Variety (Jun 1930)

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VARIETY Wednesday^ Jiuie 2tf, 1830 WARNER BR ANNIVERSARY Continental-Diamond Fibre Company Chicago's Leading Insulation Factory Fast Service on Your Insulation Requirements Right at Your Door Dilecto and Vulcanized Fibre Diamond Insulation Micabond Mica Celoron Gear Stock Celoron Moulding Powder Diamond Fibre Trucks and Receptacles Special Shapes and Machined Parts Fabrica^ted Locally May Your Silver Anniversary But Anticipate The Glory of Your Golden Jubilee PAINTS LACQUERS VARNISHES ENAMELS Uri I I I I I I I 1 1 1 11 III I 11 I I I I n'l»l Wl l I I I 1 1 1 11 1 I.I.I I i:i PI M M l»J|.lrhlrl:KMJM'I;|^M^et;4-l-|-4'»*Wkl lir'liL^^ I I M M'l i r-i I I I District Sales Office 3208 Palmolive Building SUR 7233 s Chicago Factory 2100 N. Racine Avenue Lincoln 6031 McKELLAR PLATTS, Inc. 229-239 West Twenty-cisfitfi Street NEW yORK CITY BHlUIH!lllt!BUllBiUUIIBUUBBUBUBI.Btlliy»HIJBBBIlJ»yaBBItlilllBHBBBagBBBIiUBHagHBBI THE OHIO SEAMLESS TUBE COMPANY SHELBY, OHIO MAKERS OF "OHIO SPECIAL" QUALITY SEAMLESS STEEL TUBING CARBON AND ALLOY GRADES i lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHiBBBBBEBBilHBgmiilliUmillTOl Trowbridge Outdoor Advertising Corp* PAINTED DISPLAYS THROUGHOUT NEW JERSEY ELECTRIC SPECTACULARS AND NEON 86-88 Frelinghuysen Avenue, Newark, N. J. BBHiHBBBBUBBUBBBBBBBBBBBBIIHBJiyaHBBBBBBIIBBBgBBBBB.HMBBBBBUBBBBBamjie CONGRATULATIONS TO Bnuiswick-Balke<Collender Co. TBOM Wiffiams Patent Crasher & Pidv. Co. 2701 N. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Crnstaen, Grinders and Shredders for AU Blaterlals ' Artificial Show Machines O'iKljl-rjil'W'f.M'l l-l I IM-I M^?l 11 I^M -l T'J-IM l-l I f M'lli: CONGBATmLATIONS TO WARNER BROS. Brunswick-Balke-Collender C^rp. Steindler Paper Company HTSKEaON, MICH. MILWAUKEE LEATHER BELTING CO, MANUFACTURERS I MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN GODFREY LUDLOW Brunswick Recording Artist REPUBUC FLOW METERS COMPANY CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Manufacturers of Industrial Instruments iaJLiKliUii: W Ittisl i-l 1.11 I 111 l^.iaiiJiriiltW<W-J';ciiiJsx:i5i JOSEPH JACKSON 'See Naples and Did BBBUBaB«HBBBBBBHBBBHBBaBBBBHaHBRB»l!l»hBtl.H!!MflHaBB»S,a&i»HHaaHHH«B»tl.fth^^.BariHaniieHtt>^ ■ iaaBBBBBgMBfst!LUUMa»aakyhBBBS.6!iibgiaaauj!tMBBjaat,aiJUhijiiBua*yHttaBBm!?i Congratulations to WARNER BROS. I I THE PROFESSION APPRECL^TES CORONA Members of the Profession use more Coronas than any other portable tjrpeMrriter. Corona's sturdy dependability is the reason. It stands the knocks of travel and hard usage. In two models—Corona Four, $60.00; Corona Special, $39.50. ''IT IS EASY TO CORONATYPE" Lo Co Smith Sl Corona Typewriters, Inc. 330 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY i