Variety (Jul 1930)

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"58 VARIEfr VA WH E Vl ll 1. E Goe$ AltSound in 3 I^Y. Houses When everythine: looked okeh for an adjournment between the pic- tare operators and the stagehands In the Fox metropolitan houses last week, whereby steige bands were to be permitted, without ac- cepting the unions' de luxe house classification, the whole thing was declared off upon the unions refus- ing to offer conciliations. Fox's Star, Crotona and Park Plaza, vaudeflim houses, went Into TO OUR PAL JOE I want to ride on bts trollay. car To a place up above, where true fellows are. Causa I'm Just an actor, I'm eeelilii« to flod ir the Starter St. Peter recognlMS my kind.. I'm looking for lomoone, of bim jrou must know. He wna our pal and buddy, we all called bIm Joe. Wa mise bio, my journey won't come to an end TIU I ride again wltb ray heavenly friend. So )U9t let UB ride ' to tbat heavenly sate'. Please tell liim. SL Peter, hU buddies await. IiOt me look through the gates, there an angel I'll ■ see. I know I cnn't touch him, but tell bIm for me. That I wns here looking for him. and iust say. We'll meet when the curtain rings down on iny play. Wrltt«B by his pals Henry Bergman and Bob Nelson (Advertlseent) . ' WaatMl m GMd Letklni. ChtrM GIrIt Those that can Blng and dance, 8ea> son of 40 weeks or more; want me- dium sized girls; no drinkers heed <anSwer. .(Mutual Circuit),, the Oroheum The- atre, Pateraon. Send your home ad- 'dress; also phone'niimber. Address BlUr W*t8ob, WatMn Bldr.. Patowoa, N.: J,! Straight sound Alms Sunday <6). Academy in 14th street is sched- 'uled to eliminate! its entire stage show Friday (11)/ Fox's Brooklyn remains as it Is at present, with all of Its union men now on a week to week basis. The straight talker policy will re- main effective indef, although there is expected to be some sort of uii- derstanding reached by fall if the houses restore either the pit music or stage shows. It is the decision of. Harry Ar- thur, Fox theatre director, to keep the houses union, employing only the minimum house crew to operate on Its straight film basis. All the musicians, stagehands and operatot-s got their notices with the retention only of sufficient ope- rators for th'^ booths. By engaging union projectionists the Fox office sidestepped any oe- lief it is out to fight the unions. ILL AND INJURED Freddie Babbs laid up with head wound ,and nerypus shock, from iswimming pool accident when div- ;ing. Flora Parker of Parker and : Babbs is temporarily working with IMuriel Kaye. I Henry ilerbel, Universal exchange ;head in Chicago, recovering from I pleurisy in Presbyterian hospital, ;Chi.: O^rmrai ^c<0cutive Offices A^ N N E X BRYANT 7800 NEW YORK CITY J. H. LUBIN GBNBBAL UANAOEB MARVIN il SCHENCK BOO MNO M AHAQglt OH10AGO. OFFICB 600 WOODS THEATRE BID'G JOHNNY JONES IN CPAROB BERT lEVEY'S TRY AT COAST TIME REVIVAL Los Angeles, July S. Inactive for s6m© tlmie, the Bert Levey circuit Is planning to step out this fall with an attempt to line up about 12 or 16 -weeks of "small time" from Chicago to the Coast. Levey figures that condi- tions at present are timely for the move, and Is makliig a check on independent theatre owners who might be interested. Right now Levey is booking only two houses on the entire Coast: the Hippodrome, Los Angeles, and Mission, Long Beach. At one time the Levey time embraced around 15 weeks through the middle west and far west, v Insurgent Act Lay Off Grausman, - Hess and Valle, who caused commotion last- week when reporting at the Fox Academy and told to cut, were smoothed out when the booking office decided to keep them 'a full week. The act missed one show on the opening date, with Phil Bloom prov- ing the pacifier. Fox did not place the act anywhere this week. Groody.