Weekly television digest (Jan-Dec 1960)

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ALLOCATIONS— (ConUnaed) forecast, 1 :8 Fresno-Bakersfield deintermixture proposal, 7 :10, 13:4, 17:6, 19:6, 23:14, 26:8, 28:6, 29:7, 33:6, 34:9, 36:6, 36:6, 41:9, 60:10 multi-city identification, 7 :9, 13 :15, 14 :6, 19 :6, 20:16, 21:7, 23:14, 24:9, 31:16, 38:11, 43:6*10, 47:14 New Bedford Ch. 6 to Providence shift proposal, 1:7, 6:1, 6:2, 7:9, 22:6, 26:12, 27:12 Rochester 3rd vhf channel, 49 :1 site changes: 1:11, 7:10, 23:14, 27:12, 31:16, 32:8, 36:4*6, 48:8 spectrum space study, 3:6, 16:4, 18:11, 23:4, 26:12, 26:8, 27:6 Syracuse 3rd vhf channel, 2 :9, 49 :1 TASO on standby basis, 24:11 uhf : ETV channels assigned to Ala., 8 :8 ; reallocation of Ch. 37 to radio astronomy, 20 :16, 23:14; shift to all-uhf, 6:2, 43:4 Vail Mills, N.Y., Ch. 10 grant, 12:6, 21:7, 23:14, 26:12, 27:6, 29:6, 30:8, 33:4, 34:9, 46:6 vhf FCC drop-in proposal, 2:1, 4:1, 6:1, 6:2, 8:4, 14:12, 16:6, 17:4, 19:6, 20:16, 24:9, 26:12, 26:8, 27:12, 28:6, 34:2, 36:6, 89:6, 40:2, 41:1, 47:14; border, 43:2, 46:6, 46:4 AM (Standard) BROADCASTING (see also specific networks & Advertising) amateur licenses, 10 :17 Caro, Mich. CP initial decision, 32 :8 Census Bureau factory sales figures, 24 :18 clear channel FCC 1969 decision, 44:10 CBS Radio drops soap operas, 34:12 daytime hours legislation, 3:6, 7:9, 22:6 do-it-yourself transmitter kit, 16:11 “economic injury” FCC hearings, 1 :6 editorializing. 38 :11, 41 :6. 44 :10, 61 :9 EIA figures: factory sales, 3:16; production, 2:22, 6:19, 11:19, 16:17, 22:19, 26:17, 28:16, 32:13, 37:16, 38:17, 41:16, 46:17, 60:17; retail sales, 2:22, 4:18, 6:19, 11:19, 16:17, 22:19, 26:17, 28:16, 32:13, 37:16, 38:17, 41:16, 46:17, 60:17, 62:23 engineering, sloppy, rapped by FCC, 18:16 financial report. FCC AM-FM, 43:10 forecast, 1:18 Gila Bcstg. Co., 46 :8 House Un-American Activities Comm, probe radio operators, 27 :6, 34 ;6, 36 S6 hurricane Donna damages, 38 :11 International Scientific Radio Union, 36 :16 international station, 8 :14, 21 :7 NAB convention assembly, 16 :8 NAB poll of news directors, 28:10 NAB radio news coverage study, 23 :16 NARBA * Mexican agreements, 6 :7. 7 :9, 9 :6 Negro Radio Assn., 32 :10 networks business outlook optimistic, 4 :6, 26 :8, 39:9, 44:14 overcommercialization, FCC attitude, 30:1, 48:6 RAB: area sales clinics, 16:12; budget prediction. 