Variety (Jun 1930)

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wi» ij,iptiitiiiait£;iiEFnTi';t.TH4 rri [.iM*»:^>*i-MMj I* t n.t r» m »I r HI I r r r t CD 111 w I are obtained in Talking Picture Studios, Theatres and Broadcasting Stations that are equipped witK GIMCO ACOUSTIC FLEXFELT Gimco Acoustic Flexfelt has a highly efficient sound absorption value and is a permanent correction of THEATRE ACOUSTICS. Made of ptui pilica fibre ACOUSTIC ROCK WOOL covered with fireproof muslin and felted between metal screening—it is FIREPROORi / "FOR CLEAR, NATURAL TONES" WARNER BROS, have used hundreds of thousands square feet in their STUDIOS and THEATRES on the West Coast and in the EasI Coefficient of Sound-Absorption for Rock Wool 128 266 512 1024 2048 Thrckness d.v. d.v. d.v. d.v. d.v. 1 inch .27 vM ^ .65 .68 V/z inch -40 .49 .61 .67 .69 The amount of ACOUSTIC ROCK WOOL and th« proper placet for Ita application oan readily be determined by our scientific methods. Submit your acoustical problems to our engineers at any of the following offices and you will receive their prompt advicei General Insulating & Mfg. Alexandria, Indiana £a»t«ra and Uiport OfBce: GBNIsaAIi HTSUI^ATINO AND BCANFACTCBINO CO., 370 I^zlnctoo Ave., Mew York California BeprenentaUve: B. P. Carmlen, HoUywood, CalUomla - Bepiwentatlveat C. W. Poa Oo. Walter ti. Schaeffer tt. Mundet & Bona, Tna R. M. Oaasmaa EL T. Kellr N. Marlon Denver Fire Clar Co. Jones Broa Seattle Asbeatoa Co. 9. J. Schneider Cleveland. Ohio Chicago, 111. St. Liouia. Mo. Birmlngrham, Ala. Kouaton, Texas Detroit. Mich. Denver, Colo. San Francisco, Calif. Seattle, Wnsh. Indianapolis, IndL iTii-gara-g«Hwrr^THi!iai,um,jiaaaeauHiia LODGE POSTER ADVERTISING COMPANV B/LL POST/NC Ijif ?t JUNIPER 5T, fihiij'iftf'-jf-l THE BOY AND HIS GANG who proudly boast the fact that they 'TLASTER THE TOWN" of PhUadelphia and help put over in a BIG WAY aU the WARNER BROS. BIG FEATURES i Md^9Bll^ml^flBM^^^4^^^li^^^^j«5m4<aB^lflH^8HM4a^l^siH^ltBfltfldagajl!^J3jla^l3^ Exhibitors are obtaining best results and eliminating all needle troubles with this product. i i P v^^oiSC NEEDLES ■ IouShodoufgraphed Insp ^ ^ aj/jprowd toy EtccMcaWegeatvHPro ^W^stertt Kll £ fee trie SOUND EEI SYSTEM PHONOGRAPH NEEDLE MFG.,CO. PROVIDENCE. ^ ^ - ^ nnODtlSLAND Write for aamplea and pricea Phonograph Needle Mfg. Co. 42 Dudley St., Providence, R. I. CONGRATULATIONS TO WARNER BROS. ON THEIR 25TH ANNIVERSARY GOLDINGER SILK COMPANY GOLD BRAND SUke Used Bselnslvelr br WABNEB BBOS. and Sobsldlavy Compsolee 7S6 SOCTII 1^3 ANOBLEB 8TBF,ET, LOS ANGELES