Weekly television digest (Jan-Dec 1963)

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6-TELEVISION DIGEST OCTOBER 21, 1963 Personals Hulbert Taft Jr. , pres. & chmn. , Taft Bcstg. , named chmn. & chief exec, officer; Lawrence H. Rogers II, exec, vp, elected pres. ; John L. McClay elected vp in charge of operations; David Ingalls named vice chmn. Wendell C. Morrison, asst, to chief defense engineer, RCA, promoted to Broadcast & Communications Products Div. chief engineer. George H, New! promoted to ABC sports & special program sales dir. , succeeded as asst, daytime sales mgr. by Warren Boorom, ex-Metromedia vp. . . Peter Molnar, ex-CBS Sports, appointed NBC Sports exec, producer. Gilbert Seldes, ex-dean, U. of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School of Communications, appointed NET program consultant. . . Robert E. Thomas, associate dir. of development, ETV WNDT N. Y. , promoted to asst, to pres. Clyde R. Spltzner, ex -WEIL Philadelphia radio sales & programs dir. , named to new post of gen. sales mgr. of Triangle Publications’ R-TV Div. (program syndicator). Deane R. White, assoc, research lab dir. , du Pont Photo Products Dept. , & Joseph T. Dougherty, du Pont technical representative, re-elected SMPTE engineering vp & financial vp, respectively. George Skinner, ex-Katz Agency programming services dir. , appointed station mgr. , radio WNBC N. Y. . . RlchardH. Riggs, ex-asst. mgr., WIMA-TV-AM Lima, O., named sales mgr. , WJIM-TV Lansing. . . Erwin Bernstein, ex-General Precision, appointed marketing dir. for color Eidophor, TNT Electronics. Dick Trembath, managing editor, KYW-TV Cleveland, promoted to news dir. , succeeding Pat Trese, who joins Huntley-Brinkle'y staff; Mark Landsman succeeds Trembath. Bernard Ruttenberg promoted from staff to asst, to public relations vp Phil Cowan, Metropolitan Bcstg. TV. Obituary J. Frank Beatty, 62, senior editor of "Broadcasting" and one of its first employes, died Oct. 14 of cancer at home in Bethesda. He joined publication in 1934 as managing editor after working for several Pa. newspapers & for "U. S. Daily" & "U. S. News" in Washington. He is survived by wife, daughter. Study of children's viewing, 14th annual under direction of Northwestern U. Prof. Paul Witty, is published in Oct. "Elementary English," 3203 N. Downer Ave. , Milwaukee. Researchers found volume of viewing holding at about 21 hours weekly, urge teachers & parents to push for better programs, help children "to choose and evaluate TV programs with discernment." Forum on "The Negro In Television" will be presented by National Academy of TV Arts & Sciences at N. Y. 's Americana Hotel Oct. 28, David Susskind host. Panelists include author James Baldwin & AAAA Pres. John Crichton. Senate Commerce Committee has set Nov. 5 for •hearings on nominations of FTC Comr. Philip Elman for re-appointment to full term & Justice Dept, attorney John R. Reilly for appointment to commission. Television Digest PUBLISHED BY TELEVISION DIGEST, INC. HEADQUARTERS: 2025 Eye St., N.W., Wa»hington, D.C. 20006 Phone: 965-1985. TWX: 202-965-0979 EDITORIAL ALBERT WARREN, Editor & Publisher JONAH GITLITZ, Managing Editor, Television Digest PAUL STONE, Editorial Director, Television Factbook BUSINESS EDWARD M. KELLY, General Manager RUDOLPH SAPPER, Circulation Manager NEW YORK OFFICE 580 Fifth Ave. New York 36, N. Y. Circle 6-2215 TWX: 212-640-6938 DAVID LACHENBRUCH, Editorial Director PHILADELPHIA OFFICE 1 1 1 Beverly Rd. Overbrook Hills Philadelphia 51, Pa. Midway 2-641 1 HAROLD RUSTEN, Associate Editor GE's first 4-vldlcon color film camera system has been shipped to WSM-TV Nashville, which ordered it when it was first displayed at last spring's NAB convention (Vol. 3:14 p3). Eleven more will be shipped this fall & early winter, according to Visual Comimmication Products Mgr. Harry E. Smith, who said GE still has . capacity for winter delivery of 4-V cameras ordered now, These stations are due to receive the new cameras next: KMSP-TV Minneapolis-St. Paul; WAST Albany; WJXT Jacksonville; WGEM-TV Quincy, Ell.; WRGB Schenectady; WRAL-TV Raleigh; WESH-TV Daytona Beach; WFIL-TV Philadelphia; WNBF-TV Binghamton; WAGATV Atlanta; WWJ-TV Detroit. Collins Radio expands broadcast equipment c^raticHis, continuing present lines and research & ctevelc^ment in Cedar Rapids but forming new Broadcast Communications Div. in Dallas. A. Prose Walker is promoted to Div. dir., Thiel Sharpe to asst. dir. & sales mgr. , Carl RoUert continuing as product line mgr. Spokesman said Collins is "stepping up its whole broadcast activity. " "Some sort of record" for single station is claimed by WFBM-TV Indianapolis in assigning 50 staff members last weekend to work on 2 network originations and a local special. Occasion was coverage of Butler U. "Clowes Hall for the Performing Arts." Coverage was scheduled for NBC's "Today,” CBS’s "Lee PhiHip Show"— and station's own presentation of dedicatory program featuring Maurice Evans, et al. Sale of KTVU San Francisco -Oakland to Cox Stations for $12. 36 million has been approved by FCC. Station had been on short-term license on grounds its performance hadn't matched promise. Commission concluded that' recent performance met promise. "GE Stereo Drama," presented in FM stereo on QXR Network, wiU return 9-10 p.m. Oct. 31 with "The Pleasure of His Company," featuring Walter Abel, Cyril Ritchard & Cornelia Otis Skinner, as first of series. Cobbler's kids dept.: Guess which groups are slowest & sloppiest about supplying information for their free listings in our "Television Factbook"? Public relations firms & advertising agencies, naturally.