Variety (Jul 1930)

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76 VARIETY LESQH E Wednesday, Inlf 30i» 193(j Mutual Shows and Houses AD Set; Saturday Opening Day Amended After,deciding to open all Mutual Bhows on Saturday next season, i. H. Herk, president, found that this would not work out as satisfactorily as desired. He amended it by ruling ali houses west of Pittsburgh and Buf- falo will open Saturay, while all theatres east of those cities will open on Sunday and Monday, as heretofore. Herk had planned a continuation meeting of the house managers for the latter part of last week but later called It off. Runways will be permitted where the house operators want them. Al- most certain one house in Brook- lyn and all the N. Y. theatres will have them as formerly. There will be no musical director on the travel. - Advance producing .manageta. will carry the show music along. A meeting of the dance producers and the advance stagers was held Monday (28). Those attending were: Fred O'Brien, Ray Perez, Harry Blake, Jack Donoghue, Thomas J. Kerns, William Meaders, Jack Evans, Danny Fayne, William Neely, Fred Clark, Rose Gordon, Billy Thirll, Bunny Weldon, Charles Gregory, Frankle Ralston, Jimmy Allatln, Charles McElby, Jimmy Fulton, Paul Kane, Billy Koud, Jimmy Stanton, Ted Reilly, Both- well Browne, Nor Norcross, Murray Jeffries, John McAvoy, Mr. Smith, Lester Montgomery^ Nat Fields, Mr. O'Neal, Harry Richards, Dan Dody, Jack Bedford, Harry DeWltt and Allen Calm. List of Shows A complete list of the Mutual shows, with one exception (to be framed later) is as follows; "Girls From Follies," "Frivolities," "Get Hot," Henry P. Dixon Big . Revue, "Flying Dutchman/' "Legs and Laughter," "Whoopee Girls," "Peek- a-Boo," "Powder PulE Revue," "Record Breakers," "Let's Go," "Foolln' Around," "Take a Chance," "Radium Queens," "Night Life In Paris," "Step Lively Girls," "Laugh- In' Thru," "Wine Woman and Song," "Jazz Babies," "The Temp- ters," "Broadway Scandals," "Bare Facts," Billy Arllngrton Big Show, "Kuddlln" Kuties," "Step on It," "Pleasure Seekers," "Flapper Fol- lies," Harry Steppe Own Show, "Novelties," Frank Silk "Silk Stock- ing Revue," "Speed Girls," "Dimpled Darlings," "Speed and Sparkle," "Hi Ho Everybody," "Sugar Babies," "Fine Feathers," "Hindu Beliea ' and "Girls in Blue." Mutual theatres and towns for next season and probable route: — Grand, Hartford. State, Springfield. Mass. Qayety, Boston. Ridgeway, Schenectady. Gayety, Buffalo. Columbia, Cleveland. Empire, Toledo. Gayety, Detroit Haymarket, Chicago. Rialto, Chicago. Empress. Chicago. Gayety, Milwaukee. Empress, Kansas City. Garrick, St. Louis. Mutual, Indianapolis. Empress, Cincinnati. Lyric, Dayton, O. Lyceum, (Columbus, O. Academy, Pittsburgh. Gayety, Washington. Gayety, Baltimore. Trocadero, Philadelphia. Casino, Boston*. Hudson, Union City, N. J. Orpheum, Paterson, N. J. Empire, Newark, N. J. Qayety, Boston. Modern, Providence, R. I. Plaza, Worcester, Mass. Howard, Boston. Irving Place, New York. Star, Brooklyn. American, New York. Fox, Jamaica, L. I. Minsky's 126th St., New York. Lyric, Bridgeport, Conn. There will also be a week of dates on what will be called Route No. one night stands at Allentown, Lan caster, Pottsvllle and three in Read Ing. Mntual's 3-Stand Chi Layout Great Advance Chicago, July 29. After a brief visit to this city of L H. Herk, president of the Mutual wheel, the burlesque map changed considerable. Last year, one bouse, the Empress, played Mutual, with the Star and Garter, Haymarket, Academy, Rlalto and State-Congress playing stock bur- lesque. Now contracts have been signed giving the Mutual the cream of the city, with tire Haymarket taking care, of the westside, Rlalto down- town and the impress southside. The Academy and State-Congress will continue stock burlesque. Only house left, still up in the air. Is the Star and Garter. Columbia lease was returned on this house, with the owners, Hyde & Beeman, hanging out the "For Rent" sign. !xtra Stagehand Needed For Operation of Spots Although the Mutual burlesque circuit will carry only one stage- hand next season, the services of an additional man will be necessary under order of all the locals where the shows play when booth lights or, spots are used. Where a traveling electrician took care of this the Mutuals will find it Imperative under local union Juris- diction where the house crew cannot operate