Variety (Jun 1930)

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246 y A I< I B T Y Wednesday^ June 85,1930 NVARNER BROST^lRl ANNIVERSARY j(!HHjlilt!BI4IIMHaBByiMBIHBBHIMlUllllKllMlllllllHHHlinillllliminillllllllllllllHllllHllimilHlllllllllllllMllll^^^ eidends anniversaiy regards to the WARNER BROS. Now Under Contract to First National /^^^Mi I I I r I I I 1.1 11 II I I I in 1:1 II M I I II It LI I I II I I II I n I I I I I I I I I I n I t II t II M 11 I I 11 I I I 1 ). i.ti I I [ 1.1 I 11,11 I Ki r I 11 I I 11 I in 11 r in f ii i i i in i i i i i i ii n i n i i i i i.|.i ri i i i i i i i i i i i m i i i i in i i , ii ti i i i i i i f National Vulcanized Fibre Company WILMINGTON DELAWARE My sincerest congratulations | to WARNER BROS, on their " 25th Anniversary Hw Play Boy and at KFWB Hollywood -:rin 111T(n-i I I I II i n I I ri-Fi i^iM I I ri.i>ri n i \Z Watch For Our First Picture "SMCY EBOU NAPLES" Laminated BAKEUTC SHEETS, RODS, TUBES, SPECIAL SHAPES VULCANIZED FIBRE Complete Line in Our Chicago Warehouse Sales Offices 1215 Washinaton Blvd. Warehouse: 2808 West Lake Street Telephonai Monroe 7095—All Departments We congratnlate Warner Bros, upon th6 completion of their 25 years of saccessfnl existence. STALTEk EDGE TOOL CO. Mfrs. Machine«Knives Grand Bapids, Hich. iBBiiyiiniiHuaiiii.aHiinniiHUHi.Jisisirtn We Make a Variety of Small Drop Forgings Sterling Drop Forge Works CICERO, ILL. MaBi!haH>HIHdHIIHli»H«BI.HJaUmHBJSIIilUli Congratulations to Warner Bros, on their 25th Anniversary AETNA CARPET CO. 6425 Hollywood Blvd. HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. Everyone on the WARNER LOT INSISTS I There's Only One OLSEN and JOHNSON I Modestly Yours Ole and Chic This Space Reserved For pie and^ Chic This Space! Reserved For John Sigiiard Olsen This Spacei Reserved For Harold Ogden ' Johnson This Space Reserved For "US" This Space Reserved For "WE" This Space Reserved For Olechic This Space Reserved For ■ Ourselves This Space Reserved Fbr Warner Bros. MAX HART Dir. Gen. This S|kace Reserved For Hollywood's Happy Hooligans of Hilarity LU Watch For Our Second Picture 'TUTY lOUION FBENCHMEN"