Variety (Jun 1930)

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242 VARIETY Wednesday, June 20,1930 WARNER BR ANNIVERSARY 1 IBlLBUIIUH!iBaillllHllBBlH»llllllJBllMHilHli MBHaHHaiUlll il Mi nHlllMllMBia»Mi,.BhHlllWH,a,-=g^ THOSE MOT BOYS FROM TIN PAN ALLEY FIELDS, RODGERS AND HART Wish a happy birthday to WARNER BROS, in order to tell what the leading critics say about: i I MR. FIELDS'BOOKS Poems of jeu d'esprit >—S<ttnt Beuve, I iWlio is Herbert rield8> What is he? Naetyl Nutyl <—Bt. John Irrloe, Tbe -W«M.- MR. RODGERS'MUSIC Music of the l^pheres. — Orpheas. Here in my Harms, it*s adorable. —Max Dreyfus^ SbowB very little prog'eBS. c-Ooldamith, The "Tribane.' MR. HARTS LYRICS If he were a girl. I wfiuld love him. — Sapphot "Mein Herz stand stille ist'ein Gedicht" — Coethe. Bvery lyrlo irrlter except Cole Porter should commit ■niolde. —«lUbert Seldee, Hie "Oraphle." ■ HHHHBi i mimmiiiii ■■■■■■■■■■■lllWUHBIMlllMIIHlSliMHHHSUlllHlBhIMHBlMHaiBliBHIIBIItllSllllBBBBaillBSliaBUllLilllSBIiyitlSlBUllM UHIIHSH1SBI,LWI1BWWWI Congratulations to WARNER BROS. WILLIAM K. WELLS Happy to be associated with this progressive organization Screen play and dialogue for "BIG BOY," Starring AL JOLSON (In collaboration with Rex Taylor) Featuring 'Also "THE COCKEYED WORLD" "HOT FOR PARIS" "BIG TIME'^ "PUTTIN' ON THE RItZ" "LET'S GO PLACES" "WITH GOOD INTENTIONS" I i I i IBBBBBiBBBIIUIIBIBIIBIIIimiBaHBHlllllBIIHIIIByilllllimmimillllUIUaHUBillllllBmttiaBiBWHUUBBBBBaBUBIBB^ ':r/'^//y/Wm