-Fleeson Dated Louise Groody of musical comedy will be Neville Fleeson's next vaude partner, the couple teaming for R-K-O playing. They open Aug. 16 at the Palace, New York. Vaude Back in Elgin Elgin, III., July 8. Elgin, vaudeless for some time, reported due back In variety field in the fall. NEW ACTS ; Joseph Howard, with three girls. First half of this week at the Ken- more, Brooklyn. Theatres Proposed Albany, N. T,—$760,000. Pearl street. Owner, care architect, John Bberaon. ' Bay City,' Mlch.-^wner, care archi- tect, C. H. Crane, Fox Theatre Building, pbtroit. Bethel,- O.t—$30,000. Grant Highway.' Owner, Bethel -Theatre Co. Architects, C. C. & b: a. Weber, Cincinnati.. 1 ChtcBKO.''-^$lE0,000. Owner, care archl- tectk E. Fuhrer, 1B»> West Randolph street.. ChlcaKO.—63d and Wallace avenue. Owner, Balaban & Katz Theatres Corp. Architects, Rapp & Rapp. Newark, M. J.—$4,000,000. Also garage. 878 Broad street, 12 Lafayette street. Owner, Warner Bros., Inc. Architect, John Eberson. Flattevllle, Wis.—$50,000. Also stores. Owner, W. C Tracey. Architects, Liver- more, Barnes & Samuelson. Bidgewood, N. J.—$275,000. The RIdgewood, RIdgewood avenue. Oak street and Maple avenue. Owner, War- ner Bros., Inc. Architect, T. W. Lamb. Watseka, III.—$60,000. Also stores. Walnut street. Owner, care architects, Buckley, Skldmore & Wainwright, Ham- mond, Ind. Watseka, III.—$75,000. Also stores and offices. Main street. Owner, care gen- eral contractor, Kalser-Ducett Co., Jollet. 111. Tom Hartley (Hartley and Shea) has recovered from recent nervous breakdown but has been ordered to rest over summer. Ifltniiatuiii on R-K-0 s Heatre Incorporatioiis Pheto-Yox, Inc., New Tork. picture films; 200 shares no par; Sarah Schorr, Henry Alpert. Martin Friedman. 1014 East 180th Street, New Tork, the- atres, pictures; $26,000; Albert H. At- terbury, Simon E. Osserman, Taylor Moore. Gordon Prodnctions, New Tork, thea- tres, 1,000 shares no par; Max Oordon, Aaron LIpper, Walter Ji Kceley. Fides Sonad' Films, Manhattan, sound flImB, $200,000; Frank Di Bella. Antonio C. Oranges, Francesco TrapanI, Barwall Corp, Manhattan, pictures. Alfred M. Barbe, Emily Bigal, Kate C. Lassman. Elmlm Hiaalemeii, BImIra, amuse- ments. Richard E. Myer, Norman J. Learned, Malcolm J. Wilson. Amrof Amasement ' Co., Manhattan, theatre, pictures. Tenle Forma, Jacob Mantlnband, Morris Langer. ' Bordonaro Bree. Theatres, Olean. Charles Bordonaro. Joseph Bordonaro, Benedict C. Bordonaro. Radio and Teierisloa Co., Manhattan, 100 shares no par; Jeanette - StabIn, Louis Cantwell, Milton R, Weinberger. Eddie Dowling Amnsement Corp, theatre, 13.000 shares—10,000 preferre4 $100 and 3,000 common shares no par; Eddie Dowling, Clayton J. Heermance, S, Whitney Landon. DarktowB Produotlons, ' Manhattan, theatres; Frank J. Friedman, Estelle KapUn. Saul Hammer. Victory Theatre Ticket OtDce, New Tork, $10,000; JCay C. Kress, Pauline Kress, Bernard Jacobs... Oranapat Theatre Corp* Manhattan, theatres, pictures; Robert's, Benjamin, Florence Abramsbn, Henry R. Danzlger. Barbour and 'MoKeogh,- Manhattan, pictures, radio; Robert C. Flack, May V.