Victor records (Jan 1912)

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VICTOR RECORDS | Number | 53] Price Ah! Cupid (From “Prince Ananias”) (Herbert) Cornet Clarke\ azedii0l .75 Birds in the Forest (Strange) Véiolins-Flute Rattay-Levy-LyonsJ ; Ah, fors e lui—Traviata—See “ Traviata” Ah! Moon of My Delight—In a Persian Garden (KhayyamLehmann) /n English John McCormack! 74232) 12) 1.50 Ah, Yes, I Love You (from “The Fencing Master ’’) | (De Koven) Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler ; 35192) 12/1.25 Answer (Robyn) ** That Girl ”’ Gaara | AIDA (Cairo, 1871) (Giuseppe Verdi) (Jn Jtalian unless noted ) AGtiIel Celeste Aida (Heavenly Aida!) Enrico Caruso|88127}12/3.00 Celeste Aida— Trombone—Pryor and J! Guarany Overture (Gomez) Pryor’s B\35030)12)1.25 Holde Aida (Celeste Aida) (Heavenly Aida) Jn German Leo Slezak/64113)10|1.00 Ohimé di guerra fremere (The Cry of War) Ruszcowska-de Casas-Cunego|88261)} | 2{3.00 Su del Nilo (The Nile!) Ruszcowska, Cappiello, Tapergi and Davi/88266| | 2/3.00 Ritorna vincitor (May Laurels Crown Thy Brow) Johanna Gadski| 88137} 12|3.00 I sacrinomi (The Sacred Names) Celestina Boninsegna|88223} | 2/3.00 ume custode e vindice (Hear Us!) Paoli, De Segurola and Chorus/88268) |2/3.00 Chi mai fra (His Glory Now Praise) Cnonielic and Chorus and O tu che sei d’Osiride—Cappiello and Chorus|}55005}12| 1.50 Fu la sorte dell’ armi (Neath ‘the Chances of Battle) Gadski and Homer}89024| 12}4.00 Fu la sorte dell’armi (‘Neath the Chances of Battle) Ruszcowska-de Casas/88262) 1 2)\3.00 Alla pompa, che s’appreste (In the Pageant) Gadski and Homer}89025}12}4.00 Ebben, qual nuovo fremito (What New Alarm >) Ruszcowska-de Casas|88263) |2/3.00 Quest’ assisa ch’io vesto (This Dress Has Told You) Fabris-de Casas-Cunego-Badini\88264| | 2|3.00 Finale Act II Pryor’s Orchestra|31359) 12) 1.00 ACT Ill O tu che sei d'Osiride (Oh, Thou who art Osiris) Cappiello and Chorus and Chi mai fra—Cappiello and Cho}55005)12)1.50 O patria mia (My Native Land) Johanna Gadski}88042} 12/3.00 O Vaterland (Oh, My Fatherland) Jn German Emmy Destinn|92058]12|3.00 O cieli azzurri (Oh, Azure Sky ) Boninsegna}|88239)12/3.00 Rivedrai le foreste imbalsamate (Thou Shalt See Again the Forests) szcowska-Maggi\|88267 | |2/3.00 Su dunque! (Up, Then!) Ruszcowska-Badini}88265) | 2/3.00 ACT IV Giai sacerdoti adunansi (The Priests ena Seeerble) Homer and Caruso|89050) 12)4.00 ia i sacerdoti adunansi (The Priests Assemble) Pietracewska-Barrera!88269) | 2/3.00 Aida a me togliesti (Aida Thou Hast Taken) Homer and Caruso/89051/12}4.00 Ohimé! Morir mi sento (Death Approaches) de Casas-Sant’ Elia and Cho|88270) 12/3.00 Sacerdoti, compiste un delitto! (Priests, a Crime You Have Enacted) }12 3.00 de Casas-Rizzi and Chorus}88323 La fatal pietra (The Fatal Stone) Gadski and Caruso}89028) 12/4.00 O terra addio (Farewell, O Earth) Gadski and Caruso!89029) |2}4.00 La fatal pietra (The Fatal Stone) (2) Morir! si pura e bella—Nicola Zerola| 74225) 12) 1.50 MISCELLANEOUS AIDA RECORDS Selection—Pryor’s Band and Attila—Grand Trio (Verdi) Kryl (Cornet) Cimera (Trombone) Cinconne (Euphonium) Kryl’s Bohemian Band 35195) 12) 1.25 Selection—Pryor’s Band and Nabucco Overture (Nabucodonosor) (Verdi) Pryor’s Band\16715)\10) .75 The Fatal Stone—Cornet-Trombone—Pryor, Keneke and Pryor’s Band and Serenade (Titl) ’Cello-Flute—Heine and Lyons|35150)12)|1.25 Fantasia—Police Band and ““Cascades of Roses’’ Waltz (Presa) Police Band|35047 12) 1.25 Air des bijoux (Jewel Song)—Faust See “Faust” Air for G String (Bach) Victor Herbert’s Orchestra/70047 12 1.25 Akahi Hoi (King Kalakaua) Hawaiian Genevra Johnstone-Bishop| 568010 .60 eeerana (From “ Broken Idol”) (Van Alstyne) | | Arthur Collins and Byron G. Harlan;)16515 10 .75 | Cakewalk in the Sty— Two-Step Cake Walk Victor Dance Oren| Alabama Minstrels Victor Minstrel Co| Introducing “* Fly, Fly, Fly’’—‘‘ My Rosie Rambler ’’—‘* Linda ”’ 135108) 12/1.25 Old Heidelberg (A Trip Up the Rhine) (Tobani) Pryor’s Band|| | | {Alamo Rag (Deely-Wenrich) ’Gene Greene| ieas7ilol 75 \ Maybe You Think I’m Happy (Gilbert-Buckhart) ’Gene Greene} | ne