^^^^ regular dances, although talnment they can provide. more limited than usuaL The Roxy- The plan always worked for wll- ettes again capered prettily In sev- llams and It is pretty sure to work shades of fluffy blue. h«o. And U It doesn't work In this Quite a few high school children Instance. It's good technique any- ^nd out-of-towners In . tonight's | lYALE U BAND , Mixed Program ■ 29 Mins.; Full Stage Hip (V-P) Nothing startling Is disclosed by I the Yale University Band at its opening tlieatre engagement here this week in the way of musician- ship. It is good. What Is still bet- Comedy . . 19 Mins.; Three (Parlor) Loew's State, New York Usual commentary expected, with ] the usual cracks about the "Mirror" columnist being a better newspaper- annlve'rsajpy via cycle of "wedding man than an actor, but, In the first ^ ^ _^ songs." building up Into "Us and I place, starting as a gag, and getting ^^j, jg ^^^^ ^^yg j,ave more va- Company," the theme. Might be re- $2,500, It could be one of those ^j^^y g, faster and fresher rou- garded as wishy-washy showman- things safely enough. That Mark ^j^^ ^jjan many of the graduate ship, but even In a tough burg like HcHlnger's act happens to turn out clusters. — i- -E, 1 I —M i. ,1 I this here Noo Yawk. especially con-I good vaudeville to the degree he is Everything that Yole boys have way. The stage name to livelyn Uudlence found plenty of jMiucKies gj^^rlng the general neighborly feel- hiow being accused of being a better i,^ the ways of syncopation are In Wilson, who got her big boost at i„ the feature picture,^'The New j^j. the Crawfords. via Par stage actor than a writer. Is all the better, this debut; so are many little man- thls house and Is a n^ember of tbe Movietone Follies of 1930. wmcn ^^^^ ,^1^^ It's quite In order. one of the piioneer Broadway col- nerlsms and details, all helping to family for the regulars. did not giet over, however, wltn tne i ^j^^y n^ake the most of it, and the umnists, although more a column put them over. Surrounding her ,Is a first rate. I regular patrons. i, I responsive recognition manifested I stylist with sob-story stuff, Mark I singing "Ell Eli," the Yale chant, Aomoaot stage show with Teddy The Roxy Symphony orcnesOTii ^^^^ oonvIcUon on the Helllnger Is quite a name locally just before the curtain parts for jnvce violin playing and singing offered the most appreciated numoer lyg^jjjjjjg^^^ ^ measure, nationally, full stage, the lads then give way rn o* and a trim worker. This of the program In an overture caiwa ^^j^^^ through syndicating. Locals cer- to seven brasses. As quickly they S^Aoi^tv business altogether Is a p'Tschalkowsklana." Newsref ls. p^^j j^^j^ tees the bijl off w'' ' itpeclalty business altogether «urio.UB trade. They, stage an elab orate iiresehtatlon with all,, the, re- sources a.t their commandi, and what do ybii suppose , coRpetJ th<! applaupe ribbon? Nothing less tha,n Paul Sydeil and his trained bow-wow. •Spottyi" ■■ Top thatl Even If the trained jpui^ lis a swell littW turnj It's remarkable-the way thlsimob went for It. • 'Dog does as- tonla'lilng acrobatic--leatstr-one of FOX and Hearst. CHICAGO wlthjtalnly know him, dating- from the are replaced by a trio of voices. "Planology," conducting the house "News." with Its more than 1,000,000 Then the surprise ^ of Tale, orchestra, with Hans Hanke and I.readers, and now on the not- so pretty blonde who later changes her Hirnke and, iHome.r .Phillips at th^. widely read. "Mirror." baby grands; Ash Is not on the stage for the unit, which Al Evans, a not too energetic nor convincing m. c, paces. Show runs away from him. . —,-~'~~Ji,.iS^A K« -Willi .Second tff^Bo^M9 and Gaut for tne njanagers asking for him on a re- minutes of I sock provided , by Wiu ^igcentric . comedy, ^D^^ and Edith turn. Rogers. At .fP.OOO per ^g^f 8*11 Barptow's extraordinary too clogs . Mark takes it as a gag, only wants Nice, running (Preta'ntation) Chicago. June-20i solid' aiid-'.'dlgnlfled show | 60'-minutes; ' an**" wltlv They certainly recognized him at the State, and evidenced it on the first split week at the Boulevard. (Bronx) and Gates (Brooklyn), where his business has the house Sjs'Io hS^rtke-^?