Variety (Jun 1930)

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124 VARIEJTY y/'ednejiday, Junie 2ff. 193Q Broadway Chatter Those candy vending: machines the Publix by-produots department •re spotting In all lobbies have made ihetr appearance in the Paramount, New Tork, studio. Jack Robblns' pansy music pub ofllce is a credit to the Interior decorator—who happens to be Rob bins. Cost quite a few orchestra- tions to doll the joint up that way. After having saved for a year in order to buyliimself a new suit of clothes, Bill O'Brien of the M-G-M ofQce was presented with a Siamese * cat who promptly ate holes^ in the lew suit. The question of whether Harry Richman will make a second talker for UA is under discussion now, nrith Joseph M. Schenck's sched- uled arrival Friday (20) to settle ttie matter then or In a few days. Walter Winchell did a bum up in bis column over having been drop- ped put of "Variety's" Dramatic Critics Box Score. It's a little thing like that that makes a Win- chell column. Th^ world's record as a toaslmas- n may go to Mayor Walker, but if it does, Harry. Reichenbach claims to -be positively second. In 10 years Harry has hurled Jibes at 701 groups of diners. Whethier these include speeches at the Association of Mo- V • tion Picture Advertisers, wbjlcb .have [ the ha1)lt of mieeting weekly^' Harry }^ • did not state. Nor do they include personal re-par-tay. •Xjew 'lVeslie' blew '$360,000; of hi^ .. wif^lis And'his own money in bii atist'-Vir'hfffe" Bhow. ' 'Now his only' aliJWn' i^r that feomeiirfe inky ' think is- B&feai^'iSLllen' has k ple'ce 6f *atriother l~ ''^UfiKtii-ds*'- by' iUw. Lp-v* fays .' '^yj.rlf'ty'* ^ said Edgar ' did. . Lew [-0 sajfs Edgar, hasn't . .i^w ' add^. ,:; h§.,..Mver. has any partner ex- T cept niis'wife In one oiC bis shows. V Rejcalllng that $300,00.0 Mrs. Leslie . is probably happy that Leiw Is go-. ing bacl^ to Harlem. . ^ Jake Lubin h^s never drunk wine, ' - gone to ni^te dubs, stayed, out late, eaten wild gam^ or bi^ly aeasoned ■>iy food; never mixed with company toe hadn't oughter—and still he's got ;'; gout! Out to,r the first time In.four v weeks Monday. Saya what's the use of going away, the gout goes with ?^ him? Free feed on Saturday (28) at V thl» Rttz for AdmirsU Byrd by V- Adolph Zukor. At 1:30 p. in case Z you mislaid the invite. f Lea Huffma,n Is now in his new penthouse at 236 East 46th street v.. lies, sent out some funhy> announce- ments of his new hangout ;t Benny Fields, with Blossom See- ^ ley, to Lake Placid with Lou Clay- ton; golf. Reopen for R-K-O. In Aug. Mark Helllnger's gone . actorish J;- In . a big way. Started with the opening matinee at the State, tell- ing the Broadway and newspaper bunch to "please be sure and come in and catch me at a better show later on. You know how It Is the opening performance," etc. Eileen Healy back on "Majestic" Tuesday, after hooflng abroad. Natalie, 16, daughter of Bill Nor ton of Music Box, operated on for ncutG appendicitis at Park West Hospital. Okay. Jimmy Johnston, ticket broker. Cell at 61. Married. Another summer of Paris by that Bert Feibelman. New Yorkers went to Phllly Mon _^ day for the Godfrey-Carnera flght Phllly gamblers over here ^Blald eight to five on colored man. Advance sale over $100,000. 'Marking "his second .anniversary with United Artists, Paul Berger, eastern division sales manager, has K been presented with a solid gold watch by the sales force. The watch Is the new-fangled type that ''■f. flta Inside a case protecting It from breakage. V Doing the Briarclifl course In 80 strokes and winning a couple of 7 • cups and a plaque to boot Charlie Eli^eld la very much satisfied with ' hliinself .these days. When he rem ' . Inlacea at the same time that the same 18 holes requires another con- tesiaot In a film trade paper tour ^ ney. to make 660 chops, Charlie Is particularly effused. Bturney Stager, the 46th and Brpadway • popular cop, dally ex peota his 17-year-o.ld son to die in \'. ' Q|9)levue, concurring with the doc toi^ It might thus end the boy'a • great suffering, resulting