Variety (Jun 1930)

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ER BROS. M/i AN 1 IJ jiij-i 14 M i-.n I ij 1 wjli:*! ii-tT HI ri 11 ini I iim < I n^r^^n^^^^^ m 11 i i i i i i i i i i i i I4 i i i i 11 i.i 11 11 n i i i i i n i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II n I I I I I I M I ' H I i-n m I H I-] 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I n n 11 I I I I i| N ERSARY I Plunkett Gheinicsil Company OF CHICAGO Specialize in the manufacture of Chemical preparations to sterilize and purify the. air in theatres, buildings, hotels, etc. This method eliminates plumbing troubles by the cleansirtg of the plumbing equipment and;the maintenance of a perfectly dean, odorless and sanitary condition. ' WARNER BROS. TESTIFY TO THE EFFICIENCY OF THESE PREPARATIONS BY THE USE OF THEM IN THEIR VARIOUS THEATRES AND BUILDINGS. Plunkett Chieiiiical Company General Offices 3500 S. Morgan St. CHICAGO; ILL. Branch Officet,and Service Departmenta tri all Large Citiea DEPENDABLE QUALITY — UNIFORMITY SERVICE ON WAXES — & — MELTABLE INSULATING and WEATHER- PROOFING COMPOUNDS WAXES—AU kinds. IMPREGNATIONS—Condensers, Coils, Rubber-Cbvered and Weather-Proofed Wire, Telephone and Electric Cables, Etc. SEALING COMPOUNDS—Coils, Condensers, Batteries (Wet & Dry). Pot Heads, Cables, Wiring Devices and Specials. FINISHING—All grades of Weather-Proof and Rubber-Covered Wire. SPECIAL COMPOUNDS Candy & Company INSULATING MATERIALS WAXES 2615 W. 35th St., Chicago, 111. "For Over 36 years" I I I I I I I I I I I I I nil I I I I I III M 111 t-i 111 III I III I I I 11 11 I I I I I I I II I M M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I M I I I I n I 1 i,'i I I I I I I 11 n I I I 11 I I I I I I i-i i i i i > i i i i i i i i i i 11 i i 11 i i i 11 i i i ii ii i i n i i i m-i f i i i I. H. lESSICK S SON, INC. ^ DUtrihutora jD. & H. Anilraiie 1^11^^ Office, Yaird Aid Trefttlea lAth and Water Streeto, S. W. (Opposite Bureau of Engravino and Printing) WASHINGTON, D. C. Phone Dist. 0744 Phone Fr 7458 ■■■■■■■llllMllllHHlll.litll»!81Bg«BJIbHllllB ■■■■Illlliaill^ ; ■■■■■■MlllllKlllllHlBlBllllHIIIIMIlH rner Bros.! Automatic Devices Company ALLENTOWN, PA. IRVING SAMUELS, Pres. Knickerbocker Lighting Studio Designers and Manufacturers of Lighting Fixtures of Every Description 1223 Sixth Ave., New York City E. T. STEADMAN, INC. HEATING OILS-COAL ' 119 Franklin Street SILVER LAKE, N. J. NEWARK P. O. Telephones: Branch Brook 3-4000 „ Orange 3-4000 . Belleville r\ - 2-4000 ■■■■■■■■■■■iisiiiimirti the State Chemical Mfg. Co. Cleaning Materials and Sanitation Supplies CLEVELAND, OHIO A. I. Friedman & Co. Incorporated Artists' and Draftsmen's Supplies 8 West 4 5th StrMt mew 10BK Rogers Fish Glue The -Pureet and Btrtncest After ezhanstiTe teste adopted for' use by Bmnawlck-Balke-Collender Company ROGERS PROCESS GLUE Vied br Warner Brom. Pletoree, Inc. ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IBllMMHg Eagle Lock Co. LOCKS FOR ALL PURPOSES in V. FnwUtai street CHICAGO, nifc ■ ■HSIiUlHHlllliSllHSlrtBBHBiBllSimBi The Keeler Press THEATRE PRINTING DANBCBT, CONN. CoesnUalate Warner Bros, en Their tSth AnnlTersaiT \ ROOFING THE PITTS COMPANY INCORPORATED 58 Park Street, Newark, N. J. Telephone Mulberry 1124 ROOFING ON Twenty^three WABNEB BBOS.^ THEATBES Thirty-two STANDARD OIL BUILDINGS and Hangars at the Following Air Ports TKlSTKHBOBO. N. J.t HADI.EY TIELD. V. J .> NEWABK, K. J.| FARBONGDAIJe:, M. ¥.t WBSTITELD, N. J. ■BUUBBBBBBBBBHBBBUBIiaBBBBBBagSBBBBBBUBBBBBBBBIIBBiBlBBi Four Winners ESTEX INK For Fountain Pens and General Use Signatures Made with This Ink Cannot Be Faded by Blotting Willstick Photo-Office Paste Packed in Attractive Desk Jars Willstick Special Glues One for Every Purpose Samples on Request SaUPTEX INK & PASTE CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. ! 7 nninnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHMimHBmiiiiniiii B. DELGADO 1183 Sixth Ave., New York . Phone Bryant 2904 MOTION PICTURE TITLES ' ilOMBdltO AND FOBBION Positive—Negatlvtf—16' tnm. —St&tidard For eoCND er BlleBt Fllete i!»J»BHBBBHBIIB»BBBgBIIBBBiBBBBBUIHIUBBllBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIimBBBiBBHmBiBBiBBBBUBBBBBBBBBBEBUBBei,B B BBBB M B B B BB Anniversary Greetings to Warner Brothers KAY f FEATURED IN i WARNER BROSe VTTAPHONE PRODUCTIONS