- Pugan. Dorothy K. Mueller, Whip Operating ,Co„ Long Beach, operate theatres, roof gardens, $10,000; Florence Lempert, Joseph Nemeraon, Irving G. Warahaw. DELAWARE Harry Copping Shows, amusements. $60,000. Harry Copping, Susan L. Copping, Herman Bantly, ReynoldsvlUei,- Pa. Mew GraiMl Theatre Co., theatres. $100,000. H. E. Grantland, L. B. Gray, C. S. Peabbles, Wilmington. Overall Badio Corp., develop patents. StOO.OOO. H. I. Brown, R. B. Thompson,' L. S. Dorsey, Wilmington. . Simpson Publications.. 1,000 shares, no par. J. Vernoii Pimm, Albert O. Bauer. Philadelphia; R. L. Spurgeon, Wilming- ton. CALIFOBNIA Sacramento, July 1. Columbia . Pictures Corp. of Call- fomla, I,td., County of Los Angeles, 30,000 shares, $300 Subscribed;' Harry Cohn, Lloyd. Wright, Cbas. D. Shaw. Thomas Prods., I,td., Hollywood. $2,- 000,000 capitalization; Richard Thomas; Willard Andrews, R, A. Hels, James P.. Lawson, Daniel D. Steele. Inie Hollywood Clob, Ltd., Hollywood, social and' Civic; Samuel Kress, C. H. Flebbe, William Holman. Colorcraft Pictures. Inc., Los Angeles, capital stock $600,000. $60,000 sub- scribed; Herbert T. Kalmus (poston), J. A. Ball,' Samuel S. Hutchinson, J. B. Irsfeld, Arthur Alber. Oklahoma Oklahoma City.—Robin Hood Golf and Amusement Corp; capital, $2,000. In- corporators, A. Holcomb, K. Hamilton, and G. L. Morris. Statement and Designation Philadelphia Theatre Assodatlon Inc.. Penn., theatres.New Tork ofllce 216 West 44th street. New Tork; Kate Jayne Davis, secretary. ' $500—500 shares no par. Changes in Capital National Greek Theatre, New Tork, 1,700 shares increased to 3,100 shares— 3,000 preferred $26 and 100 common no par. ■ ■ Excelsior Talkflim Products Corp., New Tork, from $26,000 to $60,000. Dissolutions New Try-It Theatre. Inc, Buffalo. Filed by Stephen T> Lockwood, Iroquois building, Buffalo. Eldor Theatre Corp. Filed by Alfred Sobol, 260 West e7th street. New Tork City. Benrose Theatre Corp, Brooklyn. Doren Theatre Corp. Milwaukee, July 8. It-K-O has deliv'ered ah liltl- matum to the local stage hands'* and musicians' unions to the effect that it the double shift system for pit and stage employees is not re- vamped for economy, Its Riverside theatre will have to discontlniie stage shows and go into straight pictures. The Milwaukee unions demand the employment of two full shifts of stage hands and musicians daily for vaude theatres. Riverside playa five acts with films on a full weelu R-K-O claims the double shift addisi too much to backstage expenses to permit the Riverside to show a profit. If the unions refuse to comply with R-K-0*8 demands, not one shift, but both shifts of deck hands and musicians at the Riverside will be out of work next season. George ANDRE & Co. ADAGIO FOURSOME BOOKED SOLIV B-K-O Theatre Equipment THEATRE SWITCHBOARD, with . DlmmM Itheoetat, la good rondltlon. Focmerlr uicd la Olyimrfc Theatre. ClndnnaU. Will bcU for ONE' FOURTH OF ACTUAL VALUE. Also 400 Leatherette Upholstered THEATRE CHAIRS. Clme out. astli $1.25. For further Infarmatlon, call, write or phoae CLEVELAND WRECKING CO., C«r. 4tli and Smith St*. CINCINNATI, OS. ENOS FRAZERE "Acme of Fineast^** WBEK JULT 5, SALT LAKIB Manapen LEE P. STEWART L LEWIS M08LEV i GLORIA FOY SAM CRITCHERSON R-K-O PAUCE, N.Y. (Thb Week. Jnlf S) Direction: JACK CURTIS ALAN DAVIS it pays to advertise joe and pete tnichon NI A THE ORIGINATOR AND ONLY ACT OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD '■"^ 'Offerina 24' CompTete Chanfl6s of' Beautiful Gowns While Performing Sensational iStiints and Simultaneously Dressins 24 Girls If Needed ask mother Curtis Direction JACK CURTIS