Variety (Jun 1930)

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162 V A R I E T Y J Wednesday, June 25,19S0 WARNER BROS. ANNIVERSARY ■CI J I:(JLI Ln^± kCj-Ul;LL:ia>iaa^ l'lLlrl .U.J'^M.-t>l M I'Olfclrl:!-! I I ».l f imn W M II I I I I I I 1 I I I l i THE BROUN-GREEN COMPANY ♦ Corporation Soppfies Stock Certfficates and Bonds For Fifty Yean Service and Quality Alwaya ♦ 48 John Street New York N.Y. Tel. John 6110^ IMWHHimiBimmilM I I I IIIBHPWBHUN EKGUkWIBSfi Felicitationa to Warner Brat, on Their 2Sth wertary MANUFACTURERS OF METAL RRODUCTS e30-632 HUDSON STREET NEW VO RK Manufaelttring FILM SHIPPING CASES Exhihilon Ever^r»here Knovf Thai Films in Moss Sleel Cases Arrive in Perfect Condition Moss Cases Are Pratctically Indestructible STANDARD WITH THE LEADING FILM COMPANIES (LIil of CuBtoinera Upon Requetl) AUo Maiiufacluren of METAL RECORD CASES VAULT CANS REELS COMBINATION HLM AND RECORD CASES IBBIIJ|jlBBIIBHaaiMJMHJllJg»lBlHaailUUytlllllWyiBlliaiiHBBIJ»ilgaga3BBi8lillEHBIIBiaBlHiliMJSU.<-Jia<l.?E^ BBBBiBBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBlM A GOOD SHARE OF \ myf success Hfith the fastest grouping printing business in Central Nen> York is the prestige received from doing Hfork for Warner Bros. I sincerel}f trust Warner Bros. I will continue to EXPAND in the future as in the past. FILKINS The Printer 105 Cand Street SYRACUSE. N. Y. IBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI CONTINUED SUCCESS To the Pioneers WARNER BROS. •IS P0!CT' MILDIMG NAtionaf liBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBUBBBHBBBBUIB Muskegon Paper Box Company Muskegon, Michigan BlanufactoreM of Folding and Set Up Paper Boxea Best Goods Are Packed in PAPER BOXES IHBBBJiaiMBHBaaLBiBBBBHillMBBHUBBBBHBag for AFTERNOON and EVENING 1 CALGARY ALBERTAN CALGARY, CANADA Alberta's Onl}f Morning and Most Influential Daily also for STREET and STAGE Picture News and Film Reviews Daily by "SpoUight" IBBIjgBBBBBBBBBBBBBBilBiBBBIWWmH PHOTOGRAPHIC DEVELOPERS g UBERIYENUUIinmjCa I iT:i 11 i:i'.in'HrfT.tTni lit laaj'i-RiTjrprn'iin. Estobllfthed 1876 Tel. Bryant 0730 ■ Calo Art Galleries ' American—PAINTINGS—Foreign 188 WEST 4Mh STBEBT Between Broadway and Sixth sAto, D. CAIiO & SONS NEW YORK CUB FBICTION DOOB CATCHES have Always been used on Brunswick CablnetB C. Ih Frost * Sob, Ortkiid Ba plda> Mteh. lUigBBUMBaBM^UMPIllHUBiMaBBIIJIBBBIiaBBBlBB Western Brush Co., Inc. 175 West Lake St. CHICAGO, ILL. 1.1 M 111 I n I I I f'l n rua.Ti i^i'i'^ I'l <4nj.m->yrdi John C. Chambers Co. Succeasora to JOnS C. CKAHBEBS Tallsmanic Ureaalnga Onica and Faotorr Ittf Leclalre Ave., ChlciMCo. nL ong ons On this Twen^-fifth Anniversary of Warner Bros. Pictures, IncorpcNrated, Yates'American Machine Com- pany extends sincere congratulations to their progressive- ness and enterprise in developing and perfecting VITAPHONE, the creation of which revolutionized the motion picture industry. Yates-American is proud to serve Warner Bros, and its affiliated companies with high quality woodworking machinery. World"s Largest Manufacturers of Woodl»orking Machiner}> and Heads and Knives I Yates-American Machine Company } Rochester. N. Y. Beloit, Wis. Hamilton, Ont. Newport Chemical Works Incorporated 260 West Broadway NEW YORK laUBBBaBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBBiBI Pianos Made Especially for Theatres and Music Publishers PIANO CO. 452-454-456 10th Ave. Between 36th and 36th Sto. NEW YORK CITY Telephone Medallion 0860 Since 1881 IBhMriUJBHUBBBBBmUi.UBB«BI3BUBgBmmnnn Contrnitalatloiis to WARNEB BBOS. Adams & Riddle Dealer* In Motion Picture Requirements 7S4 Bo. Los Anselcs St.. Jam Anseles lUBBBBBBiBiBBBBBBBBBBBBUBUBmWmi QUALITY CUSPIDORS Detroit Metal Specialty Corporation Sales Dept. 176 West Adams St. CHICAGO, ILU JIBBtllUBHHaBaBBBMBMMBUBBllBBBIiBIIIBkllBI The Illinois Nail Company CHICAGO jmmnssBmsmmmammsE ItedShidd ' HIGH SPEED DRIULS iBDSSlANDARDTOOLCa CLEVELAND 1 i