Variety (Jul 1930)

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82. W)»diiesaiiy^ ;Ail7;.3a^ 1930 Iilna Abarbanell with Jed Harria for a forthcoming production. Bobb^y , h; 1 g g 1s acppn^p^nled Charles Kfln^ to Europe. Bert Fltzelbbiona krourtd,' ^ay' do an act with his daughter.' ' Frljar^. loslxig weight by taking the sun on club house roof, , Not'th German Lloyd follows up its passenger list with form letters of thanks for patronage. Arlino de Haas and Katherlne Zimmerman have returned rrom a ten-month world cruise. William Anthony Maguire has a cottage at Skowhcgan, Me., for the summer. Al Lydoll and Carlton Macy. go. with thjC new Aarpns an4 Freedley musical. . . D, A. Doran left Columbia for the' scenario staff of Paramount at Astoria. John Peter Toohey, gefi, pa. ftfr Brady & wlmans, remixes next month to jol^i the Paraiinkount wr.^tln^ staifl^'on Lon^ I^iilaiod^'' .■ ' ...^,^1 .,, V. d. BbrihfeVin^, fo'ririi^'r manager- of'Pdll's,' WdXhirifetpiy,'' fs, slatfed to succeed the'late'^olin'lt^irnblds for the-eh&berts' at PlttdburghL • i 'Q.c- Horace' Mortimer' is on an abandoned r)€arm' In New Jersey.i putting 'the flnlsbins touched om an^ SO.PM-woRd'POV.el,.. ,„ : , , Jimmy -.WwffyK fptmeijiM,,9?, :puflty; ai)4 , ^w«,epey, ... i^ ftcpupd „ [riqjes. Square agaii^. . In. a ,sa,nltoriyip fq^ a while. Th'4*;ludgm6ht agalhst ^i^lU'.B^ker Settled kiio^n aa ' Bell* fidker. Is'' not : ' 'agalAst ^ellel Baker ' (Mts.' Maurlc^ Abrahams), the cbiiiediehhe.' Joe Fine, Fox laydtit "ihsch,' hais been admitted to' the Tom Thumb bole-^ln-one club, tn Long . Beach. Ability, sistys Joe, not luck. ; ;. .. Stella Unger, femme songnn^ter ait<^>,ii.I6oker, has'.hkd ^tiother song |«ce^ptM by DeSylvla, Birown & Kniderson. Pftul Tawitz, ex-Ned Wayburn p. a., and Lee Posner, "Harlemiia" publicist, inerged af "Variety's" frbnt door and will do press work- Jointly. The honprary committee. :for the Harry Hershfleld dinner Oct. 11 at thd' Coinmbdore guarantees an at- tehddrtce'by Itself. About 260 names listedw. Price p. p>10'.berries. ^?l^^t.^l^l^ co.unti{y nee'fU is not a, crooner killer or an air-cooled phpne boi>th b^t inoriB £Tandm6'tlierS such as 'Beryl Mercer is Ita "Dumbbells in 'Bntnttie."- -• -Dr: J. Beihrnsteln; house'physfcian for Sfevieral Chicago legltlhwtte 'thefc-' tres. is in New; Tork on a visltlools- ijig .over,some, of'.hls old. patients, 4ut not ovenlQoking much. else. ; I Drug store,In Times,Square sells California Padres' wine tonic :wher.ef Ih alcoholic content .is, not over. 22 per centum—this very l)romlnenton the labeL : „ . Mrs. Leo Feist is being deluged with "touch" mall since th« .publi- cation of her husband's will and an- nouncement of itsi (lOO.OOOi charities' fund. For the first time in .three years,-. Elmer Rogers, manager of the Palace, New Tork, is taking a two weeks' vacation.. He's motoring to Canada and back, i Mark Hellinger,: Dnlshbd hiS'.slx woejcs of acting-for 'Loe'w'sITirithini Oreater