« jT«>^*rM Rc^ed: "t^ r^^yaga hooAngTsU —TrweTks**^^!^^^^^^ ineiu.^B w rr:._„.,,* „„j | the first shQW and then insiae aie- | ^^a^wtnt^ rAJt -ua -intHraev. dbinerl «niii;t i+ tr,^^* t^^/t .a.«uo«bott?''"S*^^^^^^ Tt^ olog for a lattg^i^A "^'i')?^^^?!^?****^^ rlof ^>^as when they, broulght out a | C^l Coolidfee.iwas a wow.. _ JSul&'S'lno?e^^^ I m^:^^m^^omrmtt. I SakYn"g STrf^S'Srti;; I I Alene aJiid''Evans, openlnff talent, amazing fb^ its intricacy, dblng] credit to a straight buck-and-wlngi eh Harrington Sisters slowed It up a bit; also did too much—three! numbers.In alX.,. Gamby Girls w,ere] nice terp chorAl- background. ■> * Par, ni^wseeiel. .li«ftyy ^pn, the Ad- could go It Indef, and frankly admits. he's not doing a Heywood Broun. He's out for that |2,600 a week be- cause of the dough, and nothing else but. ... •: Five peot>Ie''in sui>pbrt^' with Gladys Glad (Mrs, H.) unofficially white to blue satin, emerges frojtn the wings to contralto a solo. She reappears twice; dancing the sec- ond time and'atigihg-tHe last: Durf Ing the dance' she. picks for her partner a six-foot sax operator who glides with amazing accompanying grace. , ^ A little bit of Vallee asserts It; self twice In the form of another boy who uses a large meg. Blctlon here Is not good, despite the aid of the aihpllflfer.- VoltSe Is soft and ef- fective, however. > A burlesque .on the Stein Song brings :n»any latighs and Is well haiidled..- In fact all of, these boys 1 move with a natnr^lness.,that Is re- arid chalrt^^^Jth; flye_;^>a^^^^ asset' considering the Byrd I "simple Slriioii,'* Js . and clicks' ers i^^e | George Haggerty, cfflo never Newsi'^; andA.ouse tralfe M Wliiy wtw ■ a ' "^''rJo'^i^™ 'Istlnguisfeed i>y . 'the, manner in ton's "office A* t,«.. l'cal novelty, mostly harmonica, were ^^^^,j^j,v^j^,>^^. ty^jj,j,g Its fresh assistant College ;' d.asslds/•.; dtirlng which S&ge dxessin^r Is striking, done In siCibB of brilliant lacquer red arid affillat- iiowua. , -liHii -'iu^i'A'i^ I songs published by the Famous Around It all a colo.'^4.:^*f"?5t Music Co. (a 60% Par property) .^vruuiiu tv — — \wri%* IJU.USIC t;o. ^a ouyo *T*r piupwijr/ I tively,' Complete the cbmjkdiriy. set resembling lace, an Eton smi j. the musical-background' — - sil^>lm.the Chestfi^ Girls'run^ - ' ' - 'i^ I Barker (nance) and Eddia we^iMt Jnutobep Ka4 to be usest tor that Man*, first .and last playing, the: last I;" "•-TTctllW';; :i nous and ff-ont legs of the horse; respec-L . ■- vr ';- :' " now tively. ebmnlete the cbmikkriv. I ; ^ .-. •'.V • . ' w by nVngHo^i^S '^W brTlllint tones in I the^ I^mbert girls with _x)^ some of Iheir dressing. Nice trick Nolan Binding ar^ da'J^lr^.^and^. of lighting here Is to spread the .flared skirt and radlum^^^^^^ Bcariet-Skirted gfrte across th^ stage flourishes.Not at all hllwlous. and :thoh by thro^irlng j^elWw.Ught8 ., ^'tcuUar .ty abQ^t^ogere on the crlmpoh tiim on6 gtoup Ink.o f pall pink, another into t»urple.rwlth. dWn't ^Sffln't ^hoot ^ pistol gr^plsh lights, whiliej^th© restjuhderlink "one.". He dldnt shoot a Pisioi a difead white spot rtuiftlned more thM evep Chlnes^^red.:. • , Openliig ballet is; Hurt? by j^^^ turning, with Ilalf the girls In black knite^«)ockers aijid: biarerlegp and iflv^^ "^rt^'-^uin^ aX 8ecffifl4.aU^t i6. cofe>Up%e4i byiha^-^ f Inglthei girls buUdfa ;s<!