Victor records (Nov 1916)

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Number VICTOR RECORDS ~ CHORUSES—Mixed Voices—Continued Songs of Ireland and Songs of Scotland (See “‘Medleys’’?) Victor Mixed Cho|\35513 Songs of Scotland (See ‘* Medley No. 23°’) Victor Mixed Cho|31869 Songs of Scotland and Songs of Ireland (See “‘Medleys’’) Victor Mixed Cho|35513 Songs of the Past No. | and No. 2. (See ““Medleys’?) Victor Mixed Chorus|35477 Songs of the Past No. 3 and No. 4 (See ““Medleys’’) Victor Mixed Chorus|35483 Songs of the Past No. 5 and No. 6 (See “‘Medleys’’) Victor Mixed Chorus|35492 Songs of the Past No. 7 and No. 8 (See ““Medleys”) Victor Mixed Chorus|35498 Songs of the Past—No.9 and No. ]0 (See ‘‘Medleys’’) Victor Mixed Chorus|35537 Songs of the Past—No. 11 and No. /2 (See ““Medleys’’) Victor Mixed Chorus|\35550 Songs of the Past—No. 13, Neapolitan Favorites and No. 14, Spanish Ballads (See “‘Medleys’’) Victor Mixed Chorus|35558 Songs of the Past—No. 15 and No. 16 (See ““Medleys’’) Victor Mixed Cho|35568 Songs of the Past—No. 17 and No. /8 (See ‘‘Medleys ’’) V. Mixed Cho\35578 WhileShepherds Watched and Jt Came Upon the Midnight Clear—V.. Oratorio Cho|35412 CHORUSES FROM OPERAS—For many records by La Scala Chorus of Milan, and also for many solos, duets, etc., with chorus, see various operas Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin Victor Opera Chorus|31846) 12) 1.00 Cavalleria Rusticana—Gli aranci, olezzano (Blossoms of Oranges) In Italian N. Y. Grand Opera Chorus|64048) 10/| 1.00 Faust—Deposons les armes_ I/n French N. Y. Grand Opera Chorus} 74214 12}1.50 Faust—Kermesse Scene In French N. Y. Grand Opera Chorus|74213)12]1.50 Faust—Trio from Prison Scene I/n English Victor Opera Trio|60097/10} .75 Flying Dutchman—Spinning Chorus—Victor Women’s Chorus and Lohengrin—Victor Opera Chorus|35494)|12]1.25 45051/10)1.00 | Siz | sk tt st et et et NLKRKK HKKKKLKL Wn Wma NRHDKDHK HMMM MMMNNLhY — et et et te ee Huguenots—Soldiers’ Chorus /nIJtalian and Magic Flute—O Isis—Metropolitan Opera Chorus Lohengrin—Bridal Chorus (Faithful and True) Jn English V. Opera Cho|31846|12|1.00 Lohengrin—Bridal Cho—V Op. Cho and Flying Dutchman—V. Women’s Cho|35494| 12} 1.25 Lucia—Sextette—Chi mifrena In Italian Victor Opera Sextette]70036|12/1.25 Magic Flute—O Isis und Isiris Jn German and Huguenots—Soldiers' Chorus—Metropolitan Opera Chorus|45051\10}1.00 Rigoletto Quartet—Bella figlia dell’ amore IJnItalian Victor Opera Quartet|70073}12/1.25 Rigoletto—Scorrendo unite remota via /n Italian N. Y. Grand Opera Chorus|64049} 10/ 1.00 Tannhauser—Pilgrims’ Cho English and Trovatore-Anvil Cho-V. Male Cho|17563)|10| .75 Trovatore—Anvil Cho English and Tannhduser—-Pilgrims’ Cho-V. Male Cho|17563)10| .75 Trovatore—Anvil Chorus I/n English Victor Male Chorus] 1258/10} .60 Trovatore—Squillo echeggi la tromba /n Italian N. Y. Grand Opera Cho]64050| 10} 1.00 {enor Arose—Easter Hymn (Lowry) ‘Hayden Spuarteht 16008|10! °.75 Beautiful Isle of Somewhere (Fearis) Harold Jarvis : CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNS (Church of Christ, Scientist) Day by Day the Manna Fell and In Thee, Oh Spirit—Percy Hemus|17428]10| .75 In Thee, Oh Spirit, True and Tender and Day by Day—Percy Hemus|17428)10| .75 Love’s Lullaby (Stetson) and Litile Gray Lamb (Recitation) Cheatham|55077)12|1.50 O’er Waiting Harp Strings of the Mind (Eddy-Root) George Hamlin|74200} 12/ 1.50 Saw Ye My Saviour (Eddy-Brackett) George Hamlin|64270| 101.00 Shepherd, Show Me How to Go (Eddy-Brackett) : George Hamlin|64295/10]1.00 ‘Christmas Carol, A (J.G. Holland) (2) Bible Reading—Luke 2 Humphrey || sog6|10| .75 It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Willis) (2) Hark! the Herald Angels Sing (3) Joy to the World Victor Orchestra Christmas Carol, A (Dickens) See “Scrooge” Christmas Day in the Workhouse _ (Sims) Robert Hilliard|70093) |2/1.25 Christmas Light, Behold (von der Mehden) Peerless rary: deagelizl| 38 { Ring Out, Wild Bells (Tennyson-Gounod) Percy Hemus ; Christmas Morning at Clancey’s—Irish Specialty Steve orien ieoseliol 75 { Clancey’s Wooden Wedding—Irish Song Steve Porter ; CHRISTMAS RECORDS—See above; also “‘Holy Night,”’ “Messiah,” **Noél,”’ “‘Stabat Mater’’ and the Victor German Catalogue Adeste Fideles (2) Lead Kindly Light and Nearer My God to Thee—Chimes|16053)10| .75 Adeste Fideles—with Chimes—Trinity Choir and Joy to the World—Choir|16996\10| .75 Adeste Fideles—Hayden Qt and Home Over There—Macdonough and Quartet|16197|10| .75 Adeste Fideles (with Chimes) In Latin McCormack with Male Chorus] 74436) |2/1.50 Babes in Toyland —The Toymaker’s Shop (Herbert) Victor Herbert’s Orch|}60080) 10} .75 Bible Reading—Luke 2 (2) A Christmas Carol—Humphrey and Jt Came Upon the Midnight Clear—Victor Orchestra} 18086) 10) .75 Birthday of a King—Chnistmas Song (Neidlinger) Lambert Murphy|60083)10} .75 Christmas Songs and Carols (See “‘Medley No. 3°") Victor Mixed Chorus/31873) 12) 1.00 First Nowell and Nazareth (Gounod) Lyric Quartet|17647\10| .75 Hallelujah Chorus (From “ Messiah*’) Victor Chorus and Sousa’s Band|31770 12/1.00 Hark! the Herald Angels Sing—Trinity Choir and Silent Night—Elsie Baker\17164 10) .75