Variety (Jun 1930)

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174 V A R I E T Y Wednesday, June 25,1930 i l!l'IM.1.ltW.t-l'l.<'lrl.HiI~l-Kl^l4fcWU:3Hit.lJ.| I F-T I i:u,JIT.V.M 1+ ri-WII I \ ITI^fll WTHMfntlM'W miESiiBBamsEi ANNIVERSARY 11 II II II I i.i-i I'l I i-i I I 11 I I 11 n n n 11' n U'" I ' 111-1 1 ' I I r I irf rin 1111 i i < i 111 i i iMO Modern GLUE ROOM EQUIPMENT GLUE POTS GLUE MIXERS GLUE SPREADERS VENEER PRESSES GLUE CLAMPS ETC., play a most important accom- paniment in the manufacture of cabinets, speakers, horns, etc., for. radios, phonc^graphs, pianos, organs, and other musical cabi- nets and sound devices. Used the World Over CHAS. E. FRANCIS CO. Specialists Since 1880 Rushville, Ind. HhlllllWmilllHIIIBHaBBBflllllHlllBHiillillHillBh. : BaMHIia»iHBl»HWBHBimHlJB»BfJlieHMaBBHSa ■■BM»Blll»limilllBi»IISIIimWH»IMH»UH»lSlHlBSBBBWmWB ESTABLISHED 1884 F. R Smith Wire and Iron Works 1 Incorporated GENERAL OFFICES & SHOPS FnUertoB, Clybooni' A ABblond ATes. CHICAGO Manufacturers of OBNAMEMTAI. IRON, BRONZE AMD WIRE WORK Iron stairs and Are escapes, metal grille YtoTk, Iron and wire fences, lawn furniture, wire cloth and screens, stock room partitions, ten- nis court enclosures, weather vanes, fireplace equipment, etc. IHBHBBBBBBBHHHBUBBJIIHtUHmMamBlilBBHMHtai Congratulations MASSCE & COMPANY Incorporated 116 Broc^d Street NEW YORK (:i;f,if5);rH^inn;i:ri:pM!t^a5i;-in'isii««5i3TaT-rffif5r-; Congratulations WARNER BROS. Brunswick-Balke- Collender Co. on Your 25th ANNIVERSARY nnd Best Wishes For Your Continued Success B. R. Hunt Mfg. Co. Consolidated Case Corp. lTnl<Hi City, Ind. n^^rL'l!l^^l^-lM'l^^|l|ll>l.JJ=tsl^■^^^^l^lilJ^t!^^F-^5la^a^R^Hi^ Joseph Jackson "The Barker" BEST WISHES TO WARNER BROS. CONGRATULATIONS FROM BRASS BRONZE COPPER NICKEL SILVER PHOSPHOR BRONZE ZINC TIN COATED METALS SPECIAL ALLOYS Gauges 001 to .060 Widths ..1/16-in. to 16-in. BALTIHORE BRASS CO. BALTIMORE, MD. ^■■■■HIBUHBUyBBBlHBBBBUBBBBBBBBBBlWl LITHOGRAPHED I LETTER $1*25 per 1,000 IN JjOTS of 50,000 3 2K.000 at $1.S0 — 12,000 at $1.75 0,250 at 92.25 or 8,125 oar mlnlmnm at fS.25 p«r 1000 PrlcM Inclnde Paper and Delivery In Greater jNew York EngraTlnBs at Actual Co«t Send for Booklet of Paper and EnsraylngB ON" OVR 20 I>B. WHITE FARAMOBKT BOND A Beantlfnl, Stronir, Snappy Sheet Prlntlnir at TAiuatiy low Prices Manifold Work, Ofllce Forma and Coin* Work Our Motto—Qoailty and Sm^1c« Geo. Morrison Coinpainy 560 West 22nd St.. New York City FOtmDBD 1898 Phones: Chelsea 1447-1448-1449 l|HmBBBiBillHHUHIlBBBBUBBHHBBaBBBBHHB«in BEIER and The Whispering Serenaded BBhflBB3liBaUBaBBBBBBBIIBBil!HBHBlBHJaU S CONOBATULATIONS TO WARNER BROS. Rapid Bus Advertising Company WORCESTER, MASS. SAM SAX Production Manager. COMPANY 320 East North Water Street CHICAGO, ILL. SVPEBIOR 3766 Paper and Twine Warner Bros. Vitaphone Eastern Studio FET PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING CO. 1508 Carroll Avenue CHICAGO Die Cutting Special Shapes Insulating Materials Gaskets, Washers, etc. ldaHaijHUBHRBhKli,l!iijB^HHyHHMaijtjb<.l8baH..^'J Phone Mayflower 3063-3604 BINGLER TRANSFER General Hauling Theatrical Work a Specialty Cor. Center & Morewood Aves. PITTSBURGH, PA. i-i i-i i3t.'i:r.'i i i!i-,i;i.j>ii:tHji»ni.i-in m.i.rH-ini; American Ring Co. " ARTISTIC BRASS and Other METAL GOODS Western Sales OBlce 29 E. Madison St., Chicago, III i I 1