Victor records (Nov 1913)

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VICTOR RECORDS Number | = Price RECORDS BY FRIEDA HEMPEL Ernani—Ernani involami (Ernani, Fly With Me) ActI Jn /Jtalian Verdi|88383) 12 3.00 Huguenots—O, beau pays! (Fair Land of Touraine 1) In French Meyerbeer|88382) 12 3.00 La Villanelle (The Swallows) In French Eva Dell’ Acqua|88410) 123.00 Variations on an Air from “ Daughter of the Regiment"’ Flute obbligato 88404) 12 3.00 HEMUS, PERCY, Baritone | Danny Deever (KinlineDamrosch) and Pauper’s Drive—Hemus 35285) 12)1.25 Day by Day the Manna Fell _and aa Thee, Oh Spirit—Percy Hemus|17428}10) .75 Face to Face (Johnson) and How Firm a Foundation— Trinity Choir|16674)|10) .75 In Thee, Oh Spirit, True and Tender and Day by Day—Hemus|17428)|10) .75 Pauper’s Drive (Noel-Homer) and Danny Deever—Hemus|35285 12) lez Raven, The—Parts I and II Edgar Allan Poe/35316)12/1.25 Yield Not to Temptation and Nearer My God to Thee—W hitney Brothers Qt\16451\10| .75 HERBERT’S ORCHESTRA (Personally directed by Victor Herbert) This famous director was born in Dublin in 1859, and at ae the age of seven, was sent to Stuttgart as a student of the ‘cello. After some years’ study and a tour of Europe, he accepted the position of solo ‘cellist at the Metropolitan Operain 1886. The Metropolitan Orchestra soon became too small for so talented a musician, and after having been bandmaster of the TwentySecond Regiment Band, and Conductor of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Mr. Herbert organized in 1904 the Victor Herbert Orchestra, which has had a most successful ¢ career. All this time Mr. Herbert continued to compose operas, | writing more than twenty-five, including his first grand opera, “snore ware” Natoma, recently produced at the Metropolitan. Veccanr Victor Herbert is beyond doubt the most brilliant and magnetic leader among Americans in his profession, being as much at home in music of the classic masters as in his own graceful and appealing opera strains. RECORDS BY VICTOR HERBERT'S ORCHESTRA Africaine—Indian March (Marche Indienne) Meyerbeer|70068 1e25 Air for G String Johann Bach/70047 1225 Al Fresco—Intermezzo Victor Herbert|60086 75 Algeria, Rose of—Entrance of the Sultana Victor Herbert! 70056 le25 Angel's Serenade (Braga) and Largo from “‘Xerxes’’ (Handel) Herbert's Or 55040 1.50 Babes in Toyland—The Military Ball Victor Herbert|70091 1.25 Babes in Toyland—The Toymaker’s Shop Victor Herbert) 60080 75 Babette Sextette—There Once Was an Owl Victor Herbert|60088 75 Badinage Victor Herbert| 70053 lee Carmen Suite—No. |, Prelude and Aragonaise Bizet| 70066 1.25 Carmen Suite—No. 2, Intermezzo (1st Entr’acte) Bizet|60067 75 Carmen Suite—Nos. 3 and 4, Les Dragons d’Alcala and Toreador Song |70067 Casse Noisette—I. Danse Chinoise—2. Danse Miriltons—3. Danse Arabe|/45053 Cavalleria Rusticana—Intermezzo Mascagni|60074 75 Enchantress Selection Victor Herbert| 70090 1.25 Fledermaus, Die (The Bat) Strauss| 70082 1.25 Gioconda—Dance of the Hours Ponchielli|/ 70070 1.25 Kamennoi—Ostrow (Réve Angélique) Rubinstein|70077 1.25 Largo—from “‘Xerxes’’ (Handel) and Angel’s Serenade (Braga) V. Herbert's Or|55040 1.50 Liebestraum (A Dream of Love) Franz Liszt|70046 1.25 Little Nemo—They Were Irish Victor Herbert|60089 : i Fantasie Giacomo Puccini| 70055 1.25 March of the Toys (From “ Babes in Toyland’’) Victor Herbert|70048 1.25 Marche Slave ees Tschaikowsky|70050 125 Melody in F Anton Rubinstein|60051 75 Melody in F (Rubinstein) and Narcissus (Nevin) Victor Herbert’s Orchestra}45052 1.00 Mlle. Rosita—Intermezzo Victor Herbert}/60087 a7 5 Narcissus (Nevin) and Melody in F (Rubinstein) Victor Herbert’s Orchestra|}45052 1.00 Natoma—Dagger Dance, Acct Il Victor Herbert! 70049 125 Naughty Marietta Intermezzo f Victor Herbert) 70075 1.25 Panamericana—Morceau Characteristiqgue (Herbert arr.) Langey|70089 1.25 Prima Donna—Entr’ Acte Victor Herbert|70092 1.25 Rosary, The Ethelbert Nevin|60050 > Rose of Algeria—Entrance of the Sultana Victor Herbert! 70056 o> Spring Song Mendelssohn|60046 75 Tr&iume (Wagner) and Tristan and Isolde (Wagner) Victor Herbert’s Orchestra|\55041 Tristan andIsolde (Wagner) and Trdume (Wagner) Victor Herbert’s Orchestra\55041 Venetian Love Song—Canzone Amorosa Ethelbert Nevin|60056 Woodland Sketches—An Old Trysting Place—To a Wild Rose—MacDowell|60053 Yesterthoughts—Opus 37 Victor Herberti60054 “SI an