New York at (l,GOO.'we.ekly. Mark and Loew's both liked ^ it He'll probably try vaude ^gain, at more money^ in the fall. : ' Al Trahan has an $800 Ford road> i^ter and raoe any) machine ^r. a quanter^ o£i a i mile.. ftont''')a .standing L.start^; ■;..Tr«han-::iHaya_ihlfl i. qar; ;wlll do''.72 but lie doesn^t loiow' How to operate aistopii-tvatbh;' ;: ' Paul WMitdAian'a. g;ang^/'vi^ent to ^anatoga. byj. motor, ibtit' PaUl >had to buy 10 R.R. tickets Just .the isame ^r the baggage car, with gratis transportation thus ext<|nded to tkiose of hls'.fi'ien!<id|'wbo .w&i^ted tp deadhead tiiietf'way np. ' j John C. Flinn has rented his farm in Conn«!Ctlc,yt., ftl^P i hla,^ *n tWl^«5f;. '^5^Ta', ^"'Ji?^..-*^,f.^^^^ '^^^^^r t;o ,foln b?|f, liusband in,,8ofly,w,ood,. Where.j.'jh^,,,!^ , p^aki^^g, Pno^^,; .for, J^at'hj^.^^ , , ','.,1;. ; one','pt the b'e1itier/patronl;?(ed nlie. qiUDs 'along Broadway, had, ;not,.s^ single tkble taken the other eyeni^' Itig, between one and three. Rogers"Davis' ■wlU ,'be. In^ t}i<^^ fiew Billy Rpse revuei starring i'arinle Brice.' - i ' , . '• .,, Chateau Madrid now ^hmidt's Brau-Haus with thos.e two Dutch-, men'r 'the Schwartz Bros. (Lotils and Arkie),. at.|ttie heimi . Openned; ladt week. tJsual Tyrolean trimmings and., no cpuvert Lou's recovered fropqi. his illness. A^lpha Norwood (Norwp6«^ and H^ll) left her horse'Mritbout notice' Saiijurday .in. FreeSort' Claimed tp' be ;ihe prettiest prattfali eVei; ih'adi^: ; ]C)or^ Maui^hh ' had ' a ,'fliieclki clo'thces iridt iresi'erday at the'PiilacV.' Alt fa^'ioh wrlteVs' Invlte'd.' I^oria' did her owri'modeling:' ' " ' "'' : A- fla£(h froiii the'Bdrid' bliildihg'b ■ (Cb'ntlrtued on'page'SS)"" EARL CARROLL VANITIES £|0HTH EbmbN A.LL N^W. '' 86 Olltttrtsf'iB«tn«t--^l,0O0''l,auglil Htrii' WtLLi'AMS-JIUm*' SAVO^Jtik' BCNNV 'A Cut' et ISO tmi the ) ,l|lait.9iMUtlful..0irli lf:tlit, W*rld: .i: 4Q2jGo9(l .ii(ilcoi\y doats .at $%QQ MEW AHSTBRDAM TQEA.. W. 42di St. NIghtij and Popular Mats. WRD. and SAT.. The JheqJ^rfi ,it*uit^ Prie^eints 8ttM*'tit'Bobt Office, 9t^$».00 '< I^OII^D THE^IiLjRlf: , 62ND.,ST,> W. Of^.B'WAY Evga. ai30,. Mats-.. Tburs. . & ;S»t., ,2^9^ nth MOUTH. • . BBO€H rJEUaOBRTDN'. .I>rewnt«. Strictly Dishworable . . . Coniao> HII by Praitan Sturgat with tULLIO CARMINATI Stagtd b> AatolBitta Parr* * Mr. PamKartan TbIa Attraotlan Nevar at Cut Rata* kVfM rUEATnE. west tStb stmt aVVil Efe».R;50 Mat8.Thun>.«i Sot.SdO (Thaatra Coolad by Iced Air) QRAC£ GEORGE in the St. John Ervlne comedy "FIRST MRS. FR/^ER" w.lth A. D. Matthews and Lawrence drossmlth PT.AVWhlTQ'R <*th St.. E. of O'way. Eros, riiaXilUUOXi gtjo. mu. wed. & sat., 2:30 m OF THE CHILDREN' Also "THE LAUrtfiL HARDY MURt)£tt.CA9E'* iBtag* fihew-^tlhdarta'ik 'BalW : ;i, I orvhHtrl"'- ^, , ..qqOL,.^.,, , :, , ; : A^WAY 5idt &t; SOth Bt: A- 7tli Ava. Dk. dt S.URathalal (ROXY) AM Undarttbrld' Ordlna that la DlHerent! ROXY f\' AM Undankbrld ^ "GOOD INTENTIONS" ' ram or.Stan^DAVfO.W. OUlOM CHottlit—IWIVMONO '^KNYeHT ' ,A l^rogram 6r.Stan^DAVI0 ■.' Hai«' CHottlit—IWIVMONO • WM'^PA'as!'