from an ; automobile accident Mayor Walk- ' er,' dedicating ti new hospital wing .' At BelleWe, son^ehonr heard of Bar- ney's boy's condition and paid him » specTai visit. ■ " Jennie Brlce's .kids sailed abroaid .' ,kuli week, with a governess: Fannie Is staying here with her Billy Rose, Fourth time ftcross for kids, who are on their fourth language. Ward Moorehouse back from Europe, Fifth Ave. Coach Co. has learned about women. Next each signal bell Is a warning "Don't forget your parcels." At the refund desk at Macy's: 'I'd like a refund on this silver I got for a wedding present a year ago. I can use the money now." Among New York's places of learning is the Institute for Artistic Pastry and Candy Work, 3rd Ave. and 63d street During his picture-making visit to New York Jack Oakle spends a' lot of his time visiting back stage with former pals who were with him a couple of seasons ago when he was a spear-carrier In musical comedy himself. Carol Lombard is the on)y femme member of the cast set for "The Best People," at the Par, N. Y. studio. When Joe Lee -first called upop, his latest theatre charge, Bushwlck, Brooklyn, he went > Into' the man-, ager's bCQce; Finding- ho one there and' aeelhg. ci bisll' push, Jbe'touched It The .{iQlice .depar^'eht respond- ed. . l^e''had iLOUched'<^ec^ the burglar alfkrni. ' Jq^ ioolced..cvii^':Of thie, win- dow., and' said', that, "anyway, ;the Bushwlck had drawn a> crowd. v Et^/H.'- "Maiiny" Goldstein, totA taetly of .Universal; hosJ Joined the Wall street brbkerae^e firm 6t Frank B. cahii, Iil '^harge of their briadtih ^t Seventh avenue and 38th street He succeeded Sidney Katz who re- centij; died. .- , Thd';. first of tl»e ' Schulle-Huyler lui>cheon<Bttes .apptted In SchulteV, Bi>oadway and ,46th, occupies more., than half of the, . Schulte store. Huyier rentals are sufilclent to carry the cigar stores on velvet '^lillnute Man" Charlie Levy back from coast i Watermelon season on. Evidence: Many colored players In "Green Pastures" In H & H 8th. avenue eatery feasting on that fruit nightly. Mansfield stage entrance next door. Martin Herman, returned from abroad recently, would have sailed back, on the "Europa"' but his laun- 4ry, didn't come back. In . time, Herman Mankiweicz back in New York and writing for Par's Astoria plant ' He will alternate between the cpaat and the Long Island plant Jonaa Perlberg, Jack£lonvIlle man- ager tor Publix, on Broadway with a Florida tan. Fan and fan, the fan most consplcuousL Klnda pansy here, the fan Is oka In southern territory and J. P. hasn't lost the habit Phyllss Perlman, p. a. for "60 Million Frenchmen," goes to Paris Jun6 26 to find-out RItz Bros, entertain nightly In the Belvedere Hotel lobby. Two Broadway musicals, "60 Mil- lion Frenchmen" and "Sons O' Guns" both plug Joe Zelli's Paris nite club, with a Zelll character, and also plug that notorious rue Blondel (Paris) joint Nan Bell left for Hollywood last week on a round trip ticket. She may fall for pictures If p'roperly approached. Bill Carlo is through with play- ing host to flaming youth. Closed his nite club in the Village and has gone back to portrait painting. Jed Harris and Herman Shumlin are ps^lliiig around a lot Shumlin was H&rris's former g. m. : Sam Salvin is concentrating on a home talker equipment and pro- duction company and is • out of Lyons & Lyons agency, of which he was treasurer. Wlnthrop Ames has returned to New York from Hollywood. Chatter in tobp Milt Schuster caught a foul ball on his ear at the Sox park last week. The Harry P. Munns office Is cel- ebrating the closing of a realty deal that makes everybody practically a millionaire. Aaron Sapersteln'Ui putting In'10 to 14 hours at the bfflce, 'with the Indie exhlbs squawking plenty about the new zoning schemes.. Newspaper muggs got a free ride to Waukegan and back to see aiid hear the hew Photophiohe wirlhg installed in the Viking,. orack Chi and Northwestern rattleh Josle Walton Is changing to Joan. Ralph Kettering in plus .fives. Dr. Jack Yates trimmed his brother Irving on the! Ithks before sending