Variety (Jun 1930)

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VARIETY Wednesday/June 25,1939 WARNER BROS. ANNIVERSARY m I I' lM-i^i i J^^ja-M'J«HnriaiWiiiid«J:td3l^-uifla in:iaaaUitfWiMa«4-M wi^M n i i-i-i 11 gm tuiiBLJL; i LuimyP Miiu-iuHLitJLiBtinuLina!jHL.MUiiBPL"iiiiLHaiiiiBHiHiii»iauatBiiiuiiiiimwm I principal bankets of Warner Brothers NEW YORK takes pride in the steady progress of Warner Brothers and congratulates them upon their twenty-fifth anniversary in the amusement world If It's a Picture from a BOOK look for Grosset & Dunlap on the title page, and you can be assured of reciprocal .co-operation. Coincident with the announcement of th6 release of "THE DAWN PATROL" Starring Richard Barthelmess, you will find the complete novel by Guy Fowler, written from John Monk Saunders', author of "Wings," story in a Grosset & Dunlap 75 cent edition, fully illustrated, on sale everywhere, with dealers and exhibitors enthusiastically working together for worth-while displays. This announcement is an earnest of the keen interest and zest in tying up Picture and Book by GROSSET & DIJNLAP Publishers 1140 Broadway, New York 1019 W. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, III. HiBBiBlllllllMtlBlBIIHa«tlHSHftiBHHByiHiabltrilB g Bg HHbjiafcHhflB8BBB B gaBBI^»B l iiiHB&i lll l«l >»iaifcfcHBii»*>iB^^ I 1 CONGRATULATIONS TO WARNER BROS. WALTER 8. GARDE, President W. F. POWELI<, Sec'y and Treaa. THE PARKVILLE COAL COMPANY HARTFORD, CONN. WHOLESALE AND BBTAII, DEALER IN ANTHRACITE and BITUMI NOUS COAL IBBItBlfBHBBBBBBBBBBUBBUBBIBMBUBBBIIBUBBBBBUBBBBBBBIIBllillBBBailBgBBBBni CARPET TRADE WORKROOM Estimating—Cutting—Sewing—Altering—Laying Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums and General Floor Coverings DAVID E. MELTZ 14 East 30th Street, New York TELEPHONE: BIOGARDUS 5156 interior Decorating for Homes and Theatres IncIudinK all drftplnK, wrought Iron work. FnmHare npalrlng and rie- flnishinr. RngB, awnings, stage deco- rations. BROOKVILLE """•^r?!""'' tCharles J.Weinstein Co. BBHBBBHBiMSBBBBIlBBBBi!ftBBBHftHm;ibai ENVELOPES J. L. GILLESPIE CO. PITTSBURGH, PA. BBBUBymsatjBjJBBBtiBaHBBHBflaainiBgirgmg GEO. F.KLINE Heartiest Congratulations to WARNER BROS. Importers and Makers of Distinctive Lighting Effects 2 West 47th Street NEW YORK, N. Y. Carpet Service 3250 Piedmont Ave. 8.H.B., PITTSBURGH, PA. aBrillBblBBHtlri B*BBMbiaBHBBBBaaBgBnBBBUBraaBllBaBBBMIiBJfedrfBriB6afitlHBBbBaBHl.H9rilliUiJibBBgHBMttSBBMflBhMtaRri i MAX TISCHLER Electrical Contracting Engineers NEW YORK, N. Y. NEWARK, N. J. The foremost sound■ contractors on talking moving pictures, having installed more sound installations in the United States than any other five contractors together. A partial list of the hundreds of jobs completed with sound by us: STUDIOS THEATRES METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER "'"''J^i^RS^iSfWW'' SOUND STUDIOS, INC. adolph zukor's estate