.'*«^j»«?^-*^^-^ 'Roirettei*-'' - i ' .i \n. , 1(00 Syjnphonr . .Hiaiilibt Plcturai^ 'I ' ■ jt RO— A/urgyj- g Good Show ¥mmm. DORA. MAUGHANi> .i HostoM' i8«At'. HqmS'j.'fp^ Thtjt «nd AsiAfl' Rr^ah.'' to Cop : Seeldng "lifts'' arid "sassln"* cop ca,uii4' HWPivl''^t, Jhostess, jqf 78fB. Sbtttabrn mfevai^'"'itae 'iffroik, fio b^ B^tA llbme to '-Witi^itdni^Safeiii; ,l}r. 'C/ ') Ka>' bistt' 'bbeii^' lli iUlA '-city WitH H^l' :Bldtier;"M^«i(ir^t,-19." ' > ,; Maglsti^te Adbli^fi^-'Seeni''dlreeted' that tt' \^iitah. iiirbbaU6ik^'«fflc6r in- vetitli^te th4 h&bits' of Miss^ Far- Her 'report being good, the Cburt decided tbat '^tC Kay returned 'to Salem'-'ib'^fe ' would Ud no action taken by the New Tdrk authorities, consented to return home. X>atr6lnian> Joseph: Tempone of the West 100th street .'statidn .noticed Kay approach several motorists and apeak to them.' Aftier stopping the ^hlrd autoist, Tempone .:who -was at'' 114th Btredt'- r Bnd> Oolumbus J'venue, sougrfat ani.iejcpilMifttloB :from :ay; •'■ '.'; i .•'..'i-'i r';, li. i-M ; ■ "Listen' here, 'Little 'Boy Blue. don't' have t(> actibunt to> you- what I am doing here,'.': opIned'-Kay... :-)f!! . I Vi-'lii ii I I. Ill ' ' ' 1. 11 . 1 I (ir.n^ | j i j lege.' 3T>' ; .. J'ACKi HOLtV : ..• ' i.",-. in "HELL'S tSLAND" with-BAXPH'GRAVES' Vernelle Sisters and 6 Other RKO Acta PROCTORrS Wednesday to Friday, Joly SO-Aagr. 1 JACK HOLT in "HELL'S ISLAND" with JRAIiPH GRAVES Lester Allen A Nellie Breen Sun tan Is out," '' • ''-^^ Polly '.Moraii tof -two days. Overcdat-sillies ei^erywfabrd'and the temperature 100.' Frank Bering, only known hotel I W^t^liBsB pickle'iidv^ttlBed 'in eat jotnt,:' ■ i.-..:', 'ir,;. ) . Lvipky, bpys, yrpfjUjtfi the lake e;?-, iquralQn boats, reiwrt pickings good. . feoirie 900,000 '' blittieti-" at''' tm it^etldbes-'the la^st'trying Sunday.-:. >! iMg I catchers: {.were: «iven. ofELc^^l. to«tft>If«ft.'?^**».,. ...v.:. , I i ..-,vl I Sammy Mandelt itr'dund the Loop tlelllng the bdyB h6vr It Icikp^ii^:- * Ageilt M. J. Landau' 'sporting :a robin's ec^'blue polo shirt Some i'O.OOO mothrera. together to stop their kids from tree sitting. Captive balloon a. rage at "White City. '■ ' ■ ■ ■•• •■ •. - ■ I 'Mlited babies havie crowded Lingle (ia^e d£F the front'pag6s. ■•■■■■,■:< Dry Ice deliveries; and its smoke, get a big play from the Loop lookers.' '■ '• - ■ '< : 'Jois'-Saltis, 'oeer' baron^ announces) 'he'k"gola^' to sendt-bls' mon to' col^^ ■ : I) , .1 •/.;i'<) Handlet9;< a-^ bracelet sprawledr over' tbe.'^'back':oC'>the. liandi -Jatest for'.'BOliI MlcU'Weait i>-'.:-t : ...r; I CljrdO'' Ifekhardtt^iFox. ezchanget rahagler, at his desk dally' before: a. m. • ' ' ■■ '■ ' I Layoff'' center gradually mo-vlng ijroiii'^'tho Woods to thevButler builds F«mmieB' are nowi walking, up: and (:0wh' 'the 'Lako'^ shore .tatcbing: i mor. M orbbat rides: instead of autos. .' ■ ' Collegiate club:(reported : holding the bag for (300,t)OO: option for the Bite «f the La. Salle theatre. Benny MeroiZ .