Variety (Jun 1930)

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232 VARIETY Wednesday, June 26,1930 1 i 1 iti-ii';\:t:i'hiiiM^jii:i.kiitMiA-tii'uriAa^i^^ i i-i 1111111111 m 11111 11 j j ii u 11 ii 11 i-tn n n tii-i ri > III n 11 It n M J I.I 111 u i.i w i ii-n-i.i 1111111 u 1111 i i CONGRATULATIONS FROM 1 I i i i I i The Makers of POLY MET P R © IIIJ C T S The HEART of Things Electrical take this opportunity to welcome WARNER BROTHERS into the fields of radio and sound projection and to wish them every success TO WARNER BROTHERS: Brunswick'Balke'Collender Company, one of thie grie^C radio companies which Polymet serves with essential parts, now passes into your hands. We pledge ourselves to a maintenance of that quality which originally war- ranted Polymet's selection and maintains Polymet as a preeminent source of supply for: PAPER, MICA, ELECTROLYTIC CONDENSERS ' ' * tLEO TRICAL COIL WINDINGS * * * ENAMELED COPPER WIRB • * * TRANSFORMERS ' ' ' RESISTORS t ' * RADIO AND SOUND PROJECTION ESSENTIALS Polymet Manufacturing Corporation 820-V East 134tli Street New York Cl^ IUPI»iBilllHlimimiHmiilHBIHIimillHHBIHIlHHBl»lll«IUUIlBIBliyaiUlllBUlietililHglltllllimim^ FUONK KED. 4872 DSTABUSHIiD 1007 RELL4BLE DISPLAY AND MOUNTING CO., Inc. SPECIALIZING IN MAP MOUNTING AND THEATRICAL DISPLAYS 44d West 42nd Street, New York MonntUic, rDflt«n. Chart*, Blue Showcwrds, Art Pmton, Shadow mats and Lacqaerinr BozM, Window Dlsplaya and - Enlargementfi. ; PBBBiBiBBWllllllUlBllllHBIMBBBBBilBBBBBBBiBlBBiBBBBBBMBBiBBBgBBBBHIIHIHBlBlllllBCT F. W. Newman & Son, Inc. | Electrical Coniractot$ FOR Vitaphona Installations at Strand, Ritz and Madison Theatres, Albany, New York. MANUFACTURERS OF Air Operated Chucks Air Operated Arbor Press Double-Acting Air Cylinders Air Control Valves Air Pressure Regulating Valves, etc. 621-31 South Koli&aT Ave., Chicago iBUBBBBBlBBBmBBBiiiBiHlMBlBBillBiitinrt a liiSBiBBBBBBBBlBiiBBBiBlBBBBUBUiBBBBBBIBl CONGRATULATIONS TO WARNER BROS. Brimswick-Balke-CoUeiider Co. from Hannifin Manofactoring Co. Name PLATES Etched Brass-Aluminum Bronze-Steel-Nickel- Sil- ver-Scuff Plates -Dials Scaleis ' - Rules • Radio Escutcheons. ETCHED BRONZE and STEEL ELEVATOR PANELS ETCHING Ca of AMERICA 1520 Montana St., Chicago DIVersey 6217 I.I I I I I [ I t I U LLr.M U-IH.I I I I IJ I LI 1 I I I I 11 CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES TO WARNER BROS. Bnmswick-Balke-Collender Co. ON THEIR 25TH ANNIVERSARY The Acme Refining Go. CLEVELAND, OHIO g kokomo, ind. BBBiHiiiHrtllBBBBBBiBBBaBBiBBBBBBBBByBBiBii5isuM;iinmKi<ii.h<m Maiaannm> B minthu« i Ball Dog Brand Coated \ Naila j Kokomo Nail & Brad Co. ■iBHHiBHBHBalBMBWBBBflHHHBIIHH^gdandiBebt.ayadBitahB«BiBfcHitM<IBdJbHMBBiB»B»JLIUllilSBWWWm,4J^ Congratulations to Warner Bros, on their Twenty-fifth Anniversary FROM "THE HOUSE OF HIGH SPEED" MACHINERY TOOL & SUPPLY CO. 3690 SANTE FE AVE., LOS ANGELES iliJ:i£iiHjjin J in 1-1 vrfi'vj ij.i-ij;iti^^^^^^ 7ff& STA NDARD ENGRA yiNG CO ^ ILLUSTRATIONS EL&CTROTYPBS -MATS STE-RBOTYPE-S for-the 24 HOUR. S£RV/C£ uuu I 2 55 ^2^7 E. 45"-^ ST., N.Y. C. - v ^ t Va^nderbilt 19 7S m I BBaHtIBBBg!^aBgP,BWaggBSMBnPgBBBBI^DB^B^MB^^^fl5BliH.^BBi^!lB«HBIMfi^^^BHB^BBUiBBBBBBBB■ BB BiB iaxujaj.jA^a,uiaiUL.i-j_L-iA.t.i 111 h t \ m i n 11111< n m