21 :16 ; U.S. radio set count, 20 :18 Radio Free Europe, 14 :10 review of 1960, 62 :18 Samoan natives licenses legislation, 13 :16 ships radio equipment legislation, 19 :7 single sideband system, 26 :11 station totals, 4 :3, 27 :4 Texaco “custom-made network,” 46 :9 USIA foreign radio set survey, 20:16 WEOL Elyria, O., damage claims against “Lorain Journal’, 24 :10 WICO Salisbury, Md. explosion, 61 :9 Station Sales Arlington, Va., WARL, 25 :10 Atlanta. Ga., WAKE, 6:10, 38:11 Atlanta, Ga., WQXI, 26:10 Birmingham, Ala., WYDE, 6:10, 38:11 Charlotte, N.C., WIST, 31:16 Denver, Colo., KICK, 7:10; KIMN, 43:11, 61:8 Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., WWIL, 30:7 Hanford, Cal., KNGS, 16:14 Hollywood. Fla., WGMA, 3'5 :6 Houston, Tex., KTHT, 50:12 Jefferson City, Mo., KLIK, 32:10, 60:12 Long Beach. Cal.. KFOX, 39:11 Los Angeles, Cal., KLAC, 60:12 New York, WINS, 31:9; WMGM, 39:11, 42:10, 60:12 Pasadena. Cal., KWKW, 31:16 Philadelphia, Pa., WIP, 1 :11 Pocatello, Ida., KWIK, 25 :7 Sacramento, Cal., KGMS, 43 :11 ,o St. Louis, Mo., KATZ. 6 :12; KXOX, 36:4, 46:12; WEW, 43:11 San Antonio, Tex., KCOR, 49:12 San Francisco, KJBS, 1:11; KOBY, 30:7, 31:16 Wheeling, W,Va„ WWVA, 39:11 AMERICAN BROADCASTING COMPANY (ABC) "Adventures in Paradise”, 1:16, 6:17, 6:8, 21:13 affiliates board meeting, 37 :8, 38 :7 AB-PT Walt Disney suit, 2 :11 Disneyland Park stock sale, 28 :8 • financial reports, 14 :22, 17 :20, 21 :24, 40:19. 44:20, 49:22 Prairie Farmer Publishing Co. purchase. 30:19, 1:9 Bishop Pike’s series, 24 :13 Churchill series, 3:14, 19:16, 24:13, 28:10, 34:11, 44:14 Clark, Dick, 34:12 Crosby, Bing, 31 :11 Daly, John, 47 :3, 48:10 daytime sales, 61 :6 FCC’s 770-kc clear channel decision, 9 :5, 23 :14 film * tape subsidiary, 30:9, 37 :6, 46:12 foreign TV interests, 8 :9, 17 :8, 26 :8, 32 :9. 33 :9, 34:5, 39:9, 45:9, 60:4 Hagerty, James, 42:11, 47:3 hq. bldg, planned, 31 :12 “The Islanders,” 7 :17, 8 :10 KETV Omaha pre-empts convention, 29 :11 option time, 50 :2, 62 :6, See also FCC Oscarcast, 36 :6, 37 :8 “Peter Gunn”, 16:11 Presdential conventions coverage, 19 :16, 20 :13, 21:11, 26:13, 26:13, 29:6, 80:4, 81:6 press previews, 38 :10 programming cellomatic presentation ’60-’61 plans, 8 :9 extra daytime hour, 20 :13 live, 27:8, 28:9; 34:12 “narrative-on-needs” concept, 6 :4 1960-61 film plans. 2 :12, 3 :7 public service, 3:14, 6:9, 7:16, 8:11, 24:13, 27:11 quiz shows, 60 :13 schedule: changes, 4 :13 ; fall, 7 :14, 18:6 60-min, film strips, 9:12, 46:6 sports, 12 :10, 17 :8 violence, 6 :6 WABC-TV N,Y. film purchase. 31 :11, 42 :13 rate structure, 12 :11 “Road to Reality,” 46 :8 sales presentations : to ad agencies, 9 :9 ; to aflSliates, 16 :11 share-of -audience growth, 4 :6 “Silents Please”, 39 :13 Sinatra, Frank, 7:17, 20:13 Trendex nighttime reports, 6 :8, 20 :13 “The Untouchables,” 42 :14 ANTI-TRUST (See also Patents & Congress) CBS Inc. vs. Lou Poller, 46 :12 electrical equipment industry investigation, 8 :21 