the lights in question. This will require the employment of a local electrician. Instead of the Mutual shows get- ting rid of the weekly salaries of two road crew men it only dispenses with one, as using spots is some- thing no burlesque show can do without. Minskys' Stock Aug. 22 Mlnskys' National Winter Garden lower east side. New York, will re open with stock policy Aug. 22. CoiApany will include Fay Nor- man, Mae Dix, Sally Swan, Hazel Miller, Betty McAllister, Carmen -Peggy Wilson, Helen O'Rourke, Ed- die- Kaplan, Bob Nugent, Bobby BUrcb< Jack Coyle and Don Trent CESARE SODERO N. B. C. Maestro Composer,. conductor, showman. Widely known N. B. C. orchestral director. . For 12 years the general musical director for the Edison Recording Laboratories, during which time Cesttre. god er o made 1 1. '000 records, he has brotfght to the radio microphone a sense of musi- cal balance and orchestral tech- nique which reflected itself favor- ably from the start Exclusive Management NATIONAL BROADCASTING CO. News From the Dailies This department containa rawritten theatrical newa itema as pub> liahed during the wreek in the daily papers of New York, Chicaao, San Francisco, Hollywood and London. Variety takes no credit for these news items; each has been rewritten from a daily paper. LONDON J. C. Wharton, secretary to Tom Wells and Reginald Hlghley, Ltd., was sentenced to four months for siteaUng about $5,000 from his (em- ployer. . He took the money to finance theatrical Interests of his own. Walls, although prosecuting, asked for leniency to be shown. The Box-Offlce Benevolent Fund has started. Sydney Carroll, fli^t president with Bronson Alberjr,- Alec Rea and Horace Watson, trus- tees. Ernest Milton, who has not been seen on the staige here since his return from the Stateis, plans to star in revival of GranvillerBarker's "Prunella," to be presented at the JSveryman. Author has written a new ^rst act to the p1ei<;e. leges due him for treating her. D4 Gilbert alleges that on July 6 he waa called to the Park Chambers Hotel to treat MiS;S Rubens. The case quired his constant attention i'or several days. Miss Rubens gave him bounciog check. ' A. H. Woods and William A, Brady will produce a newspaper play about the tabloids called "Flva Stat Final." Author is lK>uis Welt^ zenkorn, former newspaper man. Vittorlo Verse, for seven years with the Met and the St Louis Opera, has been engaged by Arthur Hammersteln as musical director of Hammersteln's theatre. Verse will conduct the orchestra of the pro- ducer's forthcoming musical play. "Luana." Elmer Rice's "Street Scene," due in London in. the fall for Leon M. Lion. Original cast may make the Journey. Jamaica **Yes" on Wheel, But Astoria "Nor L H. Herk has made a booking arrangement with Fox's Jamaica whereby the Mutuals will start there around Labor Day. The Mutuals played this house before. It was for a long time a Fox vaudfllmer. No effort will be made to play Astoria. The flop at the Astoria theatre was enough. Bathing Girl Views Too Much for Resort Show stock burlesque folded after two weeks at the Hippodrome, Wild- wood, N. J., with bathing beaut pa radcs by femme vacationists too much opposish for the wiggle operas. Lew Talbot, Mutual producer, had installed the stock. Hipp may make a try at dramatic stock as succeed ing poicy week after next. Assign Wheel Girls Ann Corlo, once reported going to Earl Carroll, will be starred this season in Mutual's "Girls in Blue. Miss Corlo is under a long term contract with Emmett Callahan, who, with Rube Bernstein, formerly produced the "Girl: In Blue." C. & B.'s other femme shaking bet, Hindu Wassau, is no longer with "Hindu Belles," and in her place will appear Mae Brown as featured soub. Erin Jackson, another, goes to "Peek-a-Boo." Burlesque Changes Abe Sher, Rags Ragland and Pa- tricia Kelly closed with the stock at the American, New York, last week with Harry Stratton and Jean Vltale having gone in as sup- planters this week. Another shake-up in principals \^ent in this week at the Irving Place, New Tork. Sally Swan, Nanette Daly, Evelyn Whitney, Ger trude Hayes, Jr., and Yvonne closed with the troupe, last week, with La Villa Maye, Peggy Reynolds, Hattle Beall and Peggy Wilson opening as supplantors this week. Mutual s Casts Additionally completed Mutual show personnels .for the new sea- son are: "Broadway Scandals"—Joan Lee, soub; Henry (Pep) Pearce, eccen- tric