Variety (Jun 1930)

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190 VARIETY We^eaday, Jun* 25, mH YMJ^NE R BROS. ANNIVERSARY 1 I I I I I i i 1 ;Taanu£ra;Era,cWii!i?EiGEW.ijii:i.^^ in n i i-i 11 ui u in 111 i,i 1111 in 11 ii 11111 n 11111111111111111111 n m 11111111111111 ij-i 111111 u 11 ki i i n-i ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL PERFECTION! I The name PHILCO is one with progressive development. In the Talking Motion Picture, Telephone and Electric Light Industries the PHILCO POWER BATTERY LINE is recognized as being YEARS AHEAD, "'^^TVPE 138 RGHL PHILCO offers you rugged, long-life spray-proof batteries in Steel-Glass at a reason- able first cost. ' PHILCO HAS MINIMiZED MAINTENANCE The 11 Points to Phiico 2. Corner and Side Locks. 3. Diamond Grids. 4. Philcoi Processed Plates. 5. Phiico Slotted Retainers. 6. Quarter-Sawed Hard Wood Separiitors. 7. Spray-Proof Funnel Vents. 8. Built-in Charge Indioators and Thermometers. 9. Burned-Bolted Connectors. 10. Shipped Fully Charged. 11. Lowest Space Installation and Maintenance Cost. Write for a PHILCO technical representa- tive on your next battery requii ement. TYPE 13 EPG-240 AH. PHILADELPHIA STORAGE BATTERY CO. (Power Division), ONTARIO AND C STS., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Please send me Bulletin No. 966 describing in complete detail Phiico Spray-Proof Power Batteries In Steel-Glass. Name Street City .. State TUNE IN ON THE "PHILCO HOUR" UNITED STATES liUSS CO. South Ninth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. World's Largest Producer of Table Glassware 62-PIECE EMRYLWARE DINNER SET PLAN GIFT ASSORTMENTS—PRIZE PIECES DECORATIVE WARE—FOR STUDIO AND LOBBY CONGRATULATING WARNER BROS. THEATRES AND PICTURES This Set Used In Many Warner Bros.' Theatres ^HiimHii i m iBi i ii m i i HimnME ■ 12 Factories Display Rooms in Principal Cities 25,000 Pieces to Select From NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVE: , . C. A. COULTER, Inc., 1658 Broadway . ■Hll«BBB«BIBmillBB«MmmilllHlHBHtMSHliyiyillSIISlHlBmimi With Good Tools—A Good Product High grade products are made only with high grade equipment. We appreciate the pk-lvllege oC fumlshine the Brunswick-Balke-Collender' Com« pany with high grrade machine tools. Index Machinery Corporation 49 Central Avenue Cincinnati, O. ■BBiBiBBaBBlilBMiBlBBBBBBBliBBlBiaBBiBlBBBBBBIiBliBBBBBBBBlBBBi Great Northern Chair Co. Manufacturers of Bent Wood and Metal Furniture 2500 Ogden Avenue CHICAGO, ILL. Phone West 5960-6961'5962-5963 Mermaid Paper & Thanhanser Co. a«tlBWaB*l*IIB<<«lBBBiilMiitMBBmg5m Heartiest CongTatiitetloiis to WARNER BROTHERS MARX BROTHERS Printers, Statlonen, Xtesravers SOS S. EleTeBth St., PhlladelphU ; BBBJBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBUBBBBIi HARDCASTLE" Plomblnc * Heatlnff Contractor 31 North HaiylaDd Avenue ATtANTIO CITY, N. J. Phone 8p4640 BBBBBBlBBBBUillBLBnBIIHBailimiWn ! Complete Mall AdvertlsInK Service We Halt., MImeo., Add. "Two to a nUlUoo" Letter Service Co^ Inc. S6S5 Germantown Ave. PHIIiADEIiPHlA. PA.' WEILER'S Printing House Theatrical Printing Reading Penna. Arrow Chemical Frodncts Company, Inc. MANVTACTTBINO CHBaOSTS Arrow BoUdlncr M19-tl Sott Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M. U. JAC0B30N ; BBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBiBiBBBiBBBWrnmi ! Good Mailing Lists Prompt Addressing Mail Multigraphing Service M. FUBDMAN, Mgr. Eckel BIdg., dyraeuse, N. Y. IT is our distinct pleasure to .pay honor to WARNER BROTHERS in com- memoration of their twenty-fifth anni* versary . . . prizing no less the privileges afforded us in the past to assist in its present glorious consumma- tion. FURNITURE GO.'^fc/^NEW YORK 216 East 45th St. New York PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO LOS ANGELES