Variety (Jun 1930)

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VARIETY WedneoAqr, June 25,1930 WARNER BPQS. J VERSAR IP glBl Hai ll BlilW ll lH lBl gH lBHUliyB ■■■■■■■■»IIHIBBI»illtlilillHBmmiBmmi Greetings and Congratulations^ t6 WARNER BROS. SIDNEY BLACKMER ! I.I ri hi 11 I I 11 1 1-1:1,1.1 Ltri,11 j_i Li-i.i.i I i i.i i 1-1111 111 i n-M 11 rirriM-f-»i>n-« i.i.i 1111 1111 i i i n i 11 i.i u i i iTii.iifJ.Fifiii^ m fi ii i iriaii-W'ii'M-i'i i'iJ na«t'.id-ij-it^M i-iM i jMri i i»i!f»g;i:n'i 11 uri j i i 11 i-i hi un u i douglas fairbanksy jr. ■■BlBHBBBgBBUBBBHBlM»iBIIUBilBBMhBMWhiBdMBBByBIIBBHI.HBMh»HaHyHBlHBiBBaHHBBKtfBliJi^ii.l,IIIBMild»HgBBI3HBaMBgBBBBUBaB 1905 1930 COf^GRATULATlONS and BEST WISHES TO WARNER BROS. PICTURES, INC. and THE BRUNSWia-BALKE-COLLENDER CO. 1 Approved Radio Products Yaxley Manufacturing Co. CHICAGO IBaBBBMaHHHHH!IBIiBHnaWldtiaflbaMH«3MaHriaBeil!IHHWUaMHWriWh«l^gBEH5^ ^ Congratulations to WARNER BROS. Walton Scenery Transfer, Inc. Automobile Service—Long Distance Hauling 250 West 47th Street, New York PHONE CHICKERINO 8737 FLOWERS Are a Gracious Gift Gude's Flowers may be .quickly and Inexpensively, sient to friends "Across the Miles" via telegraph. 4t Years of Seroice Gude Bros. Go, Main-Store—1212—F—street Phone NAtlonal 4278 Other a«d« Bros. Oo. Flower Shopa at 3103 14th St. 6016 Conn. Ave. 1102 Conn. Ave., * WASHING TON, D. C. ■ BilBUBHMiBBBBBBBftBBHimHBHBBBBBBBHBCTCT conobati;latioms pbom Century Glove Co.; Kannfactnrers and' ImpoTten 45-47 Monmouth Street NEWARK, N. J. HTOBEBBT 4988 BBBBBBBiJBBBBUBBBBBBBBBailgUaBBIlHaBEKIIBgWIl "The Terror'* CongratQlations to WABIfEB BROS, upon their 25th Anniversary ALFRED KLESNER Successor to HOOPER & KLESNER interior Decorating Wall Papering Painting Manufacturers of window shades, awnings and draperies 929 H Street Northwest WASHINGTON, D. C. I I i Ki-Mj 111'l.f-n i ini 1 i.viio.Ti I iM 11 11 ig n III I n n i n 11 i i i i rui ittj m CONGRATULATIONS TO WARNER BROS. on their 2Sth Anniversary I Tony Lucchese GOLD MEDAL FILM CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. j Josgih Jackson 1 Fortimio Bonanova Brunswick Recording Artist Bill Beaudine Wishes Warner Bros, SuCCCSS There's nothing extraordinary s THEY REALLY NEEDED FT.