comic; Ray King, straight man; Jack Erickson, eccentric comic; Delols Greene, ingenue; Nazerrb Hallo, ingenue; Flo Dearth, soub; Four Life Boys, vaude act Flapper Follies"—Jack (Tramp) Montague, tramp comic; Jack (Tiny) Fuller, eccentric comic; Edd Lolor, straight; Gus Flaig, charac- ter; Johanna Slade; soub; Alice Duval, soub; Nanette Dalley, soub; Gladys McCormlck, Ingenue; Leazen and Zelig, acrobatic dancers (vaude). Novelties of 1930"—Hairy Clegg and Harry Meyers, eccentric com- ics; Artie Lloyd, character comic; George Reynolds, straight; Andy White; juvenile; Peggy O'Neil, "blues" soub; Jean Bodine, soub; Helen Carlson, Ingenue; Key ton Sisters, specialties; Millard and Anlto, dancers (vaude). Billy Arlington's Own Show— Billy Arlington, tramp comic; Eleanore Cochrane, prima donna; Dad Taylor, character comic; Jack and Ernestine, specialty dancers; "Boots" Rush, soub; Harry Beasley, straight; Vic Hallen, eccentric comic; Peggy White, Ingenue; Al thea Goldwyn, tap dancer. "Wine, Woman and Song"—Jyes LaRue, prima donna (featured); Harry Pepper, Hebe; Mervin Har- mon, straight; Billy (Boob) Reed, comic; "Snookie" Woods, soub; Evelyn Murray, soub; Al Russell, juve; Marie Miller, acrobatic dancer; "Chocolate Dandies." col ored vaude act "Peek-a-Bpo" — Hal Rathbun, boob comic; Frank O'Neil, eccen- tric; Joe Kllch, straight; Eddie Burnett, uke specialty; Eleanore Hoffman, dancer; Erin Jackson, soub; Jackie James, soub; Meehan and Newman, vaude act "Girls in Blue"—Ann Corlo, starred; Hap Freyer,. eccentric comic; Clyde Bates, tramp; Ruth Bradley, prima donna; Lew Petel, straight; Wallace Sisters, soubs; Joe Delano, Juve; Jean Gaskell, in genue; Milton Hamilton, uke spe- cialty; Johnny Goodman, charac- ter. "Fine Feathers"—Art Gardner, eccentric comic; Harry Levine, Hebe; Murray Green, juve; Paul Ryan, straight; Gertrude Hayes, Jr., ingenue; Fanny McAvoy, soub; Margie Bartel, soub; Fields, Smith and Fields, vaude act. "Record Breakers"—Ray Reed, Rube; George Lewis, Jew; Charles Shultz, straight; Harold Dean, juve; Marty Galamore, prima donna; Joan Collette, soub; Bebe Almond, vaude act; Holly Leslie, character. "Speed Girls"—Mike Sachs and Fred Belnder, Hebe comics; Adeline Parks and Frances Farr, soubs; Harry Cornell, straight man; Johnny Cook, juve; Frank Damsel character; Alice Kennedy, prima donna; Alice DeVoe, soub; Archie Onri, vaude Juggler. "Hindu Belles"—Mae Brown, fea tured soub; Harry Evenson, boob; Kitty Warren, ingenue; Tommy Miller, Bozo- character; Harry Ryan and Elsie Huff, juve and spe clalty; Lew Denny, straight; Dotty Alehdarla, soub; The Carletons, i vaude musical act A title has been found for the Chariot revue, to open the hew Cambridge theatre in Seven Dials In the r-fall. "Chariot's Masquerade" is name. Piece has' had a hectic career. Piccadilly theatre, which has been having any number of tough breaks since its^ opening some 18 months back, has now been refused a Sun- day picture license. I Major Henry Hornby fined for be- ing driink in charge of a car. Case interesting because the man is often mentioned in Lawrence's books on the Arabian campaign, and throughout the fight Hornby was one of the closest allies of the 'Uncrowned King of Arabia." Herb Williams, Jimmy Save and Jack-Benny-of-i^Vanlties"-have-'been commissioned by Earl Carroll to write sketches for "Personalities,'^ the next Carroll revue. Liberty theatre, Brooklyn, closed for three seasons, has been taken over by Nathan Shulman and Jack Revenger, Yiddish theatrical man- agers, who will ojperate it as a Yid- dish playhouse. Don Bmdman, young Australian who has been smashing cricket rec- ords here, received $5,000 check from a business man in apprecia- tion. H. H. Van Loan, playwright now writing scenarios in Hollywood, has been ordered brought to New York by District Attorney Grain for trial on an abandonment charge. Van Loan is wanted here on a charge of leaving his 13-year-old daughter, Gertrude, without support. It la probable that the hearing here will air the charges made against him by his wife, Gertrude Cameron Van Loan, and his own charges against her. He has started divorce pro- ceedings. Case here will hold up Van Loan's announced intention to march to the altar ..with Marjoria Rambeau .as soon as the courts free him from his wife. The Van Loans were married in 1916 aboard the battleship "New York," at anchor in the Hudson River. Irish