Variety (Jun 1930)

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V A R I E T Y VvTARNER BROS, if^ ANNIVERSAR l.lMHIIlJftMIMBllMliai!BIHlBMBMail!tH>l«lklliaa,llllia«lililMBUHUIIIHLHimmilBimWmni . s.. I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.I I I I.I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I M I I I I I I I f I I I 1 I U I I I 1 I I I 11 I I We heartily CongradlpAe WARNER BROS. On Their adoption of the Ilex F 2.5 Dual Focus Projec- tion Lenses for their many theatres stamps this lens authoritatively as thdfinesf; ma^e.^ • _ pany ROCHESTER, N. Y. a I' 387 Fiirtt Avetiue. lllllBliiHiiBll^lllliailtiBlMllilliqpMBlttiijlBllHBlHLlllJliiiBlUI WQObvyOlflKING TOOLS:.ANP MAOHII^RY SAWS, KNJVES, CUTTERS, HEAP$r' GUARDS .MANUFA<^tUREP^AND REPAIRED NEW ANbsREBUtLT MACH :;16^t-59 ^iJ6^i6ll 'A(/ei', < Chicago,;, lU. Cohgrnhftatiqnsl on tlieir 25tli Anniversary . ALL^B||NOEIl8_FURNI8.HEP TO WAR^itR BROS. .,>Nt» PClli THEIR SALEVcbliTVENTION ■ . T. . ■„ ......... I . . '.'f 1 rt , ■, < '. ■.' ■ ; C am \ *1$^ ti With Sim$f* aBlBlHlliHlllimillBl»aHBHillilllll Fre^tdinan Bros. ' Plumbinp'.AQd .H<*9ting Contractor* ' Jbbhlnr fMnipUr Attended to ■ 888 jrMek8oa,-ATe.. .4erM7' Cl^, TH. .9, PhoM Dela'iroM SSOO ' .; 11-78 tVM CIth 8C, Bayonne, K jr. i i i iiiH ii ii i i iii i i irtHiiiiiiiMin i ii ■ Uvtiifd-Advertising Service ;.. '134 .Moa'cCow Streot - i NEW HATANi COMN. . gai^s and diai6^6 Warner brothers - . • • • • ■ -c. • ...1, • ■'. i^terh jitudio .1 . IBI P IBIHM II in i HMHHIiilUailiiyHlllWpMWM I |HH)BJIiH Wiin^ Pribjection Apparattia. miii Rheositkakifor thm 131 Eiiiti 23rd Str^ NEW YORK ■BllBllllUH^lil^iMJMBBaiBlMllUlflllMHMBHlMlM Entetf^fise Mill Soap Works, Inc. MANVFACTCREBS OF Soap Pow<krii'; — - Clemiiien - ' — Liquid Soapt Dttinfcctanto -- Indoklrial Soaps — Chemicalt 222d.31-33 Nakh Twelfth Street > PHILADELPHIA ■ Sanplea and ^Pricea on application IlilBlBliulliliHlBlMBtllBBBBBiiBlitiiiBkBHlBlllBlBBI Every.Roaily'Labol Corp., who'make'every kind of label .fon everybns everyvyhere, -join happily' in thitiiitfb.ute to ; ; Warner Bi'bs. on tlieif 25th'Anniviclraary EVERY RjEAoi^ LABEI4 COffiP. 257 Wett 17th Stpoot, New York City /