Variety (Jun 1930)

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VARIETY ..Wednesday, June 25,1930 " ■ • I 1' I 'i' -ir ■ • li ii'' I ■ Bp?™ Wfm. WARNER BROS ANNIVERSARY iM'LIUTbtiKPfcl-^R'rMTVW-WH-'m IH'l^*-!.! I-UW-H N-M HM II I I H I I M U I I I I II [n I i I.I I I I I I I I U | I I I I 1 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.I I I'l I I II ] HH I m I I I 1 l^ll ■( > tH I 11 HI I I t-l M I I HH I I I I I I I 11 I Exclusive Brunswick Recotding Artist IRVING and Brunswick Recording 'Artist HAROLD (SCRAPPY) HIS *'HOTSY tOTSY GANG" ALSO ''Jphgle Band*' under the direction of Irving Mills 148-150 West 46th Street New York Many thanks to LOUIS KATZMAN, JIMMY 0»KEEFE and jXcK KAPP fpr the courtesy and co-operation extended us Scrappy Lambert and HisiWbodmansten Music NOW WOODMANSTCN INN Williamsbridge Road and Pelham Parkwa7 .Westchester, f(e«y Yorl^ City; SYLVIA CLARK International Singing and Dancing Comedienne A three-year contract with R-K-O which Miss Clark has fully enjoyed, terminates December 30th, 1930. She is now free to consider future contracts. Starring in Warner Bros. Vitaphone "SEEING SARAH OFF" Representative—Hugo Morris, 1560 Broadway, N. Y. City i;i I I I I I.I.I 1 I I'lj iM.UMii I I tt-i r:l;lqJ.■lil-J..L-l^l'W^^W*^>.t!K^r;Kl•1'^tlr•i.^l.tM^ i-u il'i w.i.i i i i i Disperse Carbon Blaek The ^'Record'* Black Used in Warner Bros. Records WISHNICK-TUMPEER, Inc. CHICAGO NEW YORK Operating CENTURY CARBON, CO. GUS F. ZIV, President Phone Kedzie 3809 HIGH GRADE TOOL STEEL CSTABLISHCD l<)ll BoQer Tubes Chicago Tube and Iron Co. Chicago, 111. lUBHyBBBBBBBBlHBBBIIlBBilliaBUilliamaiBBUI THE JEWISH INDICATOR PUBLISHING CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. iiriii[!.swDKiiw 2943 W. HARRISON ST. ^^J^^ CHICAGO. ILL.] BmaBBBBIlliBl!3HI]aBaBUBIJBUHBBHBSBIBtHBHUBHBaBHBUB8IBBBaBBn»MBmiB TELEPHONE CHICKERINO 0002 NEW YORK OFFICE MAIN. STORAGE WAREHOUSE: NOS. .83 ANP 89 BRIGHT STREET, JERSEY CITY LUKER BROTHERS Theatrical Transfer and Storage AUTO SERVICE Office: 520 West 30th Street, New York BaHKBEUUEgBBBHBIiiMyiBliaiiaHBaBUKyaEaUMaBUiBBBaBiBBBBaBBBBBHBMBBUlB Western Polishing Cloth Co. ManDfactnrers of America's Finest Wiping Cloths 2713-19 Quin n St. ' Chicago, 111. IHBHBaaHBeBBBBBBBBiBBBUgBHBBHI!aHHgaBUaaBBaaBBBBBMBBaHHI!!!BaBBBa!i|fl G. Burkhardt Mfg. Co. 2123-2125 No. Clark St., Chicago, 111. Sheet Metal Work of All Kindt ESTIMATES FURNISHED REPAIRING OUR SPECIAIiTY Phone LINcoIn 4602 i i i