^trwa,y ottt "r^Av t^t Scandal (M- bpi^ies for a'stalri tap' toutlne, for the shortB,<traIlers, newsreel, etc. Atel. irid shbfrt J'ltblld Chicago;" Leopold Spltalny led a quiet or- chestral medley, "Rhythni and Ex- pression" j five Par sound shots in - Par fashion short. Chlca^p. of bbi^ies for a Building process , slowii ; things up^ and "Isn't worth the trouble.' Finale- was^ better. This Involved- the red colir: trlcfc matching:', .the back- ground. ■ s, J<(;ryce does extreniel:^.''well In the m. assignment. He's ilier tiall, thin daiiclrig light comedian, type, ,$oprie- what on the order of Clifton Webb in «ppe(irance. Ho has . an agree- Bble sliiglng voice-arid does a brief violin iBolb. Admirable in style as a 't>resldlrig figure if or the show with, pleasant, unassuming manner of handling announcements and a quiet trick of casual comedy. Russian medley for overture and some good dips in the Movietone and, Metrotone, one of special in- terest .is a closeup of U. S. Senator Watson, Republican leader of the upper house, who ballyhoos the ben- efits and blessings of the new tariff, Good piece of reporting, hot news of the minute and worth- llstenlrig to. whether you're for It or against it.' Clin actually got a scattering of applause. Rush. arid"Lady;0,« Scandal" (M-G^ - Iter. , Hft spenfta too miich. time.inland the large coihferij^. ROXY (Presentation) New York, June 20. Gilda Gray's cooch, censored by a loi)g Roxy skirt that refuses to top knee-caps even during the fastest swirl, takes less than two minute's oti the current stage show. The program is aV^;rage here for the summer. tn a characteristically well staged and costumed theme, this one, called "Aladdin," extending through four scenes, has light operatic tendencies thkt at times confuse.the principals In the mind of the audience^ Al though Miss Gray Is featured as the Princess she is not really Identified until in the Mandarin Hall scene at the very last. 'When she slips off a long red cloak and reveals an equally lengthy hemmed lowe" plece^ the audience again figures it has scratched on judgment. Not so, however, not so. When the heavily, veiled hips and netherlimbs com mence to souffle. But, it's all over like that, leaving that long waiting feeling. It's the first time Miss Gray has been stage around for some while. "Aladdin," ip fact, does not move with the snap and precision of most of Roxy's istage work. Neither is it told as comprehensively as such a fairytale could be with a little more attention to the theme. As the title player Harold "Van Duzee was afflicted with a slight hoarseness of voice, that contrasted with previous renditions. Beatrice Belkln, ensconsed In a suspended cupola in the opening scene; where Charlie IH^scowltz, 6f £.oeW*s, con- SADII| .BUlFIT celved the Helllnger act idea, giving' Songs . ■ '' . , .■ - ■ Mark .$1,600 for himself and paying 13 Mins<} One «na F,"'). (;»P?f'*'^M, a the company for the first break-In 68th Street (V-P> . ' .'.I "-i-^ w--• ■ week and setting Helllnger at $2,500 Sadie ^t, .formerly bf ;.;Wh.ltIritf thereafter for as Ibrig as he wants, and ?^>r.t.' lB'ttlone'.ln iai .nf^v so^^ Mark is heavily ballyhoofd. at.the^ Ija:'OhW Wim^ State, ln;;tii&jT»M-que'e tungstens an* \ cVf^ti^^m-^^J^^t'^:^3J^<BW^ SUb-u*ii*nB-"^^ov yi"*i»cnu : \ '*'^"^'i,^7^V'^7^^'^'.'''^~t^^~-'iSAy <^^\^rZ?.i^ Helllnger ha:^ a galaxy of avthbrs absence, latter ;ort^'rcogbf > wrltthg (not billed), starting ..wlith Mf^rxy \ thl^«i^1^Ml^m^^ Rusklh ~ aria' iricluding;, Frbd Allen, ^^i^^Mt-i^^tM'&f^ himself,. and others, Helllnger\sald 1 80und«;:J|||^i^.g||g^ . pianb.^wltli JerlT CAPITOL (Ptv^ntation) Chicago June 1^, This Fanchon & Marco Ide& is titled "Broadway "Venuses," but In :splte of the venuses. squeezes in,a blackfatie 'rii. «<,.-: couple- of hoofers and a pair "b'f aeii'aliets. ' , . „ ,. Jtfel Klee. blackface m. c, started befOre-tMteaking in-that he^ tahltiiri tr^dii^o^,^^ ktho show tQO, slowly with.'we^ilf /Ohat- | n<> chances, henc% J^he jnany authors MO)^ Pariiiiiount, ^ Sei^ttle ("Mbvino On"*—Unit) Seattle. June 18. A melange of vaude acts tied to- gether by the m. c. Is the, lineup of the'first.