Victor records (Nov 1916)

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Size VICTOR RECORDS Number DAVENPORT, EDGAR L., American Actor—Records by—See Da “*Lasca,” ‘Little Breeches” and ‘“‘ Sheridan’s Ride”’ (Pee Story Pauline Roter 35420|12|1.25 Life of Our Lord—Bible Story Pauline Potter j David Copperfield—See “‘ Battis ’’ DAVIDOW, Tenor—See “ Traviata’’ DAVIS, LILLIAN, Contralto—See “Hold Me in Your Loving Arms”’ ° uA . . ‘6 ” ? Day at West Point— Descriptive Mil. Piece (“Medley 82”) Pryor’s By 16021110! .75 { Artful Artie Two-Step (Pryor) Arthur Pryor’s Band. a by Day the Manna Fell (Christian Science Hymn) Hemus In Thee, Oh Spirit, True and Tender (Christian Science) Hemus Sees eae Day Dreams (Chauncey Olcott) Harry Macdonaeer} 35062| 1211.25 My Old Kentucky Home _ (Foster) Elsie Baker : Day Dreams, Visions of Bliss—See “ Spring Maid” ces is Done (Longfellow-Lohr) Baker and tae 35357|12|1.25 I Live and Love Thee (Campana) Elsie Baker-F. Wheeler. 3 ae is Ended _ (J. C. Bartlett) Harry Me 352481 1211.25 The Lord is My Light (Buck) Elsie Baker and Frederick W heeler ‘ DE ANGELIS, ANGELO, Soprano—See “ Ernani”’ and “ Trovatore ”’ (Dees March from “Saul” (Handel) | Pryor’s pene) feoscltoleys Marche Heroique (Saint-Saéns) Pryor's Band * joes Delightful Women (‘Balkan Princess ”’) Werrentelhe ase 16872\10| .75 Luxembourg Waltz (Lehar) Whistling Guido Gialdini c Dear Heart (Bingham-Mattei) Tenor George Hamlin|74140}12/1.50 eee Heart (Mattei) Violin-Flute-Harp Neapolitan at 3521011211.25 Fond Memories (Siisses Sehnen) Neapolitan Trio My j {peene (Kummer) Elsie pee 17189|10| .75 Oh, Promise Me (From ‘‘Robin Hood ’’) Alan Turner. 89 ; ieee Girl (Do You Miss Me?) (Whitney) Binder gre i 10| .73 That’s the Song of Songs for Me Harvey Hindermeyer te ; Dear Little Shamrock (Cherry) John McCormack|/64153)10!1.00 Dear Little Shamrock (Cherry) George Hamlin|64089}10}1.00 ace Lord and Father (Whittier-Maker) Mr.and Mrs. elite 75 Beautiful Isle of Somewhere (Pounds-Fearis) John Barnes Wells 16700/10) ae Love Days (Esrom-Morse) Camp pel Bunt ane tat 75 My Little Dream Girl (Gilbert-Friedland) Reed-HarrisonS|17789|! Dear Love, Remember Me _ (Marshall) John McCormack/|64318)10}1.00 eee Old Dreamy Honolulu Town (Regd-Lange) Peerless Qt 75 On Lake Champlain Sterling Trio 18101/10). Dear Old Fashioned Irish Songs My Mother Sang to Me (Bryan-Von Tilzer) Billy Murray-Irving Keufman| 18011|10| .75 Norah Acushla Will Oakland Co Old Girl (Buck-Morse) Macdonough and Hayden ae 75 On the Banks of the Wabash (Dresser) American Quartet 17397}10) ean, Old Yale (2) Eli Yale (Yale Songs) Hayden Qua 75 Men of Yale March Pryor’s Band. 16713)10/.. eer: Rose Marie (Havez-Barron) Peerless ae 75 Sing Me the Rosary (Lewis-Klickmann) Orpheus Quartet 17467)10) Death of Custer—Descriptive Fantasia (Wagner) Pryor’s B A descriptive American-Indian fantasy. Synopsis: Bugle calls in Custers camp—cavalry march to Sioux camp—the band plays national airs—the Indians respond with war-music—battle of Little Big Horn— 35028]12/1.25 death of Custer—Indians rejoicing—scalp dance—arrival of reinforcements—Custer's burial—shots, muffled drums and taps. My Maryland Fantasia Pryor's Band. Death of Nelson (John Braham) Evan Williams)74419) 121.50 De Brewer’s Big Hosses—Temperance Song (with Male Chorus) (Taylor-Herbert) Homer Redeheaver} 17455/10| .75 The Old-Fashioned Faith (McAuley-Ackley) | Homer Rodeheaver.