Variety (Jun 1930)

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mm lov mrusKiER 'orW ISMENE ^And if Ihayei mehavgrhfybdrefiB ?** scoffed Diamond Sam Spiwick, for flhe vasm his power* *^e*d ieR jou^ eren as I do* l^al those terrible sounds have no busi- ness eondng tcom. a human hemg; Toa*d hate me yield, yet you make your demands as thoossh yon were hawking bananas throusrh the poUie streets. Gentle your crowk with OLD GOLDS my friend tame i^umtwhuo^ cafan that coarse mak. Soothe those frayed vocal cords with hon^-smooth, heartrleaf tobacco, clear ^t thickened speech to mellow ease and yon'fi be surprised! OLD GOLDS make the tiiroatsrowfnider • * • to say nolfanifir of theears» ThereVnotabark in a billion.*^ OLD GOLD BETTER TOBACCOS...TRAT$ WHYTHEY WW NOT A COUCH IN A CARIOAD ^P. LotOUrdO*.