Visual Education (Jan 1923-Dec 1924)

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30 Visual Educatio PEN POINTS OF PROGRESS. A film .picturing the evolution of writing from the Stone Age to the present day. A trip through the Waterman fountain pen factory is shown. (d, Indiana Univ.) LITERATURE KIPLING'S MANDALAY. A psychological -interpretation of a picturesque people bringing out the strange lure ot the East. Many elephants are filmed in this picture. 2 reels, (d, Am. M. P. Corp.) ALICE ADAMS. Booth Tarkington's story picturing an American family in moderate circumstances. The daughter encourages her admirer to believe that she "belongs." A spoiled little brother embarrasses and humilates his sister. Finally at a dinner, the .young man finds that she has created a dream world. Her father fails in business, and she i. obliged to go to work, but the young man proves loval after all. 6 -eels, (d, Associated Exh.) THELMA. A visualization of Marie Corelli's novel. The scenes are laid in Norway and England. Thelma is a beautiful peasant girl who has be-en accused of being a witch. Lord Philip rides that way and falls in love with her. Later when she arrives in London as his bride, the Lady Clara with whom he has .. een trying to escape marriage, succeeds in separating them. They are happily reunited in Norway. 6 reels. (d, F. B. O.) JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. One of the "Great American Authors" series. These pictures of his life are brought out in picturing two of his poems, "The Courtin" and "The Fountain." The titles are direct quotation from the poems. (/>, Kineto ; d, Hodkin £011. ) NATURE STUDY AND OTHER SCIENCES TROUT. This pictures an exciting tussle with a full-grown trout in a small mountain stream. There are scenes taken at one of the California State fish hatcheries, tracing the life of a state-regulated trout from spawn to maturity. The "speckled beauties" are shown at close range and in nature's own colors. (f, Prizma; d, Co-op. Film Exch.) LIFE-HISTORY OF THE MONARCH BUTTERFLY. A delightful film, showing in minute detail every stage of the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly. The larva is seen feeding on the milkweed leaf and later spinning the silk pad from which the chrysalis is to hang. Shedding its skin, it passes into the puna stage. Within the thin walls of the chrysalis case we see the faint outlines of the developing butterfly. Finally the chrysalis bursts, a moist, tightly-folded creature staggers forth, dries its wings, and flutters away — a gorgeous Monarch butterfly. (p and d, Soc. for Visual Edu.) LUTHER BURBANK. A visit to his home and his gardens of wonderful plants and flowers. Mr. Burbank conducts us through the gardens and explains the different plants which he has improved. (d, Indiana Univ.) BIRDS OF PREY. This deals with the kestrel, sparrow hawk, buzzard, Asian 1ammergeier, Andean condor, American eagle and others. (p and d, Pathe.) PATHE REVIEW No. 124. This includes a number of views of interest to nature study students. The titles are: "Mr. and Mrs. Hungry Hippo," "Plants of the Air," and "Flowers of the Fall." (p and d, Pathe.) RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS TRUXTON KING. Truxton King, an American in Graustark scrapes up an acquaintance with the little prince of the realm, and meets the boy's charming aunt. During a revolution, the guardians of the young prince accuse him of being a spy and throw him in prison. He escapes and is instrumental in rescuing the aunt and saving the kingdom. The story is based upon George Barr McCutcheon's book. 6 reels, '(p and d, Fox.) JUST OUT OF COLLEGE. A young college athlete falls in love with the daughter of a millionaire pickle dealer. The father does not look with favor on the suit, and offers him $20,000 upon condition that he does not communicate with the daughter until he has doubled this amount. He, therefore, enters into competition with his prospective father-in-law, and wins out by demonstrating that it is cheaper to have him in the family. 5 reels. (/>, Lea Bel.) I DO. A Harold Lloyd comedy. A story of newlyweds who are suddenly left in charge of two very mischievous children. Llyod's dodging traffic with a baby carriage, his efforts to manage two children, and his prowling through the dark house after an imaginary burglar are hilariously funny. 2 reels, (p and d, Pathe.) THE DESTROYING ANGEL. This is based on the novel by Louis Joseph Vance. A young lawyer who is told he has only a short time to live, marries a lady in distrees. They part. He recovers, and years later falls in love with a famous actress who proves to be the mysterious woman he married. 6 reels, (d, Associated Exh.) ROLL ALONG. A Christie Comedy presenting darkies on the levee in their characteristic pranks. Some of the scenes are taken on several river steamboats when two "cullid" gentlemen race to win the same girl. 2 reels, (d, Edu. Film Exch.) THE HICK. Charles Ray as "Hick" Adams plays the part of a country youth attending college. He pays no attention to the little servant girl in his boarding house who does everything possible for his comfort until she is adopted by the college photographer and wins a beauty prize. Then "Hick" makes up for lost time, and the story ends happily. 5 reels, (d, World Edu.) RELIGIOUS AND INSPIRATIONAL THE BOY WANAMAKER. A characterization of the late Merchant Prince and great Sunday School scholar John Wanamaker in picture form. A dramatization of his early struggles, his interest in all things that make for progress in the church, the state, national and business fields. 2 reels, (d, Plymouth.) NATURE, THE PROVIDER. A reel of beautiful plains and fruitful valleys, (d, Am. M. P. Corp.) THE PURPLE DRESS. A story of love and self-sacrifice as told by O. Henry. The girl in the story wanted the purple dress, but one after another obvious duties intervened. When her longing was finally gratified — it was worth it all. (d, Com. M. P.) MEMORIES. Can we look back on a life well spent, and can we look ahead with faith and hope for whatever may await us? This is a story brought out in this color film based upon Whittier's "Still Sits the School House by the Road." (d, Com. M. P.) NOAH— THE Ei\jJ OF THE DELUGE. The Bible story of the building of the ark and the gathering in of the beasts and fowl. The departure from the ark after the flood and many other scenes depicting this epoch of Bible history. 2 reels. (d, Natl. NonTheat.) THE TOWN THAT FORGOT GOD. A little orphan boy becomes the property of the village. He is adopted by the town squire who mistreats him and kicks him about. He has one friend, a simple rustic who at one time loved his mother. A flood comes upon the town, and the orphan boy who has been taught faith in God prays for the forgiveness of those who have sinned. In the end the boy has become a successful business man. 8 reels. (p and d, Fox.) |lllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll||||||||||||li (MICHIGAN SERIES) 1 Motion pictures, designed and constructed by the Michigan State Department of Public § Instruction, illustrating the natural life of Michigan and the North Central States JVOI? READY B /** "PICKING THE PINES' 1 Reel 1 Reel A pictured description of the different members of the pine family in their natural settings. Entertaining and instructive. "A SONG OF THE WOODS" 1 Reel El Other reels of the MICHIGAN SERIES to be announced soon. 1 Reel The most beautiful story of the seasons ever told in tree language. The prettiest supplementary reel ever shown. Write or Wire for Bookings == HOMESTEAD FILMS | CHICAGO 732 S. Wabash Ave. ILLINOIS | illHIIIIIIMII Illllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^