^'dropped: seyen pounds In. four daya In a hoofing m.c>'turn at>the Oriental.. ; Mat iRtcbard. canceled, tbe^'vordep for an Austin for his son, H&rv.eyt fthe boy is growing. Bum's . Row slowly moving off ' yVest.. Jilaidlson r-<and i' Idown i'Caiial 4tre^t, ,, ,1 ^. ., ... I S^eih r^staiirahu| in a Bjlump, but ink wliiti^' front bekitcli^es. not cobi- ^^iii^'!'^, ■■ j:^ . ^es.'now'stpji. a( 'a',, iidrUisid'e ;p6tj.'whiB're twp^'l'a^s^ariB.'iirjrf^^ ^t(^ se'c an encttirande 'tree-sil'tlne^ r'6'6ofd. irftrp, th,9,, B]toc|t^.{^ds,^In.ije^^ed,. fot ^imself. ,^,„, ., ... I Evanston is to Chi what Boston (s to the world. So the cops flapped a 96 0n.e;on,.a'.femme for sticking an undressed arm and shoulder out of the car at the beach. One of the theatre moguls who lately dl6d had paid the editor of a Times Square weekly |22,400 last year, on his personal account. Pay- ment was not made for advertising but personal putts, i"he' papei^ kept telijng. 'w^\at .,a great' /person .'the. inpgul .was. But. the tno^u^ appj^r- tnfly iid' not.'kiiow that the pape:' iias less than 2,000 readers. NEW ACTS The Curtlss-Wrlght Flying Band with Bill Truesdale and 10 regis- tered student pilots, has been given local dates by the R-K-O office, the break in starting July 26 at the Fdrdham. New Torlt Henfy Jay Cobbs 'handling the turn is framing tleups. Sidney Marlon, Katherlne Irwin, Ruth Sennott Billy Gibson and Harmony Duo engaged for "Odds and Snds" (George..Qboos). . • '.1 jiii: ■■.''■■':,■.•.■ 111'.'..!• ■ Tom, .1 Handley,.^ radio,! .ibeadllner, Ejtlll doing the same oldisketclties.! . . Fllmilaitd'^'' Sip'Tlver dkvtf -ifblded ^Imost befrire'it opened.' '■ ' ■ Robot traSic regulators'fdr Lon- .doin.; Getting.4\iist like. Brbiiidway.'. ! Persoiialtty '. contest .wiii^er^ flit ground .studios an^l put "It" over, , Police winning war against the drug rjuni^^rs. Harry Lauder kissing brides. Costs nothing. Clarence Brown on his way over. Never been to England. There Is a Balalaika - boom in town again. People like the twang. Emlle Littler .over here . again. Looking:for plays, etc. . i. Carlyle Blackwell's pasht< ..speed- boats. •■. V:...l;;.,- : • Ree^inaldiFde^ell starting his own tklker unit. Conway Tearle back after 17 yjears; ; '•'• ' i ■ I John'RlhgHng dithering 'roiind at ajrt sale's:'*' '^ ••'■' 'i'sa^armr^wr-CKlsiffiM^ gjreat'blg-'bdiy.''' ■ > '-'^i ■.. . Jimmy Bryson fraternizli^g' 'with I|K>rd Rothermere. Unemployment. figures herp read Ike a newsoi^pers' saleip !c^t.tilflcate. l^p and up and up. Latest disease found to r(ion to "'s^^d ■!"kihgfi;"' ibrulsing. I.... .. "i . ' Bathing suits more gorgeous than e\Ver. . JiyOe Park: bathing TPforms; tbo much- ithib and that: on' yi6w. I American 1 here discovered; new slpace angle. .Says British! filrls are 'shy..:. . .i-1 •■.... 