Victor records (May 1912)

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_ VICTOR RECORDS {Society Bear, That (Berlin) Walter Van Brunt) Brass Band Ephraham Jones (GoodwinMeyer) Al Jolson{ Society Swing Two-Step (for Dancing) (Frantzen) Pryor’s Band\| _ Fascinator March, The (Scheid) Pryor’s Band{ JS5oftly and Tenderly (Thompson) Frederic Freemantel | \ Old Time Religion, The (Fillman) Haydn Quartet{ JSoftly Now the Light of Day (Gottschalk) Mr.-Mrs. Wheeler Beyond the Smiling and the Weeping (Stebbins) Peerless Quartet Soldiers’ Chorus—See “Faust” and “Trovatore” aeons Farewell (Kunkel) Haydn Quartet Robin Adair (Burns) Haydn Bae JSo Long, Mary (Cohan) Morgan and Haydn Quartet Golden Trumpets Schottische (Rollinson) Victor Dance aaa JSomebody Else (Drislane-Meyer) American Quartet| Emmaline Lee (McKenna-Gumble) Peerless Quartet{ JSomebody Lied (Lloyd) Eddie Morton \ He Falls for the Ladies Every Time (Lamb-Solman) Josie Sadlert JSomebody Loves You, Dear (Howley) Hindermeyer| Up in My Aeroplane (W oodward-Edwards) Haydn Quartet{ JSSomebody That I Know and You Know, Too Arthur Clough \ Would You Care (Harris) Byron G. pete !Some Day—Hymn_ (Gabriel) Anthony and Harrison \ Abide With Me (Lyte-Monk) Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler} {Some Day, Malinda (Fitzgibbon) Collins and Harlan \ Farmer and the Hogs, The Edwin Want JSome of These Days (Shelton-Brooks) American Quartet LA Rhinewine Rag (Henneberg) Pryor’s Band JSome Sweet Day, Bye and Bye Anthony and Harrison \ Near the Cross (Doane) Mr. and Mrs. Whaler JSome Time We’ll Understand (McGanahan) Trinity Choir| (Tell Mother I’ll Be There (Fillmore) Haydn Quartet{ Somewhere (Harris) Harry Tally and Quartet Somewhere in the World There’s a Little Girl For Me | (Bowers) Harry Macdonough and Haydn Quartet By the Light of the Honeymoon (Caldwell) Morgan and Stanley | Song Birds, Dance of—Bird Warbling (Richmond) Victor Orch Songe d’Automne (Dream of Autumn) (Joyce) Bohemian Orch {Songe d’Automne (Dream of Autumn) Bohemian See \ 7A Frangesa March (Costa) Pryor’s Band Song Medley, No. 1, “Snyder Successes” Victor Mixed Chorus “When You're in Town’’—“‘In the Land of Harmony ’’—‘* When I'm Alone I’m Lonesome ’’—“* Let Me Stay and Live in Dixieland ’’—‘“‘ Kiss Me’’—*‘ Alexander's Ragtime Band”’ Song Medley No. 2—“ Feist Favorites” Victor Mixed Chorus “I Don’t Care Whose Girl You Were, You're My Girl Now ’’—‘“‘In All My Dreams | Dream of You’’—‘‘ Honey Man"’—" Brass Band Ephraham Jones ’’—“* That Italian Serenade ’’—‘* That Dramatic Rag ”’ {Song of a Heart (Tunison) Percy Hemus | Village Blacksmith (Poem by Longfellow) Alan Turner Song of a Nightingale (The actual song of a captive bird) Song of Love—See Wheeler {Song of the English Chappie (Lilburn) Nat M. Wills) | \ Stop, Stop, Stop (Berlin) Elida Morris{' Song of the Sea (Ware) Pianoforte Charles Spross Song of the Shepherd Lehl (from Snegourotchka—“ The Snow Maiden”’) Jn English Alma Gluck Song of the Soul (From “The Climax”) (Locke-Breil) Dunlap {est of the Soul (From “The Climax”) (Breil) Violoncello Sorlin\| Sphinx Waltz (Popy) Victor Orchestraf | Number | Price peel 75 16952110) .75 16743|10, .75 16500 10 .75 16039|10 .75 16549 10) .75 16956 10 .75 16784)10, .75 16340|10| .75 1616110) .75 16506|10) .75 16489|10) .75 16834)10) .75 16688 10) .75 16414|10) .75 31548] 12) 1.00 35039) 12) 1.25 4648/10) .60 52022)10) .60 16760)10| .75 31848] 12) 1.00 31860 12 1.00 35010)12/1.25 64161/10)1.00 16687 10 .75 31840 10 1.00 64209 10 1.00 31810 12 1.00 16484 10 75 So —