Variety (Jun 1930)

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t" Wednesday, June 25, 1930 VARIETY 157 WARNER BROS. ANNIVERSARY g| | pilHllimMllieKmiBBIIIIIIHIIlMlllWllllllltHMlHMHt»W»«llllMllllllll!limil»J HH I M lI ii ll l »lllll M Etl »t l t B B B Btm*gi OUR COMPLIMENTS AND CONGRATULATIONS TO WARNER BROSr RNI i AND HIS Just finishecl one of the most delightful engagements of our career with the distinguished International Ido* MAURICE CHEVALIER Herewith are the commenta of the Lob Anaelea press which we gratefully acknowledge: BXizabeth Yeaman, "IIOL.UWOOD OITIZBM" A dlatlngiiletaed audience packed the Uayan theatre last nlgrht to greet Chevalier and Beii Bernle. Ben Bemle and his orchestra offered a variety of entertainment that met with much enthusiasm for the first half of the program. In addition to the popular songa played by the entire orchestra with In- fectious rhythm, there were vocal solos by Pat Kennedy, and a corking xylophone ■olo by Dillon Ober. parts. First, Bemle and bis mnslc and then Chevalier. "LOS AN0EUE8 DAXLT NEWS" Preceded by a comprehensive program furnished by Ben Bernle and his orchestra. In an Impromptu rotation, the Parisian star's reception was » tremendous ovation to his ability. Bemle's knlgbta bad a round table con- clave as a novelty, and surprising enough, most of his musicians sing well, especially Pat Kennedy^ a tenor. Dillon Ober, an xylophone soloist wtth a comedy flare, pro- vided some hilarious moments." ■mile, the piquancy of his humor—his •Servescent gayety, perslertent In Its spell of sunshine, captured the first night crowd. Ben Bemle, in an entirely different vein, furnished plenty of competition. Repartee between members of the band, their very original "Knights of the Round Table." Llewellvn MUler, •O.OS ANGELES BECOBD" Ben Bernle" and his band of musical elowns were exceptionally good. Surpris- ing to be exact. The program, excellent, all the way through. Is divided Into two Edwin Bahanert, *XOS ANGEUEB tucbs" The program provided an Intimate view of Chevalier skill and presence and of hia Patteraon Greene, "IjOB ANGEI.E8 EXAMINER" Ben Bemle's Band fills up the first half of the evening. It Is a dlfilcult assignment to entertain an dudlence that Is waiting rather Impatiently for Chevalier, but Bernle's organization succeeds admirably. His men have plentr of versatility, sup- plying song as well as jazzed Instrumenta- tion, and passing the moments along with good comedy. NOW CURRENTLY AT EGYPTIAN THEATRE, HOLLYWOOD, ALSO BLOSSOM ROOM, ROOSEVELT HOTEL ^•WABNERS jra;EASB FORGIVE" EXCLUSIVE BRUNSWICK ARTISTS llBB i B B BBBBBE l t BliUAlMB B B B BBHtBLL il i Bli tl B lBKBat B B B M B BB BMItBBHBBIIBBIIUMh.hBilSJtJtiaWBtiHiBIJIUlMBIIliB^ My Sincerest Congratulations to the Warnev Bros* i CLAUDIA DELL 1 "SWEET KTITY BELLAIRE" "BIG BOY" Congratulations to Warner Bros* VITO LA M ON ACA Musical Director Stanley; Theatre, Philadelphia, Pa. i i I i i