Variety (Jun 1930)

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184 V A R I E T Y Wednesday, June 25, 1930 WARNER BROS m I i Each New Day Each new day inventive genius widens the uses for electricity. From the home, from industry and from commerce comes the ever i increasing call upon your Electric Service Company. The expansion of this service has be- come vital to your well-being and comfort. Erie Lighting Company ANNIVERSARY Warner ^Bros, Music Thoie vibrant lonei that tweep in tfirill- ing volume through the immentily of tpace in the WARNER BROS. Theatres gain tweelneu and roonance throagh the In- ilallation of Gallagher Orchestra Equip- ment. Also those music stands, brilliant in gold leaf, rich HP carving, satisfy the eve as die music does the ear, are Galla- gher design and make. GtMaghtT Stands al^' BtiananiBaus areprac- tical aldt to tacds^l Amumartattip, Stndtor interejtitiK information GALLAGHER Orchettrm Equipment Comfiaar 616-ld Elm Street, Chicago ^he Catia^er ^fionantBase Made of violin wood, ■dcntlQoallr designed to<nerc,aset>otlivoluoie and (bnp, very much aa doeathe Instrument wlilclila played everlt. Tlie illuitratlon la one. ■cotton. This with ' otliera comprls* ttie entire floor of tlie ofebaatra. ■yaiHlHlllBiiJ^uaii»lillll»llHLIllM»HWMUdH»BIIILUUOMIltfHjagllgHflglBaaBHaiJ^JH»lliayHUIUBliiaiiH^ O. M. R A U Consulting Engine^er specializing in Ellectric Service Contracts with Public Utilities " Investigatioiis of Demands and use to effect economies in the Cost of Service 1520 Locust Street PHILADELiPHiA, PEN NSYLVANIA GEORGE M. VAIL CHESTER RAKEMAN SCENIC CONSTRUCTION CO, Builders of Scenery and Mechanical Effects 204 West 63rd St., New York City uaii.ili-j i.ri.Li I I.I 1 I I i ri i 1 ri li 1:I i i i i i 11 11 i 111 i.i i iu i i.i 111 1111 11 11 11 11 11 CONGRATULATIONS TO WARNER BROS. 2STH ANNIVERSARY iron. A. KRINSKY GENERAL CONTRACTOR 14800 Superior Rd., East Cleveland, Ohio Balldcr of foUowlnf Warner Bros. ^ Tlieatre Building Tlieatres:' Speolallst OHIO THEATRB—Mansfield IB Theatres Constructed VABIETX THEATRE—Cleveland Estimates given cheerfully mUliHaUIIBIIima«BBHBBBBBaBaB»IIHBHlKllBIBIBilllBaHHllHBaBgBllilhBajaTCT AI.Ii WARNER BROS. AND FIRST NATIONAI. INSERTS ARE MADE BY The Earl Hays Press RESEARCH—CINEMA INSERTS 6JSSS Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. HoMy. 4610 ll!HUBUBJIIUBJaLi»HliHIIBBLBaHmeEUB^BHaBBg|jiBiaaaBUUBaMKngiaKiJUH»)^ COMPUMENTS TO WARNER BROS. Hangrite Shade Co, WINDOW SHADES, LINOLEUM, RODS 40ST Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. Phone OL. 471G ia3iaBHBaMBBBB«rjaBgi!nBaiifltiHHaeBaBaaaBBBWBftuiiMBBHHMjn!ijf.HaaMa(jaiiBimiB THE NEW MODERNISTIC - Metallic Signs For Lobbies, Marquees and Frames Sent on approval to any theatre In the United States Write us At 1007 BROAD ST., NEWARK, 'N. J, ; Elwyn E. Seelye & Co. . 