Parliament considering measure putting tax on lipstick and cosmetics generally. First Issue of U's talking news reeh supplementing their Empire' News Bulletin, just released. Tightening up on fire regulations in cinemas is predicted ini circular just sent out by the Secretary of Scotland, as a result of the Paisley fire disaster Where 80 children were killed. Scotland Yard's new method of finger print classification, whereby r. crook's record can be completely disclosed inside of two minutes, may be adopted by the New York police. Announcement of engagement of Evelyn Laye to Carlisle Rowntree, American millionaire, denied here by her mother. NEW YORK New York representative of Sid ney Ross announced that the latter has arranged to bring the Russian director Vsevolod Meyerhold and his company over here the coming sea son. Soviet troupe is to present a series of plays in their native tongue. Application of General Broadcast ing System, operating Station WGBS in New York, for an injunc tion restraining WICC, Bridgeport station, from using the frequency of 600 kilocyles, has been granted by Federal Judge Barrows, of Connec ticut At the same time he denied the application of WICC for an In- junction against WGBS in the same case. Result of the decision is to permit WGBS to continue broad- casting on the frequency of 600 kilocycles. Martha Lorber, former show girl, is being sued for $200 by the manu facturer of a glass hat which she wore so that her hair would be transparent In her reply she de clared that she made an agreement ,with a "health glass" firm whereby shejd wear the hat and permit them to use her photograph If they would pay for the chapeau. They paid $200, she said, but left a balance of $200 still to be paid which the manufacturer now seeks jointly from Miss Lorber and the "health glass" firm. Muriel Klrkland, recently In "Strictly Dishonorable," and who stepped out of that show after slap- ping the face of Tullio Carmlnatl, has gone under the management of William Harris, Jr. She will ap pear in "The Greek's Had a Name for It" by Zoe Atldns. Dr. Harry Gilbert, Broadway phy- sician, filed suit against Alma Rubens to collect $334 which he al David Belasco celebrated his 76th birthday in Atlantic City last week. In an Interview during the blowout Belasco predicted the death knell of talking pictures would soon be sounded. He declared that the nov- elty of talking pictures was already starting to wear oft and that were he a young man he would go into the production of silent pictures, stating that good silents would s<weep the country right now. Film producers laughed it off. Louis Isqulth's suit against "New York Mirror" for criminal libel was dismissed last week in magistrates' court by Magistrate Adolph Stern. Margie Pennetti, 35, burlesque actress, loved John Donlan, non- pro. To prove It she banged him over the head with a pitcher after accusing him of courting others. Donlan was taken to Bellevue Hos- pital with a fractured skull. Miss Pennetti was held in $3,000 ball. Charles B. Rossi, of Hoboken, is being held in $7,600 ball on a bench warrant on a charge of possessing obscene films. He was caught load- ing the films into an automobile. Alleged obscene films are said to be worth $200,000. They are sched- uled to be shown privately before Hudson County Prosecutor John F. Drewen. Tom Weatherly, co-producer with Brady & Wlman of the first and second "Little Shows," has acquired a musical comedy book by Dwight Taylor called "The Gay Divorcee" and will place it in rehearsal soon. Arthur Schwartz and Howard Dictz will do the musical numbers. Will Morrlssey's all colored show, "Hot Rhythm." will open at the Vanderbllt theatre soon. Robert V. Newman will produce "Bad Girl" out of town Sept. 8. Brian Marlow and Vina Delmar ara dramatizing the novel. Prohibition agents raided the Beaux Arts Club, Atlantic City, re- maining to see the performance after announcing their identity. They arrested six employees aJ»d confiscated beer and liquor. Marc Connelly, author of "Green Pastures," who has been in Eng- land, returned Monday (28). Civic Repertory theatre, with Kva La Galllenne, director, and her company will open its fourth sea- son Sept. 29 in "Romeo and Juliet. Five new productions will be pre-' sented during the coming season. Audrey Maple, show girl, was balked In her attempt to secure a divorce from her husband. Georgo (Continued on page 79)