-'P'ubllx show to 1»e staged 1 n Seattle In many a. moon. ttetum was not so very hot. While the stage entertainment had good spots. It Jacked flash ana topnotch headllners. As a. unit under the name, "Moving On," it mlflsed co- hesion and distinctiveness. Paul Spoi* debuted as stage host and mingled to advantage with the setup. He lived up to his "pep" rep. Band on stage In simple setting. Soriie hot "blues" and various mem- bers sing lines about their parUcular gal. Good laughs. Bevy of dozen "ponies" trot out, some ralther heavy, but they have nice routine and shape up- in form. Marie Sweeney, on rope, does clever contortion acrobatics. Peggy Curtis is the songbird. The line gals did their «econd trot, which took on aspects of a mara- thon, with Uttle variation. Al Nor- man made the hit as a mimic. Eddie McGlll, tenor, megged to good re- turns. McOiU Is reg vocalist with local house. . ^, Clyde Hager had 'em with his street vendor sales talk, the lingo being good, althbugh some of the Jokes ■ bewhlskered. In# finale the Lrf)cke Steppers again. Malotte, on the organ, registered okay, and songologs went over. "Safety in Numbers" (Par), with Paramount News shots, and bind overture, "Ohpheus." Trepp. the. stkge while other acts ajn?; WQrk- L. Some .of ,the g4g stuff « bit too igteen accompar^ng. ,^^Ish My , Ing. Preseritatloh plcked .Uii isp^sed, fly, such as, the.^)ne abdut the ^Sond »ld Was a Nloe5^°o"eB^^^ com- Wlth the entrance Of Ihe 14 TenUee^B, building, layoffs- .makin^,„T/)qm for ?wf ;^^w«dv^^ *t,1^y in street clothes at Hthi. Dut ^lad- him on thfe'i'ijiaewalk now tlfet he's Pi?* ,40pr i^friir- ftHo^ perched atop ifeen accon. _ _ ^ i^d Was a Nioe!%ootIei rc^crabo^ Rudy Mtb ^bttteS ariS other iriipl6merits , n^ chSterl ber d«l!B: racket Bt^a^Btf. plenty dened the neighborhood eye shortly I an actor. That in some nifty bathing suits. Bath- ■Vallee .(tp th^ P-^^ :.:lng suits'brought the girls-out .one also Inside stiiff, cbrisldbrlhg Helllri- \ "-^.-y-rr.-^--^,;r^^.^ at a. Ume fousome song and dance ger's picking «.n Sudjr.-aU 'atoltti:: speclaltles;^some good; some n- s, g., | J^en one gog^^ed; HelMng^^ rniS'n^^^^^ his office boy to giv«.lt to Wlnchell. ■ -'Main substance of act'the black-outs, which did-pretty well on. the whole, Mark's opening trib of cracks were mild, but the' crisp Theatres Proposed Clinrlottfi. Mich—$60,000. Also store. Cochran street. Owner. C. R. Beechler. Architect. K. V. Qny, CblcttKO—$370,000. Also apartments. OwneiTc/o architect, Vf. Sevlc. Policy ""ciUca**—$2,0«0.000. Also stores and offlces. 94nd and Commercial avenue. Owner. Fox Chlcatro Co. Fostoria, O.—$600,000. Also hotel. Attorney, K. C. Guernsey. Geneva. N. Y.-$260 000. Also etores and offices. Owner, Schlne. Architect, "^ MUlffi^'citV. Ind.-$16,000. $14 ^TenUA&. N. J-M=^P>ca avenue and Smith street. Owner. Norkin, Inc. Lessee. Warners. Architect. J. Eberson. PlatteWlIe, Wis.—$60,000. Also stores. Second and Main street. Owner, W. C. Tracey. Policy not given. Reading, Pa.—$600,000. Also "toreB. 721 Penn street. Owners, Wllmer & Vin- cent. Architect, W. H. Lee. Policy not ^^'scheneotady, N. T.-$400,000 Owner, c/o architect, John Eberson. Policy not given. but who ever heard of a-Venus In a bathing suit laying an egg? Wells ei,Tn,(i .Wlnjthrop have^^ added hoke comedy to hoofing, and have a neat turn. Girls were t>n again for a weak line routlpe. Freda'SuUIvan led the girls, arid then contributed some ex- cellent acrobatic dancing, going big with her back-bend and twist stunt. Klee In front of the drapes for His own act. > He has gotten away from the Al Herman impression and is developing his own fs^tyle. Talk .has some laiighs and went over rilcely. Finale -was a. knockout for flash. Miniature lighted, city as back- ground, with a prop airplane dan-, gllng from the flies. Bartletts. man a. woman aeriallsts,* perform their ring and .perch work suspended froni the plane. Cloud, wind and motor machines working overtime, giving an, Impresslori' of roaring speed. New note and oke. Business above normal at first evening show Wednesday, with plenty of lobby holdouts. Evidently due to feature, "Caught Short." (M-G). Jjoop. FOX, B'KLYN ("I nternationale"- Idea) Etrooklyn, June 21. The bid for bigger trade here through slashed box office tariff has met with a hearty response, fespe- cially among children who can crash this house at any time dur- ing the week for only three nickels, a dime and a