101 Park Ave. ,N. Y. C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR STRENGTH OF THEATRES l dBHMHnBiH B BII B J B BhyHHhhi.«.hliyiiWi.My Berry & Homer - Large Display, Photos and Transparencies Plain—^Ti nted—Colored 604 Arch St., PHILA DELPHIA HBBBaBBBBBBBBliblBBIIkm.MdilhiiMBitaUBii Congratulations to'Warner Bros, on Their 25th Anniversary Overseas Travel Service 55 West 42nd St. NEW YORK l3B8eaBiailMBBIJUB«aili«mBatHilBHBihH Oser Brothers THEATRICAL PRINTING Specialties foreign Laaroases 1423-25 Vine Street, Phila. faaajBBaBBiiBaBSBiMdsstmuHBmaBHBirii Phones Canal 7234—7235—7236 Established 1909 Coco Bros., Inc. Brass and Bronze Works Tbeatre Balls, Restaurant FlitUns, Wickets, Kick and ^sh Platep, Band Balla . Iiafgyette, B roome & Center Sti(., N.T. IBaBBBBBBBBaHhiBBBMaailiBBBIIIlBBHBHBl Beacon Wiper Supply Co; 110-113 Marginal Street CHELSEA, MASS. Wlplns and cheesecloth epeolallits for all oleanbiff, pollshlnjr and dugt- Inf purposes. t-IMrt-lil.liHI I 1.1,1.14 l^^kl-m^'l-M I |^ Congratulations to Warner Bros. | Tower Circulating Library and Bookshop Room 1100, 11 West 42nd St., N. T. All current bookt for tale it 15% diuftunt from publlihera' prleet m^a!llij«Uliliil!iaH,ilH8aBaBgaaBy6=jHM13)iHBB The Arlington Window Shade Company i't»t'i't-w-^4-i»t 14 i jLua-mjiiaff t i i i. i-i i i n i>i The Levy Company Sign Makers, Inc. Commercial and Electric Signs , 27 Wooster StTCet, New ToA Eatabllehed 60 years WM. CHA8IN, Pre*. M. VAN VEEN, SmV I F. W. MATTHEWS MmiimMBIIIBBaiaBilBBHillilHByHBBUIlBaBgaBilHiBBIIIBBimaaBBBBBBBaUBIIMmWl INCORPORATED ti Jt9 'A Printing Service that Excels* 152-156 W. 25th Street , NEW YORK CITY mreuBJiuumiBHHinHiwii I CI LiH rtj I rti.iM:t°i I urw, fc^ r t-f^i-lri-tar<jj^'jrKw->cPA'fcnn Lamfrom, Tighe, Engelhard & Peck Attorneys and Counselors 1416-1427 Bankers Building, 84 East Wisconsin Avenue, ^ MILWAUKEE, WIS. IBHHSI»HMBlHWllBIUIll)IB8aHBBaBaBBBHMBHBMkflMiiiab3!»dJEB jB,.BH^yiyHflUaf {m!nrgH ACCEPT OUR BEST WISHES THEATRICAL and COSTUME FABRICS Trimmings of Every Description J. J. Wyle Bros., Inc. \uui^""^^'"^^ : ^'"^ ^"'^ An geles. 718 8. Broadway I S^Bff a ilHHglilBll)BIIM<lliflli<!lJBaUiia«U5a'J..!ft>!iliyHljUd&|jBnRI Jtl^btj6aHH BgBBgB tig B ^ Calhoun Show Print HARTFORD, CONN. Established 1852 We are proud that our posters help to eontribule to Warner Bros.' Success l.iJteBiJ»mjflflHBiii!WuaHB^inamjijnaBiiBiiB^g-|[^ John B. Dunbar Plumbing and Heating No. 507 Shipley St., Wilmington, Del. ii,.^..- .^Agent for the "HOME COMFORT" OIL BURNER I 107 Glen wood Avenue EAST ORANGE, NEW JERSEY PHONE NASSAU 1758 Vitaphone has used Maltjiews Wax from the start BEST WISHES TO WARNER BROS. 1 FROM i PARAGON ENGRAVING | COMPANY, Inc. | Phones: WATkins 8378—8379 Uneedour Printing Service i