Victor records (Jan 1912)

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VICTOR RECORDS ___| Number | 5 | Price FAUST—Continued Tardi sifa! (The Hour is Late!) Jn Jtalian Huguet and de Lucia|92053) 12/3.00 Dammiancor (Let Me Gaze) Jn /talian Nielsen and Constantino|74076| 12) 1.50 Eternelle (Forever Thine!) Duet from the Garden Scene, Part II Jn French eraldine Farrar and Enrico Caruso|89031)|12!4.00 Elle ouvre sa fenétre (See! She Opens the Window!) Finale to Garden Scene In French Geraldine Farrar and Marcel Journet|}89040) |2/4.00 Ei m’ama (He Loves Me!) Jn /talian Celestina Boninsegna|88256) 12/3.00 Fantasie from Garden Scene Violin Mischa Elman/64122)}10/1.00 AGIVIV. Quando a te lieta (When All Was Young) Jn IJtalian Louise Homer|88200) |2/3.00 Soldiers’ Chorus—Déposons les armes I/n French N.Y.Grand Opera Cho|74214 | | Soldiers’ Chorus Jtalian La Scala Cho and Don Pasquale—Sogno svave—A cerbi/62624| | PAD Soldiers’ Chorus /n English Mountain Ash Party| 5689/10! .60 Soldiers’ Chorus—Pryor’s Bs and_~=s—~Devil’s March (Von Suppe) Pryor’s B\16502/10| .75 Serenade Mephistopheles Jn French Marcel Journet!64137/10/ 1.00 Serenade Mephistopheles Jn French Marcel Journet!74036/12/1.50 Serenade Mephistopheles Jn French Pol Plancon|81040/10/2.00 Serenade Mephistopheles Jn French Pol Plancon|85100) | Que voult:z-vous, messieurs? (What is Your Will With Me?) Trio— Duel Sc2ne Jn French Caruso, Scotti and Journet|95206 5.00 Que voulez-vous, messieurs? Jn French Van Hoose, Journet and de Gogorza|74004 Morte'di Valentino (Death of Valentine) with Grand Opera Chorus In French Antonio Scotti/88282 Scene de L'Eglise (1) (Church Scene, PartI) Jn French Geraldine Farrar and Marcel Journet|89035 Scene de L’Eglise (II) (Church Scene, Part II) Jn French Geraldine Farrar and Marcel Journet|89037 Ballet Music—Part I, Valse ‘““Les Nubiennes’’ _L’Orchestre Symphonique|58015 Ballet Music—No. 2, adagio— Cleopatra and the Golden Cup —_— — — 6 DDHDH HH NH NH NWN NHNONHOCCOCONHNh wet oC Oo Orchestre Symphonique|58018)12/1.00 Ballet Music—Nos. 5 and 6—Les Troyennes L’Orchestre Symphonique|58020|12/1.00 Ballet Music—Finale—*‘ Danse de Phryne”’ L’Orchestre Symphonique|58021) 12) 1.00 ACT V Prison Scene—Part I, Mon cceur est pénétré dépouvante! (My Heart is Torn with Grief) Jn French Geraldine Farrar and Enrico Caruso|89033) 12/4.00 Prison Scene—Part II, Attends! voicila rue (Thisis the Fair) Jn French Geraldine Farrar and Enrico Caruso!89034 12/4.00 Prison Scene—FPart III, Alerte! ot vous étes perdus (Then Leave Her) In French Farrar, Caruso and Journet|95203)12/5.00 MISCELLANEOUS FAUST RECORDS Faust Selection Sousa’s Band/31104!12!/1.00 Selection—Victor Band and Crown Diamonds Overture (Auber) Victor Band|35016)12)1.25 FAVOR, EDWARD M., Comedian Conversations (Redviega) and Let George Do It—Eddie Morton|16648/10| .75 Dublin Rag (Atteridge-Schwartz) and Barn Dance—Collins and Harlan|16728)10| .75 Fol the Rol Lol and Good Bye to Johnnie—Clarice Vance|16672\10| .75 Just for a Girl and Glespatra Finnegan (Moret) Victor Orchestra}16581|10) .75 FAVORITA, LA—The Favorite (Paris, 1840) (Donizetti) ACT I Una vergine —Like an Angel Tear) In Italian Florencio Constantino|64090| 10) 1.00 Non sai tu che d’un giusto (Know’st Thou) Martinez-Patti and Preve and Bei raggi lucenti (Ye Beams of Gold) Roselli and Chorus|62635)10) .75 Bei raggi lucenti (Ye Beams of Gold) Roselli and Chorus and Non sai tu che d’un giusto (Know’st Thou) Martinez-Patti and Preve|62635)|10| .75 Fia vero! lasciarti (Fly from Thee!) Esposito and Martinez-Patti and Norma—In mia mano Giacomelli and Martinez-Patti\68309) | 2) 1.25 AGile ll Vien Leonora (Leonora, Thou Alone) Cigada In Italian and Splendon pid belle (Jn Heavenly Splendor) de Luna and Chorus|68061)12)1.25 Quando le soglie (From My Father's Halls) Mileri and Minolfi zae and Faust—Dio possente—Cigada\68275 12\1.25 Ah! paventa il fuore (The Wrath of Heaven) Codolini, Cigada, Sillich and Chorus) In Italian and A tanto amor—Francesco Cigada|16536\10 .75 NEI AU A tanto amor—Thou Flow’r Beloved—Cigada _ J/n Jtalian and Paventa il fuore—Codolini, Cigada, Sillich and Chorus, 16536)10) .75 Atanto amor (Thou Flow’r Beloved) Mattia Battistini/92045) 12) (Continued on next page)