Variety (Jun 1930)

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^A RIKT Y WARNER RPn^ ANNIVERSARY ^^^^^^^^^^■■■i^^^^^^^^^^^^HHHHB^^^^HHi^^^^^^^HH^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ iii.i.i-j't.4.1 I I I I hi.I 11 I I I I 11 r I I 11 i 11 11 i i n 11 11 i i ri i ii i i i i u i i i i^i m i hi i i i i i i i i i BENTLEY, HARRIS NANUFACTURING CO Manufacturers of Varnished Tubing CONSHOHOCKEN, PENNA. NEW YORK CITY Flatiron Blclg« CHICAGO 855 Larrabee St. B. H. PRODUCTS— Flexible Varnished Tubing Impregnated Magneto Tubing Optical Tubing, FlasH-^proof Varnished Tubing, Impregnated and Non-Impregnated Sleeving Insulated Wire l , l l ! la B■lB! l a ■■ ? lHa■B B u^aNflBg^3> a«l^^jM^^^aHa!^^i^«^H«Mi^^|MB■lta^wa,^^^h;^■lHaMl^ila^a^ Voltage Regulator Tubes Give Constant Reception —Longer Life—^Im- proved Tone For Radios and Amplifiers Our engineers can meet specifications of all manufacturers DURESITE LABORATORIES of World Bestos Corporation P 52 Courtland Street nBHyBHtlEaBaK^JIIimiJBUmiLMIIHJJBaBflJJiHHm PATERSON, N. J. Warner Bros. Anniversary Marks the 63d year of our business and the 13th year of regular service to them (including affil- iated cornpatiies) as " of their silver residues. ' They recognize that experience and scientific refin- ing In a large, well-equlpk)ed plant devoted entirely to the manufacturing and refining of precious metals Insures a thorough recovery of- all the value In their materials. We are proud to c(uote their comments as follows: HANDY & HARMAN: ". . . It is a pleasure to state that our dealings for the past number of years with reference to silver refining have been ,very satisfactory. ..." WARNER BROS. PICTURES, Inc.. WB WISH THEM Sl'CCESS AND HOPE THAT EACH SUCCEED- ING ANNIVEBSABY WILL »b\BK PROGBE9S FOR THEM AND THE INDUSTRY HANDY & HARMAN ! liiHIBBBBBUBBBMmmBJilBBBBHBMMBBBHBHd l lB l ! DEALERS AND REFINERS Principal Plant: BRIDGEPORT, CONN. COLD. SILVER and PLATINUSI . . . Service Plantc 425 RIehmond St, 57 William Street " V 1 M v fu'ton and Cold Sis., New York, N. Y. New Vorlc. N. Y. LITHOGRAPHED LETTER- HEADS AND OTHER OFFICE FORMS AT PRICES OF ORDINARY PRINTING Window Displays, Posters, Labels, Etc. LUTZ & SHEINKMAN, Inc. LITHOGRAPHERS SINCE 1890 2 Duane St., New York Phone. Beekman 4203-4-5-6667-OOBS ta»MMmBHmiHlHlUIJl»aBMBBJB«IIIHBl!IHllimnW« rSPECIALIZING IN I ROLL PRINTING I LW r II I111 1 1 1 t-ni I I H 11 r t i-in-M t i l l rin rc Hiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini"mi'm"""'iininin^iii iiAun tBMmNY iOrqan Novelties, brcnfecrt EfrectSi Adtertising glides MiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiuiiiittiiiniiiinMuiiiiiii iiiiiMiiiiinuy» . UTICA, Roll and Folded Amusement Tickets N. SIGN! Y. PHONE 2-4238 Standard Sign Service CLEARY BOX COMPANY i Manufacturer ot Corrugated Fibre Boxes 3315 W. 48th Place CHICAGO,^ILLINOIS MbM:i:i;uajEi-t w:rHT>rn'<'r>^-i-i-Ki"t<i.i.Tij;F.Ttig- A Kraft Sealing Tape and Stay That Sticks We have a tape and etay that sticks Write for prices, please MOORE & THOMPSON PAPER CO. Tribune Tower Bldg., Chicago '■ BHaiinBHBJBBBBBBBBiBlBBBHBBBBBBBI.flBri. Kolesch and Co. Drawing Material 138 Fulton Street NEW YORK Specialty Printing Co. 811 Lake Ave., Rochester, N. ¥.