W. C. Fields : his follies and fortunes (1949)

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W. C. Fields fields : Runs into money, hey, Sam? sam : Expenses are terrible just now. Worst I can remember. fields : Box office steady, I hope? sam: That is one thing. Business hasn't fallen off any, so's I can notice. Maybe Tuesday night. fields : Might even be building up a little, you suppose, Sam? sam {much more guardedly) : Tell you the truth, I haven't seen the figures. I been so worried about expenses I haven't had time. fields {concerned) : You ought to cut down your overhead, Sam. My four weeks are up tomorrow. I'd better go on back to Keith's. sam : Why, no, Bill. I said we might hold you over, and we'll do it. I'll take the slice out of my end. fields {emotionally affected) : You're a square shooter, Sam. But you can't help hard times. I'll go on back to Keith's. sam {in a slight change of voice) : I've got four hardware conventions coming in town in July. You know how they feel about juggling. fields: Recommend Oroso the Magnificent. You seen that wonderful new turn of his with one Indian club? The boy's coming along. sam {almost screaming) : Boy! That son of a bitch is a hundred and fifty years old. He couldn't catch a basketball with two extra hands. fields {with the far-off look) : Oroso the Magnificent. Working at present, I believe, through Finkleberg and O'Malley, 2750 Broadway. 120