Victor records (May 1914)

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/Gems from “The Little Cafe* Gems from **The Purple Road ** / Gems from “ The Red Mill ’* Gems from The Prince of Pilsen ” A Selected List From Which to Choose Your First Records Realizing how difficult it is for a recent customer to make a selection from the thousands of records listed in this catalogue, we give below a carefully selected list of records, and you may choose your first records from this list with some assurance that you are placing yourself in a position to derive immediate enjoyment and pleasure from your Victor, adding further to your collection at leisure. Favorite Operatic Numbers Aida — Celeste Aida (Heavenly Aida) In Italian (Verdi) Enrico Caruso 88127 Barbiere di Siviglia-Largo al factotum (Room for the Factotum) Italian Ruffo 88391 Contes d'Hoffman — Barcarolle (Oh, Night of Love) In Italian Farrar-Scotti 87502 Forza del Destino — Solenne in quest* ora (Swear in This Hour ) In Italian Enrico Caruso-Antonio Scotti 89001 f Gems from “ Cavalleria Rusticana ** (M£tscagni) Victor Opera Co ) Gems from *' I^gliacci “ U^eoncavallo) V ictor Opera Co ) Victor Light Opera Col Victor Light Opera Victor Light Opera Col ocooo Victor LightOperaCo]^^^^^ Lucia Sextette — Chi mi frena (What Restrains Me) (Act U) (Donizetti) In Italian Sembrich-Caruso-Scotti-Journet-Mme. Severina-Daddi 96200 Lucia Sextette (Donizetti) Victor Opera Sextette 70036 Madama Butterfly Un bel di vedremo (.Some Day He*ll Come) Farrar 88113 Mignon— Polonese (“ !*m Fair Titania*’) (Thomais) Italian Luisa Tetrazzini 88296 Pagliacci -Prologo (Prologue) In Italian Pasquale Amato 88326 Rigoletto— Quartet — Bella figlia dell’amore Caruso-Abott-Homer-Scotti 96000 Rigoletto — Quartet — Bella figlia dell’amore Victor Opera Quartet 70073 Tales of Hoffman—Barcarolle (Offenbach) In English Marsh-Dunlap 60096 Totca — E lucevan le stelle (The Stars Were Shining) Giovanni Martinelli 64393 Traviata — Ah, fors* e lui (Act I) In Italian Lucy Marsh 70094 Traviata Ah, fors* e lui (The One of Whom I Dreamed) Nnllie Melba 88064 Trovatore — Miserere, Act IV Italian Cnruso, Alda with Metropolitan Cho 89030 Trovatore -Ai nostri monti (Home to Our Mountains) (Verdi) In Italian Enrico Caruso-Ernestine Schumann-Heink 89060 Standard Songs A Dream (Bartlett) Evan Williams A Little Love, A Little Kiss (Un peu d*amour) (Ross-Silesu) McCormack A Perfect Day (Carrie Jacobs-Bond) 'Cello obbligato Evan Williams ~ Wilfred Glennl Wilfred Glenn I Florence Hinkle Janet Spencer John Mc^HMmiack Frederick Wheelerl Alan Turneri Clarence Whitehill Alma Gluck John McCormack John McCormack Alma Gluck-Louise Homer /Asleep in the Deep (Lamb-Petrie) \ Rocked in fh: Cradle of the Deep {Knight) Good-bye (Tosti) Good-bye, Sweet Day (Thaxter-Vannah) 1 Hear You Calling Me (Marshall) /in Old Madrid (Bingham-Trotere) I Bedouin Love Song {Pinsuti) Love's Old Sweet Song (Bingham-Molloy) My Laddie (Troubetzkoy-W. A. Thayer) Silver Threads Among the Gold (Danks) Where the River Shannon Flows (Russell) Whispering Hope (Hawthorne) 64078 64343 64306 17309 70105 64189 64120 17473 74321 64183 64260 64311 87107 Sacred Songs and Hymns {Beautiful isle of Somewhere (Fearis) Harold Jarvis) , Christ Arose — Easter Hymn (Lowry) Hayden Quarteti^ i De Brewer’s Big Hosses (Temperance Song) (with Male Cho) Rodeheaver ) . 7^re I The Old -FashiorKd Faith (Revival Hymn) (McAuley-AckUy) Homer Rodeheaver J H^py Day (Gospel Hymn ) Trinity Choir) .. 7^qq \ / Ae Precious Name (Gospel //ymn) Trinity Choir\ ^ Inflammatus from Stabat Mater (Rossini) Lucy Marsh and Victor Chorus 70037 Nearer My God to Thee ' Adams-Mason) John McCormack 64345 iOhCome All Ye Feiithfu\ —A destc Fideles (With Chimes) Trinity Choir'^^-QQrt \ Joy to the World -Christmas Hymn (Waits-Handef) /Oh Lord, Most Holy (Franz Abt) I Calvary (Vaughan-Rodney) /Rock of Ages (H2istings) \ Lead Kindly Light (Oyk^s) Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht (5r7en/ (Gruber) German /Tell Mother Ml Be There (Fillmore) \ Some Time We'll Understand (\IcGranaharI) JThe Coming of the Year (Organ acc.) \ Lord Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing ( With Organ) The Holy City (Weatherly-AdamsI /When the Roll is Cahed Up Yonder (Black) \ He Leadeth Me (Bradbury) Trinity Choir ) ‘ Trinity Choir ’ 7o.«/\ Elite Trinity Choir' ic'soyi Hayden Quartet) Schumann-Heink 88138 Hayden QuartetUg414 I nntly Choir} Church Bells) icooe Trinity Chimesr^^^^ Evan Williams 74356 Hayden Quartet\«/* Reinald Werrenrat^ 12 3.00 12 3.00 10 3.00 12 4.00 12 1.2S 12 1.25 12 1.25 12 7.00 12 1.25 12 3.00 12 3.00 12 3.00 12 6.00 12 1.25 10 .75 10 1.00 12 1.25 12 3.00 12 4.00 12 4.00 10 i.od 10 1.00 10 1.00 10 .75 12 1.25 10 1.00 10 1.00 10 .75 12 1.50 10 1.00 10 1.00 10 1.00 10 2.00 10 .75 10 .75 10 .75 12 1 25 10 1.00 10 .75 10 .75 10 .75 12 3.00 10 .75