Variety radio directory (1938)

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BAMBI (THE RADIO SCRIPT)— Continued JAR VIS: Third floor — undisturbed. I could finish my play up there — and then— when it's sold — we could go to New York. BAMBI: Oh, yes, Jarvis — and you'll be rich and famous! I knew you'd say yes, after you'd just thought about it a little bit. JARVIS: It's mad . . . BAMBI: (INTERRUPTS) Absolutely! We'll get married today! JARVIS: Today? BAMBI: Why not? As long as we've made up our minds. JARVIS: But — what about a license or something? BAMBI: Oh, I'll attend to that— I'll telephone the minister right now — and we'll get married this afternoon. JARVIS: Yes, but— I mean . . . shouldn't I get a haircut— a shoe shine — or something? BAMBI: Certainly not — I'm taking you for better or for worse — besides you have more important things to do. JARVIS: What? BAMBI: Your play — you can use the professor's study 'till he gets back. I'll call you when I need you — just leave everything to me, Jarvis — 1*11 attend to everything. (MUSIC) PROFESSOR: (SHOUTS) Bambi— Oh. Bambi . . . BAMBI: Coming, father. PROFESSOR: Bambi — what is that young man doing in my study? BAMBI: Well, you see, father — I didn't expect you back so soon. That's Jarvis. He's been in there all day. PROFESSOR: I know it's Jarvis. Get him out of there. The man's crazy or something. I walked in and he shouted at me — "Get out — you'll get your money in due time." BAMBI: (LAUGHING) He thought you were the landlady . . . you see, Professor. Jarvis has got one of his working spells on and . . . PROFESSOR: Does he have to have it in my study? I've got some papers to correct Bambi — I — BAMBI: It's all right, father— I'll have him moved upstairs right after the ceremony. PROFESSOR: Ceremony— what ceremony? BAMBI: The wedding. Jarvis has just acknowledged his willingness to marry me — so I've sent for the minister. PROFESSOR: Bambi— are you crazy? BAMBI: That's the second time today I've been asked that very personal question. (DOOR BELL RINGS) Oh— there he is now— the minister, I mean. (FADING AS SHE CALLS) It's all right, Ardelia— I'll go. PROFESSOR: Bambi — wait a minute — you don't realize what you're . . . (DISTANT DOOR OPENS) BAMBI. (AWAY) Oh. good afternoon. Doctor Peebles — come right in. (DOOR CLOSES) PEEBLES. (FADING IN) Well, well, Miss Bambina — this is all rather sudden, isn't it? BAMBI: (ALSO FADING IN) Not particularly — I've been contemplating it for years. PEEBLES: Oh, good morning. Professor — I understand your daughter is about to become a bride. PROFESSOR: So she tells me. BAMBI: (FADING) You two stay right there. I'll go get the bridegroom. (CALLING) Ardelia — Ardelia — never mind the biscuits — come out and be a witness. ARDELIA: Land o'goshen — the way things happen in dis yere house sure is a caution. (DOOR OPENS) (FADING IN.) BAMBI: All right, Jarvis — we're all ready. JARVIS: What? What'd you say? BAMBI: I want you to come out and meet the Reverend Doctor Peebles . , , the minister. JARVIS: I don't want . . . oh . . . oh, yes — of course — JARVIS: (IT ALL COMES BACK TO HIM) Oh ... yes ... of course, BAMBI: Come on, Jarvis — this really won't be painful. JARVIS: Bambi are you sure that you realize what this , , , 235