Variety (Jun 1930)

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"^4 WARNER BROS. . R I E T Y Wednesday, June 26,1990 I I I I lu w 1^1 I'j i-i i>i w i<l M I r I I 11 r I I I I I I I II I'DHJi LM i.M i i.i-i.JJ J i«w>i'r pj.).i i i i 11 i i i i r'):i w-r.i.i.i i 11 i i i i i i i Mmi i m i in m M ii i i i i i i i it i' I i i i i-i ii M i t i i i i in i 11 ii i i i i i i i n i i i i i ri i AND THE WARNER BROS. ORGANIZATION WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, Inc. WILLIAM MORRIS, JR. WILLIAM MORRIS NEW YORK 1S60 Broad-way HOLLYWOOD Warner Bros. Theatre Bldg. CHICAGO Butler Bldg. ABE LASTFOGEL PARIS 39 Champ Elysees I i lllil B i H t W BP U IBriUMlMtHliaililBBlllllifcH»l*MBl»»IIIIJlllJailBOBHUBIHIIB>hBHIIiHtilMyBhliariMkiiiy^ Congratvi\at\ons THE VERSATILE MASTER OF CEREMONIES JAY MILLS Earle Theatre, PhOadelphia Celebrating 80th week for Warner Bros. C h a r 1 i e DAVIS Now Master of Ceremonies >with the stage unit, "Dude Ranch." Back home at the Indiana after June 27th WARNER BROa It is a genuine pleasure to be associated with an organization guided by such men as your- selves. Men who have conceived and de- veloped during the past few years ideas of such magnitude that they have revolution- ized one of the greatest industries the world has ever knov^rnl We congratulate you on this, your 25th Anniversary. May your spectacular and well deserved success continue without in- terruption for another quarter century I IWA Thanks to MR. GEORGE SKOURAS, BILL GOLDMAN, AL KAYE, REEVES ESPY and My persona) manager PHIL TYRELL CHARLIE DAVIS BAND Fortune and success have been kind to this musical organization, now rounding out its thiVd straight year. Each and every person in the group is grateful to Warner Bros, for the opportunity they are providing in makbg cur success possible throughout the Mid-West. Long may the banner of Warner Bros, wave and long may we look towaird it as our leader I Indiana Theatre INDIANAPOLIS, IND* H H M iB a B ii i MiniiHIHIMBIIhB«IIBIItltjl<iMillHUH[JM8BUumiiii;Lm^BLiHBhiti4aiiuutiRH»iiiHB« ^ FELICITATIONS FROM— Frank Adv. Service SPEOIAUrztNO IN THEATRICAL OUTDOOR ADVERTISING IN NEW ENGLAND AND VICINITY so FABK ROW i STAMFORD, CONN.