nickel or 16 pennies. Where the Fox formerly played to few kids, it's now getting a valuable percentage of patronage from the young 'uns, with the kids in turn swelling adult business through necessity of being accompanied by someone over 16 years. Cutting of admissions has had no palpable effect on the show, which with a Fanchon & Marco Idea in addition to Will Osborne in another spot, held over for 3rd or 4th week, and Bob West at the organ and the pit orchestra under direction of Al Lyons, provides plenty entertain- ment and variety. Current picture not the strongest on draw the Fox de luxer has had. It's "Not Damaged" (Fox). Osborne, with his radio following and acknowledge b. o. value, ought (Continued on page 122) Whiting and Burt act rounding ;out the song rep.- -.. Did very nicely in No. 8 on thIB six-act ^)illiTiere. Saturday; Cdbo, . crossfire between him and the office VERCELLE' 8I8TERS and , Co. (6) ' bo/ carried it along nicely. Office pane* Flash boy razzed Mark^ with everything at 14 Mint.: Full the .columnist's expense. Palaoe'(8t. V). v Helllnger has one original nifty. Class dance production, all sight wherein he turns his pockets Inside I and no substance.-'vGirls are vivid and shows the "Hoover flag" (Indi- blonde and striking brunet and eating he'9 flnanclally. clean). Went they c<nno from the last "Vanltle*." big arid ought be established here Backed by six ^inglnjg^ and daric- as Mark's for the coluriinist's pro- ing boys and they call the affair, tectlon. Still, that can't stop Win- <<a Study in Rhythm." Girls open . cbell from printing It and phrasing Nirith. a bit of stepping and a light- it as one of Helllnger's gags, very light—«ong number. Off for Mark troups fairly well and looks change-while twa>.of,the boys4o an. evsr better. A Broadway gal who's | acrobatic stooge darice... been to Paris for almost a year still thinks Mark has a double doing his stuff; can't believe, a guy with all that color and extra weight could be the former nlte club paleface. Walter Wlnchell also threatens to invade vaudeville and . perhaps achieve a lifelong ambition of play- ing the Palace. Sidney Skolsky, the "News" col- umnist, sez he'll only go into vaude- ville with Singer's Midgets (refer- ring to his own modest stature). Of the thesplan newspapermen thus far, Mark rates with Donald Ogden Stewart (legit) and Marc Connolly (sound shorts), wisely es- chewing the Hey-Hey Broun mono- log Idea and going heavy for com- edy support. Abel. Girls back for a fan dancb, blonde I In black and l)runette in silver- I white and an effective stage picture. Sisters have some excellent "con- I trol" steps here. Off to change again while one of I boys In comedy get-up as Rudy 'Vallee makes announcement and all six megaphone "Vagaborid Lover" until girls are back. fn - beach pa- Jamas of brilliant hues for bit of toe work and a whoop-hurrah danc- ing finish. Just a pretty, simple dance turn, helped immensely by its sim- plicity. Rush, BILLY KELLY with Paige Sisters "Taking the Heir" (Sketch) 15 Mins.; Three (Parlor) RKO 86th St., New York Billy Kelly has Paige Sisters in support, this s. and d. team almost stealing the act; Geraldlne Wood BRUNO WEISS Trio Perch 8 Mins.; Two Hip (V-P) , Boys In this are versatile. In addition to juggling treatment given the pole from both ends, plus downstairs flips, etc., afterward, theg, performers finaled as musicians. A fiddle, accordion and uke sent them out. Regular business Is highest m Its class. Hip used turn as opener and Edith Haran complete the g^,,^ registered better than usual femme quartet. Act is credited to J. J. McNally, Jr. Obvious development from the start. Kelly woos all three daugh- ters at the same time and in each case is told that mama holds the purse-strings. Kelly winds up In a clinch with mom. Paige girls in their specialty make one wonder why they dori't step out on their own unless tfe- cause of personal reasons. Kelly has been around before Iwith light comedy sklta. Alei, for that spot. Wall/. TURN TO PACE 75