11... Leslie Banksi returned from the Statesj I is' jfull of enthusiasm ■ for things.,generally and; Leslie>Banks. iHitchQOckfs , latest, adaptation of Enter Sir John," has been, retitled ".Who KUled Edna Driice?" Hugh Flndlay, • Gaumont space racketeer, developed'an auto com- plex. - Sewell Coilins shooting ■ around Jewelers' ■ stores In Bond street But-only, with a camera. Sydney Howard and Leslie Hen- son fraternizing. Repert6r}r' come- dies In the-air. No dne's heard of the El Siboney this side. .Newest dance th'e tango^ 'jrievlvah i'■ • ■' .'.. iinni.. • • Kit Catvitsstaurant Is ridW'undflii- clially : regarded ' as thb'"Atherican cjapltal'ofXBrftaln. . • ■■" ^ I The. American rubbernecks''are 'doing thp^iunlVerslty toWftH) how the (^ollpgian^'are oh vacatloA'; ■•■i -- ■ '. ..II : :f.l. ■ I .1 ; . iM •... ~' ■"■■1.. .'<' ..• -.[ri I) ' ;! M — be com- 'l^t^rnal be. the -1—rr A-'Blue Huhgarldn band Is Ine organized to bring back St^BB melodies .to (^baret. .J^an. pury arid ^ave. FltzGlbbon baclf: from thp States; like, the cli- mate,'etc. , .. ~ Jack .Powell happy about arrival of family. Jokes about staying here with salary cut. Thought of television from local aerials here adds another terror to the. Jaded radio fan, Gteorge . Zucco, who appeared in "Journey's End,'? London version, married to .Frances Hawke. Thirty broken society engage- ments this year already; the new fashion to get publicity both ways.- "With Anthony 'As^ulth in pro- duction, 'VVelwyn iB drawing the same old crowd of ritzy rubbernecks^ Sara AUgddd haB almost made a b. d. prdposltidn Of thp diminutive Graft'on^-almoit. • '' ' > MdQii'een Pdpe'B found a' new racket!' 'dears'from guys willing to rjsad' the' itlays'Tie 'ba ts sb biwtti^pirf^ at"a"fl3e: 'Wpgt. End cloak-room attendant says' he'B chfecK^d'ill three hats in tbrjpe iinonths. ' Polfes' jput 6verything UiideV the seat.;' '.'■^'' "' ' • dr two' of ■ tbe smaller Brit- ish phlfri have f'allPh' baibk on thd pld'',hp.i;se race m,eilier theme for thetri, subjects, Southern Railway making a' fllm. If it's' liki Its suburban service, it. ought to be a long while before flnished. ;^ris'spn, writing: ,nis life (love) a Sunday sheet, refers to himself as. "Brissop." Gives the big.,|:puph, the poor boob. Latest : efCort to* make London brlghfpr is. the green dinner Jacket, which suits billiard players down to th^ waist. Eddie Grossbart (American) and Ambassadors-Club band are the at- tractions at the Plaza restaurant, Dublin, for horse show week, Aug. 4. Dolly's, new snack bar in Ger- rard street, making a play for the uptown legmgn by handing out free grub. Publicity pays, etc. ■When. Jack .Smith opens af Palla- dii^m in August amplifiers will be lised to magnify the tenor's whis- pers. Eddie Whaiey,: Cor 17 years Scott's partner in the colored team of Scott and 'Whaley^. has, teamed up with Jimmy Ferguson. ; • . .With Sir Gordon, i Craig suddenly back on. the film .>map, his secretary (Continued on page 83) ' '■I'.! Dwindiing Rackets pn .Broadway is^'l^nT^;^,^ suckers and so for the fliisttime in a lon^ time Broadway plaSnL^h fU*^°"* inquisition andidther art picture 'Shtf t7 portiults for tw*: bits. Along with 'teJeS^Ind ZT^^^"*'!*^^ '"'^ lecture racket, the '.'far men onl^'^S &mml„J^^«^^Lf ;?^ 'f*^L"^ '^^''"^ ^^"'"^ minor sucker trimming'rabkPts have'been forced to fold up with the'rest. i ;?,n^.at|\i(""% Lawypr''ITu'st "4 Aflufl^' ■■ fo?;^I^«^^^;l***®*u°'"i*'^''''"''' l^nown-fpr it^ twp '.golf courses (one •5h«?-«a*^l^*.,°*^*'^^'' '"'°'"®">' «w ita practice of splitting up SLfnf* ^n*^''^ Z*"'^"*"'*-*" other .i;orma of ajtJusemenC wias the SL/f o °°«'a»^faux pas Which has^lkced pne. Br,qk?way lawyer in (fontempt among his social acaualntarices; ■ T- ' f LffiV*?"-*° whfcb .qulte a feW 'of '.the more pr.i^inlhent shownien Sf * eame:kno'wi> as ''Ru^slii^ banker" (form ^f.,^^^^^.^W.-wh.lch^c lawyer tpiglve six wpmeii 160 each to play.. Kif^;.*^^ ?ell in, with thq spirit I t^ll. l*-'iifK^"^' ^? i>*.^b".Hy should any lose her $50. V^' J: lii.t^''^- tM.^'w.a^. for. the rest of the evening. The following «ay Word damp back to,tl^e.husbands of these six women that the amall- tlnie aUorfley was talking up ai^d down Times Square about How he Jiad gotten. ,^lewed the, nlfifht before and was taken advantage of by the 1- '^°!?I.®"'" "' 'or ,?0.0 ,trucks. Whait made it bad w'as that he m6n- tionpd the,\vomen by name, all of whom bf course are highly regarded. ■ The hifsbands got togetl^er and mailed certified checks to the attorney for $60 each. Anyway, the mob has his number from now. But It coincides with the general opinion of this particular theatrical Blackstone. The Empire State building, rising on thei site of the old "Waldorf- Astoria hotel, will have 66 elevators and there will be a pedestrian tunnel from, the Penn railroad station. That will probably be an ex- tension of the underground walk that now ends at the Glmbel store. Former Governor Al Smith heads the bmiding corporation. The relets from the tower section of the Empire alone will bring In $7,000,000 annually. ILL AND INJURED I ;cy'il^j^au^,F! qaii^v^in.yjL .J^''p^^^ .Ident, ,notl<^b|y^.lmpro,y(^ ?.'*'orf„i^. l-pipplete res!^ ,a^ay'..i^pi^. bH^lness^ .He was pretty sick .^Ipf; a .^n^p, T.. S, Haberdashers' Squawk The Broadway merchants are cryln' the blues. Situated on a street where hundreds of thousands pass daily, they can't understand why there should. be such a depression. Especially do the Broadway haber- dashers and clothiers wait According to them there has never been such, a depression as now. Nothing can boost sales to any extent either. They've, tried everything. One w...k._ haberdashery shop in desperation, reduced a choice lot of jshlrts from %% to $1.66 an^^ when this, didn't help they went down to i$1.39.,^S^^ they..couldp;t,'make the quick tui^novef expected and when lasked h^Wi.fl^e sale,,w3s^pinp, ,t<ip .manager, Replied: "It's like putting |a charity cup on the body ol! a dpa,d, ipersdh." ,.', '