hiih back to Tliiiies Square. Ed Morse Is^givlng^'uik giSlf for bowlihgi ' ' Will Slngeir polishing' h^a guns for the annual WiscoQsiii'' trip. Ho shoots the rapids. ^ ■ Ben JBehjamln ^ pt the Rkdio ex- change 'establlahipfa a^ 'the' Beau Brumm.erol filhi rrtw. ■ ' ' li^hry. Shapiro, ^ iikes to '^tpoll on the'stenji In his'yeat ph h.btt<6r day^. ;cial|ns°l.'It ihakes' hlin . took pros- •perpu's.';' ■ .' ■' '■" ' Ai.!Kyale riding atound In a 1900 CadillfaC ' as a plug for ''FlProdo'ra 'Girl." •' ' . ■ ' ■ ; Elliott Stuckel, Alexander Mc- iKalg's p. a., has been subbing for ithfa^'columhtsta on- Va'iciktlidfni- doing ^he $6sslp' tor Gall Botdeh, drama led of 1^ thi&' "'Tlirtes,?^ ' and Ashton StdV6A9' 6t tha "texaltilher.'* " < '; The-'boy Madellhti' 'Wo6ds^ picked but to . try philanthropy bii never- showed up for the'falctory jbb she got hint.' Rumored that Clyde Eckhardt learned how other muggs play poker on the way to the Fox con- vention. , „ . Lou Abramson's fatal day is get- ting hot; June 29. Sam Pennan drops an occasional tear when, he hauls out a photo of hlmaeif. wbeii . he was 29 Inches around the -waist Estimated that In the past two months,. Jimmy. Coston has. spent more time on trains than In either New York;|Or Chi. Harry Atwell, commercial mugger of Randolph street will live on flsa the rest of the summer.. Tried the sport tor . two weeks In Wisconsin. Sex showa for femmes only and for the boya getting good play In Loop houses. New beach sport here Is water cyu'ing. Regular bikes, except they floiat, at lOe per ride. Tail-less shirts are being worn by the boya who follow the style Ideas New sleeper buses, Detroit-Chi- cago, leiavlng In sections.' On account of public turmoU over gangs, Censor board has gone str'ct on pistol pictures again and barred "G >od IntenUons." "VarietyV Melin (Continued from page 104) ager for California. San Francisco will probably be his base. Players tendered new Warner contracts include Milton Douglas, Robert Elliott and Charles Judels. A meeting *his week in Chicago between Louis B. Mayer, Irviiig Thalberg and J. Robert Rubin will decide whether Metro makes foreign versions In Europe. Rubin is due to go abroad shortly. Sennett studio is tripling its stage space by extending two stages. Radio Is after 1,600 horsed for "Cinimaron," but nags are scarce. 600 the limit around here. Scouts havei been sent to Mexico to fill the equine quota. Paris Chatter Edna Ferber burned when Inter- viewer told her "Lummox" (by Fannie Hurst) was her best book. Wouldn't talk any more'to reporters or any other. Confusion arose through having followed Fannie Hurst into the same Identical hotel apartmeht Ethel Barrymore seeing new shows (with Irvin Marks. Sldtiey. Ross, once with Kenneth Macgowan,' now on' hla own,, 'in Paris,'planning things in-a big way; Howard Behedlct: on ' auto trip with Ward Morehousei' Some em- barassment when they went to hire the car when discovering none in party had driving license. Talk, tipping, strategy and more talk got them a quick license. Jules Brulatour for Hope Hamp- ton has a big yodcllng program In Europe arranged, with coaat operatic concerts to follow. Princess Matchibelil, who nunned in Morris Gest's "Miracle," aaya she's off the stage tor life; Joining hubby's perfume and beauty racket Montpai-nasse more and more coming into the lead in the night club racket. New flash dive around the corner of the Dome named the Parnasse. Hot band of shines and good tango ensemble. Class decora' tlon by far outdoing most of the Montmartre joints, no champagne musts and drinks marked down to 16 franca (60 cents). Others like It building and all packing 'em In. Clro'a now closing on Sundaya. While popular eating place during week, last two Sunday luncheons saw -four and six customers;^ every one away at the resorts. EngEsh Inde Vaude (Continued from Pagi9^i05)' of Fred.CpIUns In Liverpool, Glas- gow, E^fabutgh and..Abei-deen with a salary limit of $400. Lumley's Pavilion, Glasgow, pays as high as $1,000. Others are Col- llna '& Qladwlh'a Empire, Kingston —top salary $400. Astoria's, Ltd., formerly the Berk- el^ Syndicate, has five de luxe film houses with another seven to be completed within a year. It pays as hlgh^aa $2,600. Bookings -tor these places have to go through agencies who have tie-ups • with the Independenta, which > m6ans split cohimlaslona. In some eases wgents for' Imported acts, rather than split the fees, have kept independent time quiet tell- ing acts they have played all the time available and may as well go home; - Other agents, willing to split commIsslon^;with- Indle agents have been warned by more ' Important circuits that they will •'iMi< black- listed if' they cater to ; the inde- pendents. ■■'.<■ One tricky custom used' here Is to give ' acts return dateb three months after' their original' book- ings, thereby barring other rcircults. Thus- the.> act has.-to- lay oft three monthsror 'accept Continental idateSi' usually'i^t.a:,cut salary.,:.;.. . > Nice Chatter / ■ ... ' ' - ■ . . . / I - EdoUard Cornigllon-MPIihier and Rex Ingram are hitting in the clinches,, leaving his. Stutz'.roadster ds about the only person or thing the ex-director . hasn't quarelled with. Current row is because Franco Film wants to oust Ingram from their studio grounds. They were once his studios and In selling to Franco he reserved a villa In the center of the lot. ^ This he leased for 3,000 francs ($120!) a year tor several years. This "In" annoyed Franco, as it allowed Ingram to ride in and out of their private property whenever he pleased. They found a flaw In the lease. It was signed by Cornlglion-Mollnler all right but several days before he became an actual officer of Franco Film, while he was in fact still Ingram's at'' torney. Since then Mollnler has moved to Paris and la now out of Francp. Ingram threatens to aue him if Franco succeeds in breaking the lease. Row may be settled out of court however, as Franco is will- ing to buy Itself out of a bad bar- gain. > "Variety's" crack about rain on studio roofs Interfering with talker Holldayd In the air. Drawback of the new steel clubs is you can't break 'em In rage. Conipetltloti tor the poorest golf rounds 'are getting popular. Tallulah'lh vacation vein. Victor "Taylor, Sr., one of the pioneers of film papers, this side, is dead. Randle Ayrton's novelty Is a ken« nel collection. ^ Madeleine CaroU .^vacationing on the Riviera. Benlta . Hume rates British cameramen the aanoie. ' First night applications tor new Sheriff play, ' "Badger's ' Green," breaking records. Gordon Ilarker Into musical com- edy. 'Now tried everything at least once. ' Sam Eckaihn,' Jr., back at Metro offices after New York trip. Current Joke In show 1)iz Is policy of West End, clhemas,, who try^ f or Indefliflte .tdhs;' find the^ talke'ra won't hold niore; than six daysl, change ' 'iem And aweai*' they only mean weekly changes, after all. In teply to |""Varlety*i9" outline bf color situation ' It 'shb'iild be noti&d th<ere 'alht'' A ' c616t pfoblem heiJe.' Producers have hever heard of K; •' Robert E. Sherwood, New''Y6rk "Life," helffe'. Lpipking arouiid. ' ' Maurice' Eflvey' putting the 'seli' appeal in Sheridan's "School'-fiir Scindal." " '"' " ' .1780 Ungel-le the vogrue in studt6s;' Producer^, ilartlt knowing' little about It ' ' " Roniald Qfiw, this country'^ lekd- ing amat^iir^ flicker maker, hxi^f writing prot.essi<]|nal scripts. ' Development, ot television triotlcW picture this etde haan't been notK^d yet " ' J. L. Sachs just out of hospital after four weeks' stay. Says they cut out his bad luck.' takes has been taken up on'this side as an alibi for bad. recording. Point is, excuse is easier here. It some- times rains in Hollywood. It never stops in London. A "welcome home" dinner was tendered John Abbott and Eddie' Day at th^ 'Trocadero, at which were present representaives of ,all thoi gramophone companies, plus all the band masters and a plentiful smat«, tering of performers. Fred Day* chairman of Francis, Day & Hunter, Ltd., presided. Next to the stage door of the Palace Theatre, the new home of MRS. GERSON'S GRU After 11 Years on Broadway