FTC-Beatrice Foods anti-merger case, 46 :13 ‘Kansas City Star’ vs. C. Siegfried, 52 :4 KTNT-TV Tacoma vs. CBS * KIRO-TV Seattle, 14:10, 22:3 RCA-NBC consent decree, 2:11. See NBC Sunday newspapers supplements, 29:12 WNDR Syracuse vs. S. I. Newhouse, 60 :11 APPLICATIONS & CPs FOR NEW TV STATIONS Initial Decisions Alpena, Mich., Ch. 9, 26 :9 Baton Rouge, La., Ch. 9, 7 :9, 26 :9 Biloxi, Miss., Ch. 13, 60:10 Charlotte Amalie, V. I„ Ch. 10, 19 :7 Christiansted, St. Croix, V. I., Ch. 8, 46 :12 Miami, Fla., Ch. 6, 38 :11 Moline, 111., Ch. 8, 18:14 Pocatello, Ida., Ch. 10, 20:16 Portland, Ore., Ch. 2, 2 :7 Terre Haute, Ind., Ch. 10, 17 :4, 18:16 Final Decisions Alpena, Mich., Ch. 9, 31 :16 Baton Rouge, La., Ch. 9, 31 :16 Beaumont, Tex., Ch. 6, 45 :6 Charlotte Amalie, V. I., Ch. 10, 27 :12 Eugene, Ore., Ch. 9, 31 :16 Pocatello, Ida., Ch. 10, 27:12 Court Decisions Onondaga-Lansing, Mich., Ch. 10, 26 :12 Toledo. Ohio, Ch. 11, 47:14 ASSOCIATIONS (not listed under other categories) Academy of TV Arts * Sciences, 1 :13, 16 :16 21:11, 23:16 & 16, 24 :13, 38:13, 40:7, 41 :12, 42:16, 44:10 American Bar Assn., 36 :7 American Women in Radio-TV, 19:16, 41:12 AP Radio & TV Assn., 9 :8, 39 :13 Assn, for Ed. in Journalism, 36 :2 Assn, of Federal Communications Consulting Engineers, 16:6, 20:16 Assn, of Max. Service Telecasters, 2:10, 23:14, 38:11, 43:11 Assn, for Professional Bcstg. Ed., 13 :6, 16 :9 Broadcast Pioneers, 13 :17, 16:6*10, 22 :15, 49:16 Broadcast Promotion Assn., 32:11, 46:12, 47:12 Child Study Assn, of America, 13 :12 Community Bestrs. Assn., 26 :16 Federal Communications Bar Assn., 2 :7, 10 :5, 16:6, 23:7, 24:9*11, 39:5, 43:14, 47:14 Fla. Assn, of Bestrs., 39:13 General Federation of Women’s Clubs, 26:11 Moral Re-Armament, 24 :6 National Electronic Distributors Assn., 21 :33 Radio & TV Correspondents Assn., 6 :18 Radio & TV Exec. Society, 2:12, 3:6, 22:16, 40:7, 42:9, 47:10, 48:8, 49:12 Radio-TV News Dirs. Assn., 3:14 SMPTE, 12:13, 16:13, 19:12*21, 27:20, 33:8, 38:16, 39:13, 40:9, 48:10 Washington State Assn, of Bestrs., 22:16 BACKGROUND Advertising’s Organizations— Their Various Functions, 49:14, 60:13 Bestg’s Organizations — Their Various Functions, 28:4*20,31:9 Foreign Market for Telefilms, 22 :8 Pay-TV Systems — Where They Stand, 29 :10 BOOSTERS & TRANSLATORS Allied Electronics, Yakima, operating without authority, 20:16 call sign transmitting rules, 40:13 Electronics, Missiles & Communications Inc., 46:20 ETV translators proposed, 32 :3 forecast, 1 :4 Industrial Television, 60 :9 uhf boosters authorized by FCC, 22 :6, 42 :7 ; protests, 39 :20 vhf applications, 36:16, 37:3, 89:20, 42:7, 43:6 Claremont, N.H. booster authorized, 47 :8 FCC proposed rules, 1:7, 2:9, 3:4, 6:14, 6:12, 14:12, 17:13, 18:4, 20:16, 21:8, 23:10, 26:7, 27:4, 28:8, 31:2, 32:3, 33:8, 34:9, 37:2 House bUls, 8:3, 11:13, 13:16, 23:9, 24:2, 26:4, 26:1, 27:4 illegal booster in N.H., 19 :16, 21 :8 protests, 60:10 CLOSED-CIRCUIT “MEETING” TV business meetings, 9:12, 42:7, 61:9 Eidophor Inc., 31 :6, 32 :8 forecast, 1 :4 GE projection system. 