Variety (Jun 1930)

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V A R I E T V; Wednesday/June 85,1930 ER BROS. ANNIVERSA R i ) i HJMiiHJitfiM Pi B i u t iaiiugHa »a«i»iiJiii«a«iJi*«iiiiBii»iiillM«iiiMiiiiMHii"MimiigiHiiiiiiiiiiii«iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^ You are dedicafing a New and Qreater Service to the World of Musical Entertainment To the theatre-going public, the merging of these two great institutions is bound to bring new and greater benefits—in better and more eco« nomic entertainment. Such a 2S-year achievement in this competitive age, and in such a scien- tific field, is the reward of your vision into future and in the application of sound engineering principles. Crown, this year, is likewise commemorating its 15th Year of growth, which we think has also been due to Crown's vision into the future of Modem Electroplating and the application of sound engineering prin- ciples. We are proud to have been able to play our behind-the-scenes part in your great drama—in supplying the equipment for plating and polish- ing of your high standard products. .1 m m 11 Crown fl^eostatfiSupply COs GompleiefiialinganA, O^olishingSquipmenti DETROIT 1910 MAYPOLE AVENUE CHICAGO ST. LOUIS 4 I i.Ll I I I I I i Lrrptt t M l liTLU i-jJ i J i. i i.i Li 11 f f t M i M u i.i 11 in i i-i i-M i i-ri i.i iimu v t GiM t it-i i i 111 t r 11 n i.i.Li 11 i i i i i i-i i t-i-HM-i i^i i-l in-i ii EXKCUTIVK OFFICBB NUTS SCREWS @ WASHERS "ffly MOUNTING LUGS ^tS. FOR USE IN MANUFACTURING OF RADIO SETS United Screw and Bolt Corporation Large stocks carried on hand ^ for prompt shipment in CLEVELAND. CHICAGO, NEW YORK CITY WAREHOUSES Chicago Nut Mfg. Division: - Chicago. III. Ma^no Cleveland Wrought Products Division: M^ounting Screws Cleveland. O. Lugs I I jrlrLi I i tri t el i-iat ixiij I ri-^i'i'i'ij^i i-J i.H ri'l-l* Blake-Butler Paper Co., Inc. 225 Varick Street NEW YORK Telephone WALKE R 2855 lillUimjUHillliyiliailKIHBUHBHIIHIBHlHHlBBagaUiBgBlllHBIiyillliWfl BAEDER ADAMSON CO. Manufacturers of I QUALITY ABRASIVES SINCE 1828 \^aBBBBBBBBBBIIBBBBBBBi!BBBtBHHiBBHiSlHimJ!rt MARKOWITZ STUDIOS STROM STEE BALL CO. 1842 S. 54th Ave. CICERO, ILL. Los Angeles Office 309 Pacific Mutual Bldg. B BBB BU g gBB B gg UBBBMiBUBBBBBBBBBBUUIJBIiBBMM K9TABMSHBD 188» 417-4SS B. S7th 8TBBET SINRAM BROS., Inc. Anthracite COAL Bituminous YARDS AND POCKETS 81th StFMt and E. R.—Tel. Vanderbllt 10202-3-4 109th Street and E. B.—Tel. I^hlgh 6000-6001 116th Street and H. B., Bronx—Tel. Sedirwick 7010-1071 DBI.IVEBIBS TO AU. PARTS OF MANHATTAN AND BRONX NEW YORK T)sJilril!tliliia>-lilil'l'I?l:(*l;f-p.rnTI riJl/Kl hT:h liRQda'ErTraMa!E»7TTH:Hri!l3ilitaBm^tT.|W^ ALUMINUM SOLDER SUPER ALUMINUM WIRE SOLDER haa proven Its efiflclcnoy for condenser work and wlierever nolderlntr Ih doniB on alnmlnum LOW MELTING POINT We wm Chrerfolly Send Sample THE LENK MFG. COMPANY NEWTON LOWER FALLS, MASS. CHICAFO OFFICE GOO S. CANAI. ST. ■aaiani!iaiBgHi!aBB.iBSJBMBmHi.iiflaflHHau HrtMRhiihBbaa ja aHilBBBaBBHaBaBaBaBHBBBBBBHBBlBgBflBlilBBmn^ Joseph Jackson ''Be Yourseir 514 Tenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. POSTER ARTISTS FOR WARNER BROS/THEATRES IN THE NATION'S CAPITAL yHBBflBfliiBBfljBBBBBBBjHMiiuaityiiiyiHii'tMaiflHiBaiaaHiMBaaaBBiHiiaBBBiHia.'jSMBBHBHauMMiiaiiatit^iiflLj^ CONGRATULATIONS TO WARNER BROS. FIRST NATIONAL STANLEY CO. OF AMERICA FROM R. & R. LOOSE LEAF CO., Inc. 121 VARICK ST., NEW YORK 1 CONGRATULATIONS TO WARNER BROS. ON THEIR 25th ANNIVERSARY K. WOOD LUMBER COMPANY "GOODS OF THE WOODS** ON LOCATION AT 4701 SANTA FE AVENUE, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF LUMBER OF ALL SIZES AND GRADES ALSO COMPLETE STOCK OF WALLBOARD, PRESDWOOD AND INSULATING MATERIALS SERVICE WITH A PERSONALITY i i Fffilliiii'lii.iii.y.