Variety (Jun 1930)

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VARIETY Wedne9day, June i26, 1930 For information regardinB Book Match Advertiaing, Conheot with UON MATCH COMPANY Inc., 260 W«i]Bt 67tii St; ' New York City Columbua 8520* ' I' IM 'H I 1 I I I.I iriii pi:i.r.j Lui I i-Ki i 11: i i i iii i EAVES, SCHNEIDER and BLYTHE, Inc. Manufacturing . Coaiumers — Formerly Schneider-Anderson EAVES BLDGL, 1 SI WEST'46TH STREET, NEW YORK -'^^J'^^lll■l 11-11 11 11 I I 1I II I I I I I UI11-i.i-iM in M rn i ^i.j f\ f*^ u iw i.LTi iuim-\^^^^^ Etectric ^e^igned for use on Desks or StiEthds. Subtraction as Simple and Swift as Addition Write for Folder or, PHone-CAHM, 115!&' CORPOAATION tumumn Mrw^MwOnr ALLEN • WALES! ADDINO 'BOOKKEEPtNC AND CMOIUIINO MACUDOS I HiillHIIIIIKaHBBBa»6litiiitB"Hil'H a »itliiHiHlff l Price Fire & Water Proofing Company 350 Broadway NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. "Fire and Water Proof en of Fahria" »«IIMilllliaHMIllllHBMH!iirBit| R A. MURPHY 1022 Arch St., PhiSadelphta, Pa. Bechaivw of ' . Fire Extinguishers In All Stanley-Warner llieatreB ■ gaaiMIBlHElMUBaBBM^HHBaHlHBlHIiahSUmi Irving Hoffman Caricaturist 1240 Park Ave. NEW YORK CITY 'iMaaiiai..iHJii!iiiaifiaBMgi!iHfcaBMiKPiaaMna<HUiBtyBi ReliableDecoratiyeCQ.,Inc. Draperies and Carpets 1316 Vine Street PHILADELPHIA, PA. i5UiT7*hXi\iii5iir'i'^iu*r;i,(isi;H-rrr-iik'»T|3iii:rhr-i*^ i 5 Joseph Jackson The Man from Blankley*s BEST WISHES ADHESIVES for THEATRICAL PURPOSES H. B. Faller Co. St. Paol, Mlnn.t IT. B. A, WALTER MOROSCO 3 Western Metal inning Works Mannfactorers of METAX SPECIAJLTIES SPINNERS OF Alil, METALS riOHT STAMPING 1730-32 S. JelTeraon St., Chloaffo, III. Own Standard E. A. BAtnffBAClTMFO. CO. 1812 S. Kilboum Ave., Chicago, DL Crescent Bronze Powder Company Bronze Powders, BrdnzInK Liquid, Gold and Aluminum Paints, Etc. 110-i;:2 W. Illlnpls St., ChJcaRO, III. 7«ii<BBiBa«BMiiiarfgaBSMiaiitaiyB^a^sfliiHtiaa^i!i«Bi]iw»tiBBeMHM[iBBtHuujt!JBa ARTHUR Select Vaudeville Agency Extends his greetings and congratulations to WARNER BROS. I f