23 :16, 27 :20 Giant View TV boxing bout, 18:10 Republican convention, 26 :7, 29 :6 review of 1960, 62 :13 TelePrompTer seeks permanent network, 31 :8 COLOR black & white system, 16 :10 Canada rejects, 40:11, 42:21 forecast, 1:17 Hughes camera, 46 :8. 60 :11 Japan: adopts NTSC system, 6:24, 24:16; set exports, 10:18, 12:21, 13:21, 14:20, 16:13, 19:21; home consumption, 36:14; summary 40:17 Land system, 1 :20, 4 :17 Lawrence tube, 1 :20 Pulse survey, 6th mostwanted item, 36:14 RCA’s plans, 23 :20 receiver market survey, 14 :8 review of 1960, 52:18 TV set sales prediction, 31 :20 COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM (see also CBS Inc. under Mfrs.) affiliates : longer daytime break^ 18 :6 ; TV Washington conf., 10:2 auto industry salute, 41 :12 average-audience levels leader, 6:13 Bendix, Bill, 28 :12 Benny, Jack, 47:16, 49:16 “Biography of a Missile”, 11 :16 camera equipment theft, 18 :6 “Candid Camera”, 38 :12 canned laughter, 7 :16, 13 :9 “Checkmate,” 42:16 commercial “guide lines”, 11 :14, 12 :11 computer-written Western. 38 :12 damage suit by A1 Capone’s sister, 1 :9 editorials, on-air, 3:3, 12:11, 13:16, 37:10 “Father Knows Best”, 10 :13, 14 :16, 22 :11 foreign TV interests, 24 :7, 28 :9, 40 :7 Foundation fellowships, 2 :16 ; grants, 51 :11 “GE Theater”, 30 :7 Gleason, Jackie, 28:10 “Gunsmoke”, 1 :16 “Have Gun, Will Travel,” 51 :10 hq. site move, 31 :12 Hutton, Betty, 6 :9. 21 :13 “Inside WCAU-TV”, 23 :16 “Lippmann on Leadership”, 31:11 “The Many Lives of Dobie Gillis”, 12 :13 “Mr. Lucky”, 6:17, 14:14 Moscow News Bureau, 9 :9, 11 :11 Murrow, Edward R., 41:12 news dept, shakeup, 32 :8, 36 :9, 60 :6, 61 :6 Olympics. 9:9, 10:14, 12:12, 17:11 option time, 60 :2, 52 :6. See also FCC “Other Hats in The Ring”, 43:12 Paramount production agreement, 13 :10 “Perry Mason”, 12:13, 36:7, 39:6, 60:7 plugola, 1:9*13, 2:13 Presidential conventions coverage, 13:10, 18:6, 19:16, 21:11, 23:16, 26:13, 29:6, 30:4, 31:6 “The Prisoner of Zenda”, 47 :6 programming cultural projects, 16 :11 ‘Herald 'Tribune’ editorial, 1 :9 Japanese crisis, 26 :12 live, 27 :3 mid-season changes, 28 :11 program-practice standards, 14 :10 public service, 3 :14, 6 :9, 8 :11, 27 :11, 61 :10 schedule : changes, 4:18; fall, 7 :14, 11 :15, 18 :6 violence. 6 :6 ratings, 12 :11, 21 :9 2