Variety (Jun 1930)

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140 VARIETY Wednesd'>.y, June 25, 1930 The haertor of Warner Brothers Theatre, HoUywood, Cali/omlai Equipped throughout with comfortable, attractive, acoustically correct American Seating Company chairs, G. Albert Lansburgb, Architects siiiiiiii How Warner Brothers make the INSIDE bring patrons from WITHOUT In 1928, Warner Brothers opened, in Hollywood, one of America's foremost moving picture theatres'. A monument to Warner achievement, and more : ; s Warner built, inside out! A beautiful 3000 seat house..: architecturally impressive, strong, dignified. Warner Brothers built to attract the public;;. to make the inside bring patrons from without. Comfortable, beau- tiful, acoustically correct American Seating Company chairs were selected. Chairs that make an evening at War- ner Brothers enjoyable to the fullest measure. Deep chairs, roomy chairs, sound absorbing chairs that bring voice or music to an enraptured iaudience clearly and undistorted. FREE— A Reseating Service and Sound Booklet The Americao Seating Company has made an extensive study of the acoustical properties of theatre chairs and |heir effect on sound in auditoriums. Our booklet—"Acoustics and Its Relation to Seating", and our reseating service are available to theatre owners and managers contemplating building new show houses or reseating the old. Address Dept. V5; You incur no obligation. American Seating Company Makers of Fine Seating for Churches, Schools and Theatres General Offices: 14 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois BRANCH OFFICES IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES "If 7Trr.jjuiV'''"i'i"iT'