Variety (Jun 1930)

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V Ai^ I E T Y 'V^^l^iB^iter Sirofbcrs on their twenty-fifth anniversary, t- e^ctendi my heartiest congratulatibn9^ my thanks and my assurance that the new l^iacent RQ)roducer Systems are keep- ing pace with the great strides in soiind recording sincie VITA- PHONE first thrilled the worl^ Only this new andt better e^uipn] can do justice to the i&ew andL better pictiureis eitt 1 ( ! tsM ^HE greatest array of talking pictures in the history ;1 of the industry is scheduled for the coming season. Only the last word in sound equipment will do these new ^ctures justice... only new and better equipment will oiake them letter-perfect to the eyes and ears of your audi- ences. They demand true, faithful, life-like sound repro- duction—you owe it to them and to pour box-office to install the new Pacent Reproducer System. Pacent has kept pace with every developn^ent in the talking picture field. Now neW and exclusive features; make Pacent the outstanding reproducer equipment on the market. Pacent has the quality; Pacent makes every; performance a better performance; Pacent prices are lower; and you can own your own Pacent equipment on one of the most liberal partial payment plans ever of- fered exhibitors. 1 SOUND-OK^FItM VDPF OO VDFDDisc $1395.00 VDPFD Disc and Sound-on-Film 2395.00 For houses up to 500 seats Otber ,N«w Pacent Models ForilOOO)Seaita or Idss—SyQcbronoiis Eo|uipment' ^XDPD Disc. ,;■ $1495.00 XDPF Sound-on-Film £195.00 XDFFD Sound-on-Illm and Disc ii595.00 For 2000 Seats or less- Synchronous Equipment XXDDisc $2750.00 XXF Sound-on-Film 3250.00 XXFD Sound-on- Fihn and Disc... 3750.00 For 4000 Seats or less- Synchronous Equipment XLD Disc....... .$3750.00 XLF Sound-on-Film 4250.00 XLFD Sound-on- Film and Disc.... 4750.00 Pacent Itrii&^js you many new features PACENT TONE COLOR CONTROL: Corrects varying acoustical conditions—assures faithful repro- duction of those finer characteristics peculiar to the individual artist or musical instrument. 3 4 OIL-DAMPED PICK-UP: Adds a full octave to range of reproduction. Eliminates record-jumping. LOUD SPEAKERS: Auditorium speakers with new horn baffles. Different sizes to meet the needs of large and small houses. PACENT SOUND-ON-FILM SYSTEM: Plays vari- able area and variable density recordings with equal efficiency. There are many other Pacent features you should know about before installing any reproducer system. The low prices of the new and improved Pacent Reproducer Systems make rental uneconomical. Purchase your own equipment on our attractive pay-as-you-show plan and you will be ahead in the end. More tl&an I60O Installations are more than 1600 Pacent installations in theatres throughout the munity. Let Pacent leadership reflect itself in your theatre—in better perform- world. Regardless of the capacity of your theatre Pacent is ready to supply ances, in larger more enthusiastic audiences, your requirements at a price which your receipts will justify. Write us for the complete details, stating location of your theatre, capacity, Pacent equipment will make every performance in your house a de-luxe per- type of pictures you show and any other information you think we should have, formance. Pacent equipment will give your housi^ a new standing in the com- This involves no obligation, of course. FILM CENTER BLDG. asO NINTH ATE.. NEW YOBS, N. T. Sales and Service Representatives in Principal Cities througliout U. S. A. Agents in Majority of Countries Abroad PACENT REPRODUCER CORPORATION CABLE ADDRESS: FACEPBO PACENT KS:disirsTC OyEB 1600 PACENT REPRODUCER SYSTEMS IN SERVICE THROUGHOUTiTHE WORLD 1 'li iiii II . ill ] • .1