Variety (Feb 1930)

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24 fAMIMTY TwMdmjf May 9, 193S I'LL 6€ AROUMO AT 1ME KircME»J OOOR AT £IGHT' AND MAKE AM ♦iONEST MAW or ME" IN NEWSPAPER ADS Something new in theatre do justice to this uproarious Jesse L. Lasky production. They'll stand out on your newspaper page like a sunflower in a bed of pansies. They're the answer to how to get the most out of this sure-fire comedy. The drawings on this pag^ are illustrations from the ads on the FOX press book. ♦you B»6 BUUX I'M GOIMG Home TOfATMElX^ Get it and get rich! UIARRIDR HUSBAND with EUSSA LANDI MARIORIE RAMBEAU ERNEST TRUEX DAVID MANNERS From the play by Julian Thompson Directed by Walter Lang JESSE L. LASKY Production ALL RjGMT TWEiy, OCT our ^NO WALK" JUST A COuPL€ OF *CUft.a CRUISER? *coM£ UP AHo ru s^ow yoO MVETCHIMGS"