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GRISI, Maria—See “ Ernani,” “‘ Huguenots,” “‘ Trovatore”’
Gr aS Aa Trot (Roth-Roberts) Pryor’s per 171111101 .75 Oh, Mr. Dream Man —Medley Pryor’s Band. i tery Bear—Song Billy Murray and American Qt} Turkey Specialty—lIntroducing “‘ Turkey in de Straw”? Gaiden and Hughes ioe os eas Grumete, El—Despedida (Anetta) Spanish Emilio Sagi-Barbal61195'10!1.00
GRUNFELD, ALFRED, Pianist (Greun’ -feld)
This famous European pianist is beloved by the Vienna public and by audiences in other cities where he has appeared. His remarkable capabilities as a pianist are familiar to those who have heard his Victor records.
Herr Griinfeld has played for the Victor his famous Brassin Transcription of the Walkiire Fire Music, in which the leavetaking of Wotan and the breaking out of the flames of Logi are so wonderfully pictured ; and a delightful Strauss waltz, brilliantly given. [hese numbers are played with that delicate touch and entire disregard of technical difficulties which mark the work of this artist.
GRUNFELD RECORDS CRUD ESE Voices of Spring Waltz Johann Strauss/31784|12/1.00 Walkiire—Magic Fire Spell (Transcription by Brassin) Wagner|58006)12'1.00 Grusse an die Heimat (Kromer) In German Harmonie Male Qi Tereolons { Rheinlied (Rhine Song) (Peters) Emil Muench uv G String, Air for—See ““Air for G String” jenny Overture (Gomez) Arthur Pryor’s peng SEO aOH ONTOS Celeste Aida (Verdi) Trombone Arthur Pryor ; apres Selection (Gomez) Accordion ee aaaantioltos Tranquillo Overture (Pietro) Accordion Pietro ; Guarany—Sento una forza indomita (An Indomitable Force)
In Italian Destinn and Caruso/89078|i2/4.00 Guarany—Senza tetto (Gomez) with Opera Chorus Amato/87105}10/2.00 Guardann’ a Luna (Lovely Moon) (Crescenzo) Enrico Caruso/87162|10/2.00 Guard Mount—German Patrol (Eilenberg) Pryor’s aa
{ Bombasto March (Farrar) Arthur Pryor’s Band. 16316 Oh 2 Guglielmo Ratcliffe— Padre Nostro Yaar ite { Cavalleria Rusticana—A casa, a casa (Now Homeward) La Scala Cho See Coe
{ouee Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Stanley and Sora sel 41110 105 One Sweetly Solemn Thought (Ambrose) Frank C. Stanley é GUILBERT, YVETTE—French Songs _ (For other records by this
great French Chanteuse see Victor French Catalogue)
A Grenelle (Bruant) and A la Villette—Guilbert}63102|10| .75 A la Villette (Bruant) and A Grenelle—Guilbert}63102|10| .75 Fiacre, Le (Xanroff) and Les Ingénues—Guilbert|}62994|10| .75 Ingénues, Les (Bessiéres-Marinier) and Le Fiacre—Guilbert|}62994|10| .75 Je suis Pocharde (Birec) and La Pierreuse—Guilbert}63100|10| .75 Pierreuse, La (Jouy) and Je suis Pocharde—Guilbert|63100|10| .75 GUILLAUME TELL—See ‘‘ WILLIAM TELL” GUITAR RECORDS—See ‘“Mandolin-Guitar Duets,” ‘‘ Mexican Dance’”’ and “‘Estudiantina Trio.”’ Hawaiian Guitars—See ‘‘Hawaiian Records’’ GUITAR—Songs accompanied by — See ‘‘ Hawaiian Love Song,” ** Lena,” “Sleep, Baby Slee ‘and many records in Spanish and Neapolitan Catalogues : j Guitarrico, El In Spanish (A. Perez Soriano) Titta Ruffo|87177/10/2.00 Gunga Din—Dialect Recitation (Kipling) Clifton Crawford|70028)12)1.25 es Din—Recitation (Kipling) Taylor raat 55057] 1211.50 Boots—Recitation (Kipling) Taylor Holmes :
GUNSTER, FREDERIC, Tenor Bonnie Sweet Bessie and All Through the Night (Boulton) Macdonough|16245|10| .75 Ich liebe dich (German) and Der Tannenbaum (German) Muench\16764|10| .75 {Gwins Back to Arkansaw (Golden-Hughes) Golden-Hughes
Servant Girls (